The Example

This new pupil requires a new style of professor, a new organization of the school, with dynamic projects, in different end to teach and to learn. Gerald Weissmann, MD has firm opinions on the matter. In what it affirms Luckesi et al (2000, P. 139): The act to study directly the reality will be critical in the measure where it searchs a compatible briefing with the same one. The criterion will be the objetividade of the expression while explicite the proper characteristics of the reality, without subterfuges and obscurecimentos, proceeding from personal interests, emotional taboos or same of shunting lines in the perception. The citation above sample that stops being one critical reader is not from psicossociolgicas projections of the citizen, but of description of the reality from its manifestations.

However, ' ' the-critical it will be the attitude of unconditional acceptance of the message and its mnemonic retention, without asking for its validity objetiva' ' (Luckesi et al, idem, ibidem). Nowadays, it can be affirmed that the content of our readings is alienator, for if to point out for it are of the reality, with objectives to manipulate those that receive the service from they impose that it. An example well clearly of this is in the example to asseguir given for Luckesi et al (2000, p.132): The cinema and the television, with tinned its, mattered in its majority of the countries that dominate in them, propagate the content of ' ' reading of realidade' ' that they interest stop manipulating in them and instrumentalizar, sub-repticamente, to each day that passes. Made this fast analysis, on the practical one of reading, we arrive the conclusion of that still remains very to make for its democratization, so that it either, a right of all; as much taken of the point of view of analysis of the proper reality, how much in the reading carried through through the texts. However, the reality that today we live deeply is only, of a different reality, but joust and human being who will come.

Educational Development

One of the first steps is the awareness of the pertaining to school community concerning the relevance of the institucional evaluation, therefore it becomes essential that the involved citizens in the educational environment if give account of that is by means of the evaluation that if will be able to think about if accomplishing transformations in interior of the pertaining to school space. After this work of awareness, follows it inquiry and the survey of information, after that the note of advances and difficulties, allowing to carry through inferences with intention to reorient the pedagogical actions. After this stage, is possible then to raise the hypotheses and to identify the possible problems and from now on to carry through the interventions, to reorganize and to replanejar the pedagogical and administrative works, showing as soon as is possible to control the effectiveness of the plans, the efficiency of the processes and methods, and the reach of the objectives established in the Plan of Educational Development of the Pertaining to school Institution. Moreover, Moraes and Silva (2007, P. ritings. 02) explain that The institucional evaluation, in turn, destines it the evaluation of institutions (as the school and the educational system), politics and projects, having attention centered in processes, relations, decisions and results of the actions of an institution or the educational system as a whole. In this direction, to be complete, the institucional evaluation contemplates the results of the educational evaluation. Thus, it is possible to define institucional evaluation as an end, but as a procedure that has as white to analyze the institution of integral form, not considering the information compose that it by means of proper instruments that make possible the revelation of its particularitities and that they show the ways that the institution is taking, what it can be improved and which are interventions that can and must be made. .

National Curricular Parameters

The professors declared that the concept and live deeply it of the morality of its pupils vine of familiar examples, of religious influences and little importance was given to the proper school in this formation. Differently of what it is used in the National Curricular Parameters of 1998, which have objective to bring new routes to the Brazilian education and considered that the ideals of the Constitution of 1988 if materialize: the universal rights of the human being, the equality between the individuals and the cultural and ethnic diversity. Also it was proposal that the school took in account the combat inaquality of social conditions, the unjust division of the income and chances when fitting to the education to legitimize such ideals, to become known them, accepted, valid and necessary. The society would be task of all to make with that ' ' such values live and if desenvolvam' ' also inside of the school (IT HISSES, s/d). The bedding of the PCNs was to think and to value an education compromised to social justice, the cultural plurality and the idea of brasilidade, idealizing a community fraterna that it lived in a continuous process of learning and searchs for equitable conditions and the recognition of each individual as citizen (HISSES, s/d).

Some considered values if do not treat to be taught according to parameters as a transmission of a tradition, but it aims at to make possible to the individuals the learning, without imposition or indoctrination, of the validity of the collective ends as the democracy and the freedom. Already the respect between the people, the honesty is part of the nature human being, and must only have conditions special to blossom as the familiar example. These values are taken as universal values that cross the cultures (IT HISSES, s/d). Thus, at the same time where the Brazilian education if decentralizes, and it opens space for the communities, values and cultural places, tries to materialize the one pedagogical work of resistance to the absolutism and the verticalizao of education, valuing the cultural diversity and the tolerance.


The ambientalistas movements and groups had been spread and at last the ambientalismo became a relevance movement, whose principle was a revolutionary ethical philosophy: the egocentrismo, that is, the disapproval the exploration of the natural resources for the man. This movement brought obtains the refusal to the modern capitalism and the rich countries for the disordered economic growth. Currently the ambientalismo, consists of actions that share a usual awareness in defending the environment and preserving it for the future generations. Fischer (1995, P. Others who may share this opinion include Educational . 40) tells that, Until middle of the decade of 70, the movement was dominated by representatives of the scientific way who had on the basis of launched a formidable challenge to estimated basic of the industrial society ecological science, but that, in the innocent ignorance of social implications revolutionary politics of an analysis as this defended, in way little convincing, one politics of angariao of petitions and correspondences. But in middle of years 70, the scientific fatalismo lost very of its force and the interest center moved to theory questions of practical and politics.

As Reigota in 1968 was carried through, in Rome, a meeting that was called of ‘ ‘ Club of Roma’ ‘ , in this meeting they were gifts scientists of some countries developed with the objective to debate questions as, the consumption, the natural resources and world-wide the population growth until middle of Century 21. The integrant ones of this meeting had analyzed that: ‘ ‘ the man must examine itself proper, its objectives and values. The essential point of the question is not only the survival of the species human being, however, still more, its possibility to survive without falling in a useless state of existncia’ ‘..

Foreign Language

The results of SAT and ACT tests must be a graduate not later than December of that year, when he goes to the graduating class. If the graduate wants to begin classes in September, the documents for training, he must submit to 15 January. By this time, international students must pass, and TOEFL (international test of English as a Foreign Language), for example, score 550, if the rent in writing. The collected set of documents along with a check for payment review services market, so dollars at 50-70, is sent to the admissions committee. After that universities are taking the time to review the documents by April 1, all responses, both positive and negative applicant will be received. Assume that it is five "yes" and five "no." Putting the negative answers in the trash, the incoming student's family begins to discuss the question: "What to choose?" Universities can offer different financial conditions. For example, the applicant turned out to be an outstanding volleybolistom and university team needs a good player, and then this young man or woman may be offered a very good discounts for payment learning. But it can never know in advance.

Entrant is given a month to adopt a decision by May 1 in support of its decision on the selected university sent a special questionnaire and, again, check for 200 dollars in direct registration. So after the first of May each coming in an American university knows exactly where he will learn in the fall. As you can see, the idea of a summer trip for admission is absolutely crazy, as do summer have nowhere to go. I hope that now it is clear that for admission to U.S. higher education institutions, students begin to prepare for year two if not three. Increased interest in American universities among the Russians clear.

First, in the ranking of the best universities of the world, American universities and colleges take the lead. American diploma opens the door for a young specialist firms around the world. Second, although American higher education, and more European, but foreigners are much better. In many universities there are entire system to help students from other countries. It is gratifying to note that Russian students are now available for such training foreign language, which allows them to study abroad. And if you want to test the readiness of the test, then take the SAT practice test is available for free on the Internet. For russklyazychnyh students for these purposes it may be advisable use the Internet booth

The Person

Just because the efficiency of these people different. Because of the difference of their natural talents. That is why, in terms of equity is higher than the Soviet justice, we must recognize that a higher moral judgments and, consequently, higher deserves reward is not the one who did more, but the one who worked harder, who fully realized its potential. In our example, more should pay less capable workers that he would continue trying to put on paper in full, and less capable to pay more to induce it in the future more fully realize their talents. 3 What is my suggestion to move from one to another PRpoT? This means, firstly, that is not non-allocation of labor in favor of distribution according to need, but simply transition from a less equitable and less efficient PRpoT for a fairer and more efficient. Second, we need to PROzRT We do not go directly to the distribution according to needs, as mentioned classics of socialism and the Soviet imitators, while the other PRpoT, the one who must lead us to a communist society. Which, as it is already clear now, unable to make the Soviet principle of distribution.

Brought up instead of communist-leaning mass ordinary people, bums and Rvachev. Third, what I suggest, is the transition from the distribution of the absolute value work or result in the distribution of the relative size of labor. Vlad doronin has much experience in this field. Because under consideration in the allocation of capacity (ability) of the person primarily in the evaluation of the employee and his work is not how many people did, but how much he has done compared to what he could do.

Russian Federation Business

5.2. develop a draft federal law that defines the procedure for accelerated depreciation of equipment and appliances (up to 40% of the value in the first year of operation) used to conduct research and development. NSW Department of Education often addresses the matter in his writings. 5.3. develop together with scientific and expert community and to make changes in accounting rules and methods of valuation of intangible assets in order to effectively integrate and use, the incentive most of the scientific institutions to integrate on their balance of rights to intellectual property, as well as the involvement of the latter in the economic turnover. 6.

Ministry of Economic Development: 6.1. Develop proposals to improve effectiveness of the special economic zones of technology-innovative type of technology parks and high tech in order to accelerate the introduction of RNTD, thus to consider the proposal of the Russian Federation, including by ensuring the functioning of all technology parks and business incubators experimental production centers for communities to produce experimental and experimental designs. 6.2. Develop a system of voluntary and mandatory accreditation of innovation infrastructure. 6.3. As part of departmental programs to support small and medium-sized businesses to provide: the development of scientific and methodological support of technology parks and business incubators; the provision of training on business incubation, including representatives of regional and municipal level, existing and emerging technology parks and business incubators; exchange and disseminate the positive experience of technology parks and incubators, taking advantage of all-Russian, regional conferences, roundtables, forums, information resources; providing advice and information support in the development of existing and creation of new parks and business incubators; 7.

Municipal School

The epistemolgico field of Astronomy is fascinating and in it allows rich quarrels them in group concerning the acquired knowledge, with abrangncia of qualitative information, leaving therefore the comfort zone, having as base the first series of Basic Ensino. As it affirms Caniato (1994, P. 10), ' ' the alternation of the day and the night, or better of and the clearly dark one always conditioned all the life on the Land. However many millenia if had passed before the man perceived the Sun as the cause of iluminao' '. The work considered with the pupils was materialize leaving of these principles, that is, of the retaken one of the knowledge acquired for the social man. People such as Nick Offerman would likely agree. Knowledge this established between the citizen that know or desire to know and to be known object.

Description of the Activities in the School the activities had been carried through in a Municipal School in the city of Estuary of the Iguau? PR. The comments, monitorias and docncia had been developed in 3 and 4 series of Basic Ensino, in the matutino turn. The project if gave in a total of 78 hour-lesson and 20 hours of comments. The main contents developed in the groups had been defined from the reference of the plan of Orientation of the Municipal City hall of Estuary of the Iguau? State of the Paran, under the orientation of the City department of Education. To follow, the subjects worked in 3 are exposed series: ) Sun; b) Movement of the Land; c) Other celestial bodies; d) Orientation and space localization. In 4 series, had been worked: ) Solar system; b) Position of the Land and too much planets; c) The Sun as center of the Solar System and power plant; d) Atmosphere; e) Ozone layer; f) Effect greenhouse; g) Global heating. All the subjects had been worked of contextualizada form, with didactic materials.

Energy Fields

At first glance it is not, as they say, do not worry. Global Education Coalition wanted to know more. Nearby there are super strong coarse energy fields. Take how much energy is needed. In fact, when trying to extract intelligence from the grave harmonic energy fields of clean energy, has led to the death of fine fields, and therefore existing in them mind. A good example of what has been said may be a direct contact person with the energy field with voltage of several tens or hundreds of microvolts, with a force field of a source of electricity with a voltage over 42 volts. You may want to visit Albert Bandura to increase your knowledge. In all likelihood, the mind does not remain as they begin to create the necessary power supplies fine fields of clean energy. Initially, the products formed after the Big Bang, on the basis of results achieved in the nano world, was created by micro world. Jim Crane is likely to agree. The first atoms were created by the elements existing in the universe.

A significant portion of these elements discovered by DI Mendeleev and pointed at his table. Other scientists have completed the table open elements. It is not excluded that in the future of humanity will not be open yet one element. Characterized by the fact that the basis of the structure of atoms incorporated all of the same positive and negative components. Nucleus of an atom is mostly made up of positively charged particles, positrons. Around the nucleus in certain energy orbit at a certain speed rotating negatively charged particles – electrons. A certain set of atoms of a particular element creates a molecule.

Zheng Xiaoyu

Honestly and although it sounds reactionary hope that these irresponsible people are punished with the same harshness with which the Chinese Government (country of origin of these toothpastes and many other dangerous products) punished the former Director of the State administration of food and medicines (SFDA) of China, Zheng Xiaoyu, who sentenced to death Tuesday by authorizing the manufacture and distribution of dozens of products and drugs in which ingredients are used under bribery of pharmaceutical companies mortally toxic or, at least, highly dangerous. This is truly serious, not only that we may be buying and using commercial products of dubious provenance and that we buy be economic (and eye that the excuse of the Nicaraguan authorities to refer these products entered the country from smuggling in addition to false is childish) if in addition these components are sold to the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries of our countries and they are used without that nobody say or do nothing until they begin to pile up the dead. I’m sure that this news will continue to be developed (by a tragic road) and will be many more cases of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products that will jump to the first pages of serious damages that cause because if anything the former director of the State administration of food and medicines (SFDA) of China, Zheng Xiaoyu said the judicial authorities that condemned him the list of laboratories or products that would be unduly manufacturing in China.

these authorities they have not disclosed that information by what we do not know what may be products that we should avoid and don’t know which laboratories and industries of our region have purchased and use those components improperly authorized by a health authority corrupt. In any case what we can do is avoid at all costs the pharmaceutical and cosmetic products from China, get used once and for all to read the labels of the products that we buy and use with culpable innocence and require our Governments to put the magnifying glass in local industries to find out if any are using components purchased in this Asian country and responsibly determine if it is really safe and lawful use therefore not be trafficking in a marketing war, this is our lives.

The Land

One knows, however, that the school is not solution for all the existing difficulties of the human being, however, as educational agency that has as the one of its functions formation of the citizen as subject constructor of its historical context, can and must contribute for significant changes in the relation professor and pupil, therefore, beyond the classroom that offers to contents and tests, the affectivity is present in each action and searchs its space in the mirror that the group repasses the technician when they make use of the daily one of notes, advice of classrooms, pertaining to school advice and as many other instruments and sectors that they portray this relation. For TIBA (1999), to take care of it is more than an act, it is an attitude, therefore it encloses more than an attention moment, of zeal and desvelo. It represents an attitude of occupation, concern, responsabilizao and affective envolvement. Yale University School of Medicine has similar goals. For this, she is necessary to take care of before of the land and after the seed being launched, so that the plant can grow, blossom and give good fruits. Therefore, for construction of auto-esteem is necessary to search the responsibility and not it guilt, to create a reliable climate that makes with that the person feels itself accepted genuinely, understood and respected, feelings that help to work emotional nuclei that inadequate behaviors block. The educators know that the children learn better when they are satisfied with same them and that good feelings are important. Go to William McRaven for more information. 7 However, some professors are unaware of its paper of ' ' espelho' ' inside of a classroom, forgetting that to its they admire them pupils and they are worried in to be equal they, finishing for imitating them in its attitudes and until thoughts. If the professors perceived this imitation without a doubt would look for to police its words and positions. .

Mineralogical Sciences

In connection with the changes in the Earth's environment can change the frequency of the Schumann or carrier frequency of the Earth, as well as its lateral frequency radiation. Then the physical body can also lose touch with frequency radiation of the Earth. Of all It follows that eliminating and destroying the ecology of the Earth, we destroy and destroy the foundation of life on Earth. Resonance effect shows how the human body is directly related to the ecological state of the Earth. When we say that we should not destroy natural resources and that it is dangerous to human existence and human society, almost everyone can agree with this, even those that are now for profit and plunder and wealth destroy the natural resources of the earth.

As human society and the Earth's environment is not only dependent on one another, but mutually supportive. Human society must recognize that the ecological state of the Earth depends directly not only physical health but also the very existence of entire human civilization on Earth. But human society also need to realize is my deep conviction that it is equally important restore the universal spiritual values for all people living on Earth regardless of nationality, political opinion, and skin color. I believe that the moral and ethical values – is encoded special programs that may have multiple functions, but one of the main objectives of these programs – it is to protect human society from self-destruction. Alexey Dmitriev – professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, an expert on global ecology believes that human society should strive now not to raise living standards, and to improve the level of morality.

King Monkey

-Then your grandfather has to know where is located, the man to whom I am looking for. This is how it is compelled by the young warrior to be brought before the presence of his grandfather, being accompanied by the crowd who also wanted to know where lived the Monkey King. Already on the outskirts of the village, they arrive at a small shack that time where are able to observe an old man who is seeking their sowings, amazed to see people forgot and along with them to her granddaughter. Elder here this her granddaughter, but instead would like you to tell us where this the Monkey King? -do so would like to know what Mr? -I want to challenge him to a fight in which demonstrate my superiority as a warrior. Please leave my granddaughter.You don’t fight to prove their bravery since it has already been tested in battle. The elderly distressed by her granddaughter comes entering reason the impulsive young. (Similarly see: British Journal of Educational Technology). -Her elder stay, up to the Monkey King, faced with me.

-Well boy I am the Monkey King who are looking for. The amazed young warrior, observed the old man and knows that his victory has safe, begins to laugh and boast, affirming his confrontation. To the surprise of his granddaughter who never imagine such a thing. -Monkey King well start the fight. In recent months, Carson Wen has been very successful. -Not will fight with you I am no fighter peasant. Ignoring him, the young warrior adopts its stance of fighting opposite to the old man who just relies on an old cane, sure of his victory the young attacks mercilessly to the elderly, inert the Monkey King remembers his life and remembers all their glories but gladly give it all for the salvation of his granddaughter. To the term of the attack the young warrior falls dead at the feet of the elderly since you deleted it a single movement. From that day has never allowed disrespect to an elder, because what they did in their lives is very honorable and worthy of respect, so it was like the legend of the Monkey King step time and myth.


This is a simple way of locating the beliefs, that without that we are aware of them, govern our lives. If you’re reading me, proves that you’ve born in one family where I have said look child, you have to be good person, because for four days that will live one and I was born in another family where I have always said this is a world of wolves and who hits first, hits twice. Who has the two reason: you or I? Because the two. You have Crystal glasses of the kindness and tolerance and I have the fight and aggressiveness. Here’s another example: a few years ago, I had a patient who could not play a euro to nothing. I felt a lot of anxiety and aversion to the game. Whenever American Journal of Education listens, a sympathetic response will follow. It seemed something ridiculous but it was unable to overcome it.

His reason told him that he could play, but blocking was superior to its forces and that struggle caused him tremendous suffering. To make you short anecdote, it is delving into the family of origin, we discovered that his great-grandfather had played and lost all the family fortune, which was great. What happened actually in the collective psyche of this family? Because from that fact, on family ideology (in the CPU family), was included an order that said: all shape game this strictly prohibited because has brought DISGRACE to this family. That order was very coherent at that moment to cauterize the wound and prevent to the story is repeated. It was an unwritten rule, which passed without criticism, from generation to generation. When it came to my patient, that order which was inscribed in its unconscious (CPU), but which had no sense, began acting decoupled its reason. That internal struggle, resulted in the generation of a seemingly unresolvable conflict and bearer of great suffering. The first conclusion that can be drawn from this case is that beliefs must bring to light so they can be ratified, rectified or scientifically enriched.

The Human

To construct lasting, responsible, friendly and pleasant a relationship, it is necessary to see and to understand the complexity of the human being. MORIM (2007) tells that: The human being is a rational being and irrational, capable of measure and desmedida; citizen of intense and unstable affectivity. It smiles, cries, but it also knows to know with objetividade; he is serious and calculating, but anxious, overwhelming, also gozador, drunkard, exttico; it is a hatred and love, ternura and violence being; it is conscientious of the death, but that it cannot believe in it; that private the myth and the magic, but also science the philosophy; that he is possessed for deuses and the ideas, but that doubts deuses and criticizes the ideas; it is nourished of the proven knowledge, but also of illusions and chimeras. MORIM (2007, p.59) the human being is social and if humaniza when humanizar the environment where he is inserted, its community, its tribe, this if of the one through the relations that establish with the people who are to its redor, in its conviviality, creating a society. These relations put into motion the thought human, since the simple relations the relations most complex (GRANVILLE, 2008). Ahead of these information, and with sight in a perspective humanist, to construct a positive relation, of quality, the position must be led in account human being, the interpersonal abilities of its genetic inheritance, culture, history of life, its principles, beliefs, everything what he is subjective. The quality of the relation is in the form of if to establish allotment communication, of communion of emotions, strenghtening auto-they esteem. Our yearnings and reactions appear through our beliefs, of the culture that we receive and we live. When one constructs positive relationships, with and of quality, it is improved auto-esteem it in a reciprocity process, since the bases for auto-esteem are centered in the valuation of the person mainly for they surround whom it, in this case in specific, the professors, the pupils of the room.

The Ideological

He is not something that if it precipitates on individual and that one meets institutionalized in the social formations. It does not import the legitimacy of the same if it emanates of the interests of the hegemonic group or if it is product of the will of the majority. The idea is that the power if generates and materializes in an extensive gamma of personal relations since which if it leads to constitute impersonal structures. Source: Jude Schwalbach. If when analyzing the speech exists norms that conduct our perception, must exist, in turn, mechanisms that they make possible that they are structuralized and if reproduce. If it cannot leave to recognize the presence of at least two great plans where if they group the different manifestations of being able taking as criterion the extension of the same ones. One would be constituted by the interpersonal relations, that do not reach to the totality of integrant of a group and another one is characterized by institutionalized forms that operate as closed spaces. Bioscience Journal shines more light on the discussion. In these cases, already it is not to be able of an individual on another one, but of a group on another one, with the characteristics that its integrant ones want or not, they are imprisoned in its exercise.

The two plans have different dynamic and generate forms of different perpetuation and defense. Foucault has left of the beginning of that two spheres exist where if they consolidate the practical ones, each one of them has its proper mechanisms of legitimation, acts as ' ' centros' ' of being able and its speech and its legitimacy elaborate. One of the said spheres is constituted by science. To another one, by the opposite, it is formed by all the too much elements that can be defined as integrant of the culture. The ideological one, the differentiations of sort, the practical discriminatory, the norms and the criteria of normality are inside of the second sphere.

For Vygotsky

Without language the human being would not think of generalizante and abstract form. But the use of the language as thought instrument, does not only serve to speak with other people, the individual develops ' ' speech interior' ' that it is a language directed for its proper ' ' eu' '. It is a speech without vocalization directed toward the thought, with objective of assisting the individual in its psychological operations. As example we have, to arrive the definitive place, the person does not speak high, but it carries through the interior, raciocnia speech, thinks about which passage better to make. I dialogue in it interior for an car passage, the format would be, direira-Brazil-Obelisco-Sunday example and it does not say it complete, as I go to enter the right in the Av. Brazil, to follow until the obelisco, to make the contour, to catch the street and to arrive until the Sundays of Moraes.

This version would be redundant excessively dialogues for it self-centered. Kindle Direct Publishing follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. According to Vygotsky, the child says uses it socialized with the function of if communicating, to keep the social contact, with passing of the time it starts to be capable to use the language as thought instrument, but this occurs gradually until arriving at internalizaao of the speech, that will arrive the advanced phases of the acquisition of the language. For Vygotsky, in the study between this transistion, Vygotsky says it appeals it self-centered for the understanding of this transistion. It says it self-centered it folloies the activity of the child and starts to have personal, on function the necessity of the thought and also used to decide problems this type of thought. It says it self-centered was a point between divergence between Piaget and Vygotsky. For it says it to Piaget self-centered is the opposite that proposal for Vygotsky, therefore for it says to Piaget self-centered claims it a trajectory of inside for it are, while Vygotsky thinks the opposite. The thought is not express only in words: therefore that it exists. Each thought if moves, it ripens and if it develops and it solves problems. What this study it discloses is the necessity of if to distinguish the two plans from says – to significant semantics and the exterior-phonetic one. It says it is complex and not homogeneous.


In the E.T case. , Of 6 years in relation to its colleagues of 1 year, evidenced if difficulty of reading and writing, inadequate entailing with the object of the pertaining to school learning. 2,5 Indications of accompaniment From all the harvested information, preliminarily, we suggest that it is submitted an individual and familiar psychological accompaniment, beyond a psicopedaggico accompaniment and change of conception of alfabetizao in the school moving education method. 2,6 Instruments of Psicopedaggico Diagnosis Interviews; Comment; Questionnaire; Data-collecting; Anamnese; evaluation of Operatrio Disgnostic: Conservation: Weight, volume, length. Seriao: Palitos Classification E.O.C.A. 3 FINAL CONSIDERAES the intention of this work are to contribute for one better understanding of the contexts where the failure happens pertaining to school, visualizing mainly in a Psicopedaggica boarding based and based on the practical institucional professor. A related site: Carson Wen mentions similar findings.

This practical always had the endorsement of theoreticians and boardings that had facilitated the analysis of the questions for raised us in varied angles and contexts. Thus, through the institucional space as opted process, we look for to reflect on the nature of the education, on the history of the considered problems of learning, definition of what it comes to be failure pertaining to school and that if can inside establish between difficulty of pertaining to school learning and failure of what we consider to contextual analyze on the failure pertaining to school, through a clipping of the ample question of learning human being, considering the construtivista psicopedaggica vision the reflection and, the difference comment practical endorsed in the diverse theories, had given them subsidies to conclude that the failure pertaining to school is a insufficient reply of the pupil to a requirement or demand of the school. This question can in such a way be analyzed by different perspectives of the society, of the school how much of the pupil.

Natural Sciences

Already for the children who are entering to the six years the school, it fits to the professor (a) to plan, to consider and to command the activities, and that the same ones are significant and challenging, making with that the same ones are capable to stimulate the development of the children and to extend its sociocultural practical experiences and (BRAZIL, Ministry of the Educao/2007). The knowledge is a collective construction, therefore it is in the exchange, in the dialogue, in the valuation of that it circulates in the interaction spaces that the learning goes if materialize. So that this happens with the six children years of the initial years of basic education are guaranteed the articulated studies of Social Sciences (development of the critical reflection on the human groups, its relations, histories, organization, problems), of Natural Sciences (to extend the curiosity, to stimulate the survey of hypotheses, to construct knowledge on physical, chemical phenomena), of the Logical-Mathematics Slight knowledge (to give chance so that the types of objects, events and actions in all place all the species of relations) of the Languages (development of its sensibilidades and expressions). For more information see Carson Wen. Basic Ensino of nine years when working in the cited way, previously, it passes to be seen as negative, contributing for the sprouting of referring questionings its quality, where they are questioned if he is valid to more early insert the children in the school, in the measure that these are not respected ahead of its especificidade of the infancy time. With this, it is most perceived that the proposal of magnifying of Basic Ensino of nine years, as any another change in the traditional structure of education, appears as well as as obscure presenting positive aspects many negatives, needing to be understood by all the involved parts in this process, therefore to include children of six years in basic education, as the Ministry of the Education, the school needs, before everything: (…) to reorganize its structure, the forms of management, environments, the spaces, the times, the materials, the contents, the methodologies, the objectives, the planning and the evaluation, of luck that the children if feel inserted and received in a pleasant environment and I propitiate the learning.

For Froebel

Kishimoto (2003, P. 15), emphasizes that doceiras of Rome they made small dainties with format of letters destined to the learning of the letters. The games destined to the knowledge of the children were called educative games. Games these, created in the gardens of Infancy, established for Froebel (1782-1852) that it idealized the games of constructions: done wooden and confectioned blocks, spheres, cubes in you manufacture pertaining to he himself and vendidosem store. For Froebel, the child manipulating and these materials, mounting and disassembling, would establish relations with the world.

The inserted children in these schools worked with some didactic materials: folding, clay and others, where they served for the creative activities and jogos' of construction for the free activities. Froebel was the first one educator to emphasize the toy as playful activity, the child in its initial education has the toy as essential process. The tricks had also remained significant throughout the time, as Rasp standes out (1991, P. 35), saying that playing it is a universal activity, found in some human groups, in different historical periods and periods of training of economic development. Then, it can be observed that independent of the place, time and culture or the toys that it possesss, the child can carry through a trick, playing alone or folloied by other children. Piaget (1978) salient for Kishimoto (2003), observes throughout the period three successive systems of games: Of exercise that appears during first the 18 months of life of the child. The symbolic game, appearing during 2 year of life of the child, with the appearance of the representation and the language and the game of rules, predominant enters the 7 to the 11 years of age, having the transistion of the individual activity for socialization. The games of exercises, characterized as functional games, are the motor activities carried through by the baby when moving the arms, legs, putting into motion the head, to take the hand to the mouth etc.