State Joined

It is observed at this moment that geography takes a new route, therefore already has a small envolvement with the society, this sample that the geographic knowledge folloies the development of the societies. This is an important moment, therefore in if treating to modern age it is a considerable advance for the humanity, who until then was, of certain form, to the edge of the geographic studies. In age contemporary, geography appeared as branch independent of sciences and passed to explain phenomena physical regional, however very compromised with position politics of its founders, German Ratzel, (1994) whose ideology inspired to the construction of a colonial empire for Germany and the Frenchman lise Reclus, (1994) with an ideology imbuda for libertarian and anarchic theories militant, condemned the expansion of the settling process defended for German geography. In this context a geography compromised to ideas directed toward the satisfaction of groups that of certain form they intended to take possetion itself of the natural resources for its proper economic growth and had used geography as cloth of deep for its projects, therefore in the truth is had the imperialism at that moment determined that interest, something that still today is used for the search of economic profits for groups that dominate definitive regions the decades final of century XIX mark the ticket of the capitalism to its phase superior: the imperialism. the birth of the imperialism will be expressed, in the plan of the international politics as intense division of fight between them you harness imperialistas for the division of the continents in zones of influences.

(MOREIRA, 1994 P. 7) In the period postwar period new conceptions of geography had been defined, becoming it a space mathematics on behalf of the technological development and of the politics of planning of the State. In this period the world lived the call Cold War that it initiated with the end of the Second War world-wide, where the two you harness winners of the same one (United States and the Union of the Soviet Republics Socialist) had divided the world between the system Capitalista and Socialista.A geography for being an accurate science that enclose the social areas, natural, human beings and was used for these powers with intention to search to implement formulas of expansion of its ideologies, was what it happened with the State Joined with the space race in the decade of 1960 and with the Union of the Socialist Republics Soviet that they had searched to implement its military technology absorbing man power come back toward geography.


In its interior, the national currencies, would be substituted by a communitarian, emitted and controlled verge for a central banking supranational. With this, the exchange fluctuations would disappear that continue to individualizar the national economies of a common market. The borders politics would lose and any meaning all economic. (MAGNOLI, 1997, P. 46).

The idea of the Economic and monetary Union consists of eliminating the last impediment for the full functioning of the common market, hindering the governments to favor the national companies through the manipulation of the taxes of interests, that influence the exchange taxes directly. The ATTEMPTS OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION IN LATIN AMERICA the first attempt of Latin American integration if must to the effort of Simn Bolivar. This descendant of Spaniard of Caracas desired a Latin America joined and exempts. However the diversity of situations and the game of interests had cut into pieces it in some countries. When Bolivar convoked the Congress of Panama, in 1826, already he was worried about the deep foreign influence, over all of England and the United States, in Latin America. Made it difficult or exactly hindered for the main American nations, Bolivar attended disappointed and impotent to empty its project of South American integration.

In the following decades to the Congress of Panama, unfruitful nationalistic movements had occurred. The borders had started to move themselves not in the direction of the integration, but yes of the interests of domination of the countries most powerful. Innumerable wars, sponsored for distant interests, had provoked bigger distanciamentos between the Latin American countries. Thus &#039 can be perceived that; ' since this time the unit of America configured a problem of geopolitical and economic order. The integration projects had become subjects of the external diplomacy of the States soberanos' '. (MAGNOLI and ARAJO, 1998, P. 17). With the sprouting of the European Common Market, in 1950, Latin America if to see in the necessity to search ways for the concretion of the economic integration in the region.

Power Of Goals

In the book the Secret of the Power of Metas de Andrew Corentt says to us that it will be difficult to obtain a goal if we do not have a defined good plan, in this material will see all the requirements for the development of his goals, you you will be able to use until a success dictionary that will thus allow effectiveness him in everything what you do, also in the form suitable to think, you will learn the suitable form to control a many things and to make the activities propitious from where you are, with the appropriate techniques you will avoid to look for reasons not to begin its project arguing that does not have conditions. Its project must be based on the energy of the deep desire, in which you feel that you die if does not obtain what it has seted out, anybody can declare to him but what is that fanaticism? I assure to him that it is the unique difference between the success and the failure, although if you work in structured form and with little effort always she reaches some level of profit, but it can take too much time to him and it is to suppose that you want to undergo his desires more soon than she can. To be triumphant in the life you must support his desires with continuous actions, as the Secret of the Power of the Goals shows Andrew to us Corentt in the book must resort to the processes adapted for the formulation of goals and thus to untie its slept internal power, you you are a powerful being who creates constantly its universe and will be able to discover that power, the creative capacity there it is and it will always be, the challenge is to bring to his conscious mind that power in order to use it according to his desires, with the suitable instructions without a doubt will obtain that it. .

New World

Evaluation: Production of the text and participation in the debate. The construction of the plan of lesson from the texts of Ruy Moreira and Karl Marx. Leaving of practical the space ones of the parents of the pupils and the pupils, passing for different practical space of the Wind clips of Change and Welcome you the Jungle and arriving at a notion of New World-wide Order. Kindle Direct Publishing follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. We opt to leaving of the knowledge of the parents of the pupils on the Cold War, through one interview, I look with it and to extract practical the space ones of them, that in it will show to a vision or a concept to them of cold war e, over all, if this conflict and the end of this conflict impactaram in the life of them and as they had observed this ticket of ' ' orders mundiais' '. It is understood for practical space the relation that if of, however, surpasses the relation man-half (as it suggests Moreira), consists from the perception, of the empirical knowledge, the practical one, the knowledge, of the exercise, daily, weekly, annual; that it discloses to know, geographic and not geographic feelings, directions etc. the practical idea of space well is worked by Moreira, that uses practical the space one, space knowing and the geographic science, triad that we will try to work in this small project of lesson. Check out Vladislav Doronin miami for additional information. Moreira announces the relation man-space as with priority relation of analysis of the geography, that must use practical the space one as its estruturante nexus and starting point, old and complex objective of geographic science. Destarte, Moreira affirms that: ' ' The space as accomplishment and condition of existence and reproduction stopped seminally in the metabolic scope of the relation man-half. (…) Its form dialectic. A related site: Richard Linklater mentions similar findings. It has a dialectic of the contrary intrinsic to the proper essence of the relation man-half, the fight for the survival of the man-be-natural one, that it pulls inside for of itself the space organization and if transforms same itself into relation man-espao.' ' (2009) As already said, the starting point of our plan of lesson is practical the space one of the parents of the pupils, who at as the moment will be systemize in the classroom, collated with the content of the didactic book and with practical the space ones of the pupils, who had not possibly lived this moment, but, possesss practical space derivatives of the pertaining to school knowledge and other half ones as films, sets of documents, among others half.

Attractive Site

A defined style Beyond the fact to develop a different, attractive and functional proposal graphic, we must of to try to establish a coherence between the different used elements of the design, as they are it: the trowel of colors, the volumetry, the resistances, the type of support resources, etc. Each one of the elements must own the same graphic conceptual intention and solides. A design with personality has the same quality level in its photographies, their icons, bellboys, etc. Some contend that David G. DeWalt shows great expertise in this. The key word is here graphic coherence . Typesetter consistency and legibility A Web with typesetter consistency and good legibility is an pleasant site that projects much professionalism. It is for that reason that we must plan the typography of our design and try to give a consistency to its use, many sites successfully manage to base their identity on the typography which they use, by the care whereupon they design its presentation.

The legibility of the contents within a site, besides being something fundamental for the accessibility of the same is an important element of the personality of the same, is for that reason that the form and style that we give him will have a fort impact in the experience of visit of the user. Menu of an effective and outstanding navigation Many do not know the impact of the design in the menu they only see and it like a distinctive element for navigation. The menu is possibly the area that greater amount of click receives within our site and, it represents the datum point of the navigation of the users, is for that reason who a good design, attractive, outstanding and functional, will greatly contribute to give to our site that touch of distinction and professionalism that interests to show to us. Attractive and consistent icons The design modern Web leans much in the iconography, since it is an element that allows upon presentment to give him to order i vistosidad of our contents.

The Headings

This in fact has to do with the point and it talks about to that the possibility that exists its project will be realised by a student (university), apprentice or similar who are using his project to learn or to practice acquired knowledge of design Web. I must indicate, this does not have anything of bad if it allows it to the project and the client is consenting of which it is not a company the one that she is contracting. In short, always they remember that: Cheap usualmente” it leaves expensive. 2. Connect with other leaders such as Campbell Soup Company here. It does not have portfolio of projects The portfolio of projects is the best test than it can have a client to judge the quality of work of a design company Web. Without a portfolio of projects at the hand to see, it could be trying to make a decision completely without information.

A portfolio of projects not only serves to measure the graphical funcionabilidad and quality level that a company can print to him to its project, but also it is a trustworthiness sample and responsibility, that is to say, if a company has a populated portfolio or means that something must be doing or (and I do not want to think that only he is because it receives ridiculously cheap, jejeje). On the other hand the amount is not the unique factor to take into account, also is the variety. A design company Web with a portfolio varied as far as the types of realised projects and the headings to which their clients dedicate themselves can be synonymous of experience and versatility. It can be that one crazy person and innovator project that he has in mind absolutely are not known perhaps or new for this company and its project even sees beneficiary of this level of experience.

Questions Percentage

MATERIAL AND METHOD Were interviewed (attached 1), in the month of July of 2010, 17 participant women of the project + Health, with etria band of 40 the 82 years, divided in two groups, being one of 9 women of half age (G1), with 40 the 59 years, and the other of 8 women with age of 60 the 82 years (G2), all practitioners more than have one year of dance lessons, hidroginstica and musculao. In the period of January of 2010, they had been implanted in the project + Health lessons of allonge with the duration of 50 minutes, that is, none of them until then had received lessons from allonge. One searched then by means of the results of the questionnaire, to verify if such implantation reed-echo of positive form in the activities of the daily life, and in practical of the other physical exercises the one that these women participate. Richard Linklater brings even more insight to the discussion. RESULTS AND QUARREL the results had been grouped in tables, separating the groups as described above. Table 1 – Percentage of referring answers to the two searched groups. Questions Percentage G1 Yes 100% Not 0% G2 Yes 100% Not 0% Question 2 G1 Dana 90% Hidroginstica 70% Vlei 23% Musculao 60% G2 Dana 90% Hidroginstica 63% Vlei 25% Musculao 75% Question 3 G1 Allonge 100% Dana 90% Hidroginstica 60% Musculao 45% G2 Allonge 100% Dana 90% Hidroginstica 25% Musculao 50% Question 4 G1 Melhora in agility 34% Easiness in practising activities 12% Melhora in movements 23% Easiness to seat and to raise 23% Melhora in pedalar 12% G2 Melhora in walking of high jump 13% Melhora in pedalar 13% Ficaram made use 13% Melhora in lowering more and raising body 25% Easiness in buttoning sandals, closing door 25% Welfare 13% 5 Question G1 Confidence from fear of injuries 12% In the modality of Dance 23% In the modality of Musculao 23% In the modality of hidroginstica 12% In all modalities 34% G2 Conseguem to raise shoulder 13% Disseram to feel total improvement 38% Sentiam pains in the musculao and do not feel more 13% In the dance had finished difficulties of movements 38% Question 6 G1 Cimbras Melhoraram 12% Pains in the coasts does not feel more 23% In the body in general does not feel more 23% Pains in the shoulder does not feel more 12% Pains in the lumbar Column Feels if 34% G2 well better As in the column (lumbar) It diminished pain 38% Shoulders does not feel more pain 13% In the body in general does not feel more 25% Activities of day-by-day does not feel more pain 25% Question 7 G1 Relaxation 100% G2 Much more 38% Quality of sleep 50% the Slightness 13% For what if it can observe in question 1, both the groups frequent the project + Health has one year in 100% more than.

Pablo Freire

One of the tasks of the school for Pablo Freire (1996: 123) as center of systematic production of knowledge are to critically work the ineligibility of the things and the facts and its communicability. It is essential, therefore that the school constantly instigates the curiosity of educating instead of ' ' amaci-la' '. The professor who fights for a igualitria society, must have the school as place of quarrel and diffusion of this process, see its pupil as partner and citizen of right to the knowledge of the factors that they imply directly in its way of life and perceives itself subject of its proper history of life. The education is especificidade human being, as an act of intervention in the world, that inhales the radical changes in the society, in the field of the economy, the right of the work, the relations human beings, of the property, to the land, to the education, to the health. (FREIRE, 1996:109) the teaching work does not restrict the classroom, thus as the contents few serve if these will not be for deciding or understanding challenges of the daily one of the pupil. For Libneo (1991) the assimilation of knowledge and abilities and developments of the decurrent mental capacities of the education process do not have same values in itself, but they aim at to instrumentalizar the pupils as active and participant agents of the social life. The professor is an agent of transformation of the society, if thus to desire, therefore he has the advantage to be in a privileged place to the social quarrels, and to make possible its pupils a partnership in the construction of a less different society. Although not to cite the diverse existing difficulties in the day the day of the educator, as: indiscipline of the pupils, remuneration low, lack of social recognition, lack of physical structure, does not mean that we do not recognize them.

Games Mother

' ' Bruno' ' he was born of cesariana childbirth, he was suckled per seven days, with 20 days already he raised the head, he did not have cooled grippes or, he started to engatinhar with six months and the mother tells that the rrand-boy used to help in the evolution, therefore the same already started if to raise, it walked with eleven months, started to mumble with ten months. With three years it started to mount and to disassemble toys, to cut with shears, but until today makes with difficulty, not mooring cable the cadaros and nor if it dresses alone. First garatujas had been made to the four years, the mother tells that the son likes the school he considers and it good. Since that the child was born, the mother all dedicates its time to the son, folloies its evolutions day-by-day, she is participativa and she always looks for to learn each day to be prepared to satisfy the yearnings and necessities that its son needs. In the pertaining to school ingression of ' ' Bruno' ' its mother went the classroom frequent and was despaired, first because she saw that its son was not corresponding to the teachings of the teacher and another one because he did not accept the neurological problem of the same.

Some time later in colloquies with specialists it only looked aid. Being thus, for the accomplishment of the present study the following instruments had been used: _ Comment of the pupil in the classroom _ Amamnese with the mother _ Games The pupil INFORMS PSICOPEDAGGICO studied, it was born in 03 of April of 2009, was evaluated with six years of age, when it frequented the alfabetizao. The teacher seeing that the behavior of the pupil was a little different, therefore the same presented difficulties in the learning, was agitated, aggressive and she did not have limits, decided to communicate the family indicating an evaluation with specialists.

The Situation

The indignation if made: – But as this it is possible! The young remained been silent. Mr. still infuriated and without understanding again interpellated with certain arrogance and air of conviction: – For that! With the intention of finally the so enfadonho dialogue, the young left itself exactly, located itself, looked at Mr. and said: – Because I do not have obligation. Not necessary to believe where he wants that he is, God, Devil or what he will be, in absolutely nothing. I do not believe nothing and still thus I obtain to live.

After if recouping of the light agitation of the spirits, the young turned itself toward itself exactly and to lose its look in the horizon. Levi’s follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. You he was in fact irritated and extremely incredulous in the situation that it lived deeply, and with this same irritation the such Sir pronounced: – Here it is a mpio, an infidel, heretic, who does not believe God and nor its word. You have to burn in the hell for you pronounced so great blasphemy, God you have to punish you, you you will be judged. The young seemed nor to hear Mr. to praguejar, remains inert and with the look compenetrado in the nothing. The poor gentleman to if giving account of this followed its way, still a little infuriated. But it needs to calm itself, and if he calmed, therefore he would have to continue to spread the Word for there, to propagate evangelho and the teachings, to who of any empecilho or infidel, the important age to fulfill its mission. In its way, until if losing in the horizon, the perseverante gentleman still gave with sets of ten of people, showing to them it Word and the Truth, finding still for the half way dozen of infidels, mpios, which stood out and continued its way.

The Pupils

In the hermeneutic model, definition of the study object has left in such a way of a proposal happened of the teaching behavior of the professor as of the activities developed for the pupils, leading the peculiarity of the context in consideration. This affirmation if clarifies when SACRISTN & GMEZ (1985) declare that: ' ' the meanings, the reasons and the intentions of the individuals are not observed directly and nor are susceptible of mathematical quantifications and analyses, but if they interpret and if compreendem.' ' (grifo ours). Leaving of this argument, one believes that already it has the possibility to analyze that this me – delo if differentiates clearly of the previous one. However, so that this is more elucidated still, it takes the following affirmation of SACRISTN & GMEZ (1985): ' ' there to understand to cualquier accin human being y el resultant social world, requiere to take care of intencionalidad, y el meant interpretacin sibjetiva del that actua … supone un type of cargado conocimiento of ambigidad, relatividad situacional y un to carcter sustancialmente provisional …, en conventional and historical part (p.91) ' '.

This affirmation can in such a way approach this model of education to the construction of the knowledge and the reality in the classroom through the subjective reading of the same ones for the professor how much for the pupils, since whom it has one practical metodologicamente dialgica one, as it considers MORETTO (2002). Therefore, leaving of this line of reasoning, it can be thought that such practical has the intention to stimulate the pupils to think and to question on the way where they act. In accordance with what it was placed in guideline in this instant, this model of education if fits as more atinente for the education of the last days. for one better complementation of this argument has that if to stand out that for the reach of the success of this practical it is necessary that if is intent to the plurality of methods for the understanding of the reality that are based qualitative techniques of teach-learning that they will be in focus in the third chapter of the text in proposal. Some contend that Vladislav Doronin miami shows great expertise in this.

The Tibetan

The girl began to cry from joy, not yet quite believe it. For even more analysis, hear from Richard Linklater. – At me was … unpleasant to look at the streets people showed finger at me. Nearly went mad on the attitude of other people. A healer told me, ‘Everything will be fine’ – and I do not doubt it. Looking ahead, I want to say that when Vic came to the hospital perfectly healthy, which periodically laid, the doctors were amazed: completed all terms of remission, but all the tests without taking the medication were perfect. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Levi’s. Later, Vick went Pankova married a year later called and said that despite the harsh verdict of the doctors that it is impossible to have a child because of her illness, she recovered, gave birth and the baby is healthy! “features of the Tibetan-Indian techniques lies in the fact that the patient is transferred healing power, which increases the body’s immunity.

But when the immunity, disease, even if they were 10-20 years old, begin to leave. The most severe forms of disease are gradually beginning disappear as the body returns to its natural force of nature … The Tibetan-Indian method of healing not only one disease, as a result of treatment increases the body’s immunity and people are gradually getting rid of various diseases, fatigue, depression, poor emotional state, and rejuvenated! Now scientists in various countries: Europe, USA, South America begin to explore the phenomenon of the method and unique opportunities for people who are its bearers. Teaching ascertain the complete disappearance of cancer after use of this method of treatment. In many countries this is called the “miracle of the new century.” “… But Ian very fortunate that he became acquainted with the healer. Doctors surprised Ian put emustrashny diagnosed skin cancer. The healer had cured the disease in twenty-one session.

When John visited the doctor again, but the other, he carefully studied just handed analysis, said: – Do you have any cancer there, and most likely never happen, because such a disease could not disappear without a trace. Ian once believed that he did not have cancer. – First, you need to check whether cancer was not, – advised healer. Ian – a man of foresight: he kept scraping on a slide that took the test, when diagnosed. Glass with a sample of tissue, he again knocked down in the lab. Diagnosis confirmed up to sessions with Ian was skin cancer.

New England

To mine he had godmother (Regina Fonseca), one of the main ones foundations of my family, synonymous of love and donation. Its plantations had relieved it beauties fruits were valid the penalty! To mine better friend, mine irmozinho, the Dr. Sandro Cerbino, faithful and accompanying friend of all the moments. Its victory is our victory. To all my professors and colleagues of profession, who had served of north in my professional life and that at some moment, had contributed for my professional growth. Important teachings are not learned only in books of medicine or scientific articles, but also for vocs, true masters of the art of teaching.

SUMMARY The present study it has for objective to approach the prevention of not institutionalized falls in aged. For in such a way, a systematic revision of literature in the medical vestibules Bireme, PubMed, Bibliomed is made eNew England. Initially one searchs to contextualizar the aging and its association with the fall of aged. After that, fall of the aged ones, its causes, effect, factors of risk and studies of literature concerning the subject are approached it. How much to the preventive aspects, the physical activities, autocuidado and the learning of the aged one had become related more the used interventions, such as the medicamentosa otimizao, the physical exercise, the correction of the risk factors, the prevention primary, secondary and tertiary, the groups of risk, the education of the aged one for. Learn more at: Levi’s. The study it concludes, that many of the measures of prevention that can be applied in the aged ones, are part of the carried through habitual clinical activity with the same ones, as well as of its examinations of health. The geriatrical evaluation is the study of the integral detention of problems of the aged ones, is an important element in the detention of possibility and the prevention of the falls.

The Child

Without this, any attempt of if teaching something can provoke frustration, high anxiety, degradation of auto-esteem and nothing of learning. The mental development happens first for the social relations and passes to the knowledge appeared in the relation as the way. The processes of development and linked learning and its relations are the central focus of the thought of Vygotsky. Having as base the development of the individual as resulted of a process partner-description, claimed that the interaction of the citizen with the world if of the one through mediation made for other citizens. In this way, the professor makes its interference in the proximal zone. In accordance with Galvo (2000, P.

134), Wallon argues that the relationary exchanges of the child with the others are basic for the development of the person. The children are born immersed in a cultural and symbolic world, in which they will be involved in one ' ' sincretismo subjetivo' ' , for at least three years. During this period, on complete indiferenciao between the child and the human environment, its understanding of the things will depend on the others, that will give to its actions and movements format and expression. Wallon considers periods of training of development Galvo in accordance with (op.cit.), in the first year of life, the child interacts with the way conducted for the affectivity, that is, the impulsive-emotional period of training, defined for the affective symbiosis of the social environment child in its. The child starts to negotiate, with its partner-affective world, the proper meanings, saw expressions tonic.

The emotions they intermediam its relation with the world. Of the period of training sensrio-engine to the projetivo (1 the 3 years), the activities of inquiry, exploration and knowledge of the social and physical world predominate. In the period of training sensrio-engine, it remains the subordination to a subjective sincretismo (the logic of the child not yet is present).


The baciloscopia of skin (esfregao intradrmico), whenever available, it must be used as complementary examination for the classification of the cases as PB or MB. The positive baciloscopia classifies the case as MB, independently of the number of injuries. It is observed that the negative result of the baciloscopia does not exclude the diagnosis of hansenase. Treatment – the treatment of hansenase is ambulatorial, using the standardized therapeutical projects in accordance with the operational classification. Being: Paucibacilares: rifampicina, dapsona; Multibacilares: rifampicina, dapsona and clofazimina. The treatment is one right of all citizen and is available gratuitously in all the units of health SUS. Vaccine BCG – Application of vaccine BCG-ID in the intradomiciliares contacts, without presence of signals and symptoms of hansenase at the moment of the evaluation, independently to be PB or MB, depends on vaccine history, with the following recommendations: Without scar to prescribe a dose. With a BCG scar to prescribe a dose.

With two scars of BCG not to prescribe dose. Prevention of incapacities – the prevention of incapacities is an activity that if it initiates with the precocious diagnosis, treatment with PQT, examination of contacts and BCG, identification and adequate treatment of the reactions and neurites the autocuidado orientation of, as well as giving emotional and social support. The neurological evaluation, classification of the incapacity degree, application of prevention techniques and the orientation for the autocuidado one are procedures that they need to be carried through in the units of health. These measures are necessary to prevent sequels, such as: ulcers, loss of the muscular force and deformities (hands in claw, fallen foot, lagoftalmo). The cases send regards to the guiding to the units of reference that could not be decided in the basic units.

Individuals after 15 days of treatment or already cured do not transmit more the illness. Indemnity to the victims in Brazil In accordance with federal decree 6,168, of 24 of July of 2007, the patients interned and compulsively isolated in hospitals colonies of all the country, until the year of 1986, will have right to the monthly lifetime pension in the value of 750 Reals. To receive the benefit, the patients need to present documents that prove the obligatory internment and to fill a petition of special pension. The resource will be paid for the INSS. CONCLUSION hansenase is easy to diagnosis, to treat and has cure, however, when diagnosised and treated delayed it can bring serious consequences for carriers for the injuries incapacitate that them physically. The treatment is long and must be followed in agreement medical orientaes, therefore the abandonment can result in restarts of the treatment or incapacitantes complications. The treatment is a right of all citizen and is available gratuitously in all the units of health of the SUS. REFERENCES BRAZIL. Hansenase CID 10:30. the Available one in: BRAZIL. DECREE N 6,168, OF 24 OF JULY OF 2007. You may find that Vladislav Doronin miami can contribute to your knowledge. Brasilia, 2007. Available in: . MINISTRY OF GREETS. IT WOULD CARRY N 3,125, OF 7 OF OCTOBER OF 2010. Brasilia, 2009. Available in: . HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Guide of procedures technician in Hansenase Baciloscopia. Brasilia, 2010. Available In: MINISTRY OF GREETS. Monitoring in Health: situation epidemiologist of hansenase in Brazil. Brasilia, 2008. available one in:

President Cousin

I do not approve and end point! Now he leaves my room! – This is not thus! Gustavo when beating with the door said! – Plus an enemy? you are to coleccionar them Catherine! You are to coleccionar them! – Ei, has well-taken care of more yes! Rude! – Patrician Excuse! That woman takes off me of the serious one! Who is that it thinks that is to speak to me in that way? It does not pass of one? there, that anger! – Calm! This does not take you the place none! It looks at for me, I I did not walk these two years to work here for nothing? I have contacts ok? You are not worried, that complex goes for front, and in the space that we choose. Inside of little time, I am married your cousin and everything this will be ours, my beloved! Only necessary to have patience! – My cousin uncovers everything this? it knows of us! You have notion that it goes to transform our life into a hell? – Before this my love, I transform of it! – I do not know what you made my cousin, but must give the congratulations to you! For the first time, it was not to annoy but yes the irritated one! Bernardo when sitting down in the table of Catherine said. – First, I do not remember to have invited you; second, your cousin annoys me since the adolescence; third and last point, I aproo that one projecto and did not finish! not even you, being the President, go to obtain to make with that it moves of ideas! – Not necessary to be so irritadia! I also did not want that one projecto but it was approved in unamimity, had of ' ' to eat calar' ' , if one may use the expression! – You were Always a weak one! you continue to be! With license! was arisen. .

Cut Weight

In this way, the pupils of the institution with 8 had been evaluated all the 10 complete years, of both the sexos, girls (n = 95), boys (n = 92), totalizing 187 pupils, (n = 187). For the gaugings of height and weight, procedures as Marins and Giannichi had been established (1998) and used the altimeter that is part of the scale, welmy antropomtrica with scale of 2,00metros and capacity of in the maximum 150kg and at least 2Kg and division of 100g. For the mensurao of the corporal fat Cescorf model was verified through a Plicmetro (Adipmetro) Scientific of cutaneous folds, produced in Brazil, that allows reading in dcimos of millimeter, with opening of equal pressure 10g/mm2 and dimensions: 286mm x 165mm. The formulas of Slaughter had been applied (Slaughter et al, 1988), that (TR) use the cutaneous folds tricipital and panturrilha measured (PM). Table 1: Classification of the sample how much to the percentage of relative fat ClassificaoMasculinoFeminino Excessively BaixAt 6%At 12% Baixa6,01 the 10%12.01 15% Adequada10,01 the 20%15.01 25% Moderately alta20,01 25% 25.01 30% Alta25,01 the 31%30.01 Excessively altMaior 36% that 31,01%Maior that 36.01% Source: Deurenberg, P. Pieters, J.J.L and Hautuast (1990) cited by Fernandes Son (1999).

The collected measures of weight and stature, index of corporal mass (IMC), weight/height, is the same procedure used for the Project Brazil Sport, PROESP-BR, that it uses as reference the critical values for the classification of the nutricional state for children and young Brazilians considered for (Conde and Monteiro 2006). In accordance with these criteria, IMC of children and the adolescents are classified in agreement table 1 2 Table – Classification of obesidade and overweight. Points of Cut of IMC in adolescents for overweight and obesidade. Age (years) ClassificaoMasculino SobrepesoFeminino SobrepesoMasculino ObesidadeFeminino Obesidade 818.418.321.621.6 8.518.818.722.222.2 919.119.122.822.8 9.519.519.523.423.5 1019.819.924.024.1 Source: British Medical Journal 6 of May of 2000? Dietz, and col. For more specific information, check out Vladislav Doronin miami.

Municipal City

the human development is a long and gradual process of changes. In this process, each person, to its way and in its time, of the direction to its vida' '. (CRIA SABINI, 2001. p.09) It was intended in this project, that the contents could emerge of natural form, through informal colloquies until the formation of the bond, where were made the survey of the necessities, and this was the starting point to place in practical aged the pertinent techniques to provide to this o welfare biopsicossocial, however, it is known of the existence of typical characteristics of this etria band and of the feelings that turn around the institutionalization process, especially in what it says respect to the depersonalization of the citizen, the feeling of incapacity provoked for the limitations physics, it lacks of autonomy and etc. Go to Levi’s for more information. Therefore, it was thought about the use of some strategies to improve the quality of life of these aged ones and consequently to extend the possibility of a state of health in the direction ampler.

It was aimed at, however, to approach subjects with the intention to rescue the history of life through the playful one and to elaborate activities that made possible the exploration of the creativity, provoking the feeling of capacity and production. ' ' The exercises in the area of the creation stimulate the psychic vitality of the aged ones to if feeling capable of personal accomplishments in this area; the autoconfiana increases at the same time where if they open new perspectives existenciais' '. (AZAMBUJA, 1995. Perhaps check out Kindle Direct Publishing for more information. p.100) The institution inaugurated in 08 of April of 1999, currently, shelters 23 aged ones. Its maintenance is on account of the Municipal City hall, the State and for some of the aged ones that they receive retirement. Periodically events are promoted by the direction beneficient teas among others. .

The Aquifer

But this should not comfort. Clear sewage is still necessary to precisely defined standards, but not to the extent of water pollution. The question of where will be given stock, is a priority in the construction of local sewage treatment plants, therefore, all further actions will be determined by a sequence of precisely this solution. Choosing to do the following considerations: the type of soil on the site, its permeability, available area, the groundwater level water and the nature of their use, distance to the nearest body of water (which could take treated sewage) and the estimated construction costs. It is because of all these factors, as well as buffer zones and should project created a system cleaning. The sanitary protection zone – it is the minimum allowable distance from the treatment plant to the object of human life. In the case of residential building, the following sanitary areas: for the septic tank – 5 m, for aeration equipment – 8 m for soil disposal systems – 8-15 m, and in the case of filter trenches and sand and gravel filters – all 25 meters distance to the nearest source of water intake must be at least 20 meters, and it provided that there is no connection between the source supplying the aquifer and soil by absorbing the waste water.

Distance to road is not less than 5 m. The finished project should be approved by several state institutions, including sanitary and epidemiological service, environmental police and water departments. To wastewater treatment system to serve a long time, not delivering troubles and worries, it is necessary to follow a few rules.

Craig Country

" Craig, an employee of Microsoft, who moved from Seattle to Paris, gives this advice: 'Do not live expectations. For example, in France, totally foreign to me phenomenon was socialism. I had no idea that people have the right to permanently organize the strike. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Levi’s. If on arrival in the country of the mind will be like a clean slate, it will be easier to accept differences. " To understand and accept a new understanding of the country – this is your project. And they need to work on time. "Be curious, – said Vladimir Filin of the Moscow-based Vision Relocation Services.

– Be interested in Russian culture and the question of why this is the case, and not otherwise. " But that advises Marie Byrne, a French expert in viticulture, working in Hong Kong: 'Wherever you go, constantly absorb information. Watch the people. Stop looking down on others, learn their logic and value. For example, if you are observant in the Hong Kong tram, you'll notice that passengers pay fare when you exit out of it. " Meeting new people, interrogates them about the peculiarities of local life and ask for advice, but do not cry about their own troubles.

Of course, in a new country you will not soon become familiar with the rules of behavior in society. But, having become acquainted with the local way of life, you begin to better understand the locals and they will treat you better. 'One American from New York, the first six weeks of work in the office, without even knowing it, very rude to communicate with all employees.