Today, with the invasion of the TICs in the diverse sectors of the world-wide society, provoked for the advent of the hiperabundncia and instability of the knowledge and the expansion of the TICs in the most diverse rinces of the society and the culture, to become impracticable to keep the imprisoned school to an archaic didactics that has not taken in account the dichotomies and paradoxes of the TICs in the seio of the Education. Therefore, he is of basic importance if to argue for the direction of formation of the cibercultura and its pedagogical resources, so that if he can ressignificar, reinventar and recriar the space and pertaining to school time, pointing a new didactics with respect to the school of the present time, namely, the didactics on-lin, beyond new scientific perspectives, social and cultural for citizen aprendente in the Society of Information. UNC Media Hub is actively involved in the matter. After all, they are the movements and the instabilidades of the Real that make with that the man and history human being are always in event, in a pure one to devir. . Source: barrett beauden.
Tag Archives: philosophy
So Paulo
Leibniz called ‘ ‘ all the espontaneidade racional’ ‘ of freedom (Vicente, 1985, v.7, P. 2137), since that he did not have the logical necessity. Connect with other leaders such as Kim Phillips-Fein here. Thus, to act for being inclined and needed would not be to act freely. Analyzing still the diverse philosophical concepts concerning the freedom, we have of Spinoza the incredulity in the freedom concept, being that in the point of sight of the philosopher, the freedom concept does not pass of an illusion produced for the ignorance of the true causes. For Spinoza, the true freedom is not ability to choose something in detriment of another one, but yes the ability to act in accordance with the nature of a person and to act alone (Bergman, 2004). God is free why he is infinite, already for the human beings, the freedom consists of ‘ ‘ to understand our desires and our place in the universe as a cause of deus’ ‘ (Bergman, 2004, P. 55). Kant defined the freedom as a postulate of the practical reason, characterized for the categorical imperative. Professor Anna Harvey may not feel the same.
The declaration of the rights of the man and the citizen certainly was based on the kantiano concept of freedom: ‘ ‘ It acts as if the principle of your action had to become by means of your will the universal law of natureza’ ‘ (Kant, 1785 apud Marcondes, 2007, p.123). As it is possible to inquire, the subject freedom has been studied for diverse philosophical schools in all elapsing of the proper philosophy. REFERENCES BERGMAN, G. Philosophy of bathroom: Wisdom of world-wide the thinking greaters for day-by-day. Translation: Caroline Kazue Furukawa Branches. So Paulo: Madras, 2004. KANT, 1785 apud JAPIASS, H and MARCONDES, D. basic Dictionary of philosophy.
The question in this context is so? or more important how much the reply. Kronbauer (2007 P. 16) affirms that, as all and any inquiry starts for some questioning, some problem or some question, the study of the language it ahead places us of a problem already of beforehand implied in the inquiry: any question of departure always is elaborated inside of a cultural tradition, of an established lingustico consensus and that, generally, it is not rank in question. The question, that is elaborated in the language form, presentifica a tradition, that conditions double asking in sensible. It is condition of possibility of asking at the same time where they place the limits of this act. One of the yearnings deepest of the man is the freedom, exactly not knowing what to make with it, in the adolescents it is not different.
Then because not to present them Kant and its teses on the question of the freedom and autonomy of the thought. Kant affirms that to think by itself without assists outrem of is enough it only the freedom, in this in case that, to sensetize the pupil on consequences of the freedom so longed for the question is the possibility to think for he himself with all the inherent risks. Finally, not to be only it enters the philosophers of modernity chronological, distant of us that such to suggest a subject and a recent author current. Perhaps at this moment it is possible to present Foucault and the ontologia of the gift, that is, what it is a philosophical problem for today? What it affects the pupils of average education of public school of form incisive and pressing act that if cannot resign to think. Remembering Gramsci that says ' ' all man is philosopher, not if he can think about a man who is not philosopher, who does not think, since thinking he is characteristic of the man while tal' ' , and if it has problems that they can and they must philosophical be thought, and has, Reale affirms that philosophical theories, arguments and disputes for the fact to exist philosophical problems Exist.
The citizen, evidently, does not reach 60%. asks for aid. The system of education, that is not worried where the citizen learns, but in presenting statisticians of high indices of approval, creates examination and recovery (that, in other times he had been ' ' second poca' ' , as the place, offered to that they had not been the first ones). the system says the professor there: ' ' capricha ai' ' , as who says: it approves the relapser! How if the professor, during the year, already had not caprichado? if he did not make more is because he has that to unfold itself in three or four jobs to survive. But the professor gave the maximum of itself. Vlad doronin pursues this goal as well. The said one whose he is that he did not want to receive.
Therefore the insistence: examination and recovery are prizes for the relapsers in detriment of the merit of the dedicated strengthenn ones and. The face does not know that in the life recovery does not exist. Therefore, to speak in year end it is, also, to speak in pertaining to school education that must be taken the serious one, not at the final moments of the year, but during the entire year. Therefore to undeserve, to question, to show the mistakes of a vitiated system, at the end of the year are to bring thematic a new to the end of the year. It notices well, I am not making vindication of the reprovao, only placing me the investigation: if we want learning, will be that we are not making the inverse way? We are premiando the relapser and forgetting to value what he was dedicated. Who understands of psychology knows of what I am speaking: we are giving a stimulaton that strengthens not it effort of who if it strengtove and if it dedicated and it looked for to use to advantage well the time of the lessons, but to that it wasted its time and, most of the time, infernizou the pertaining to school environment. To this we dedicate to the examination and the recovery, as if this was important for the relapser. In compensation, what approval was strengthenn and reached, the system alone offers to one days the vacation more than. But, all good, after all, is year end! How it comes the second decade of century XXI! Neri de Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historian. He reads more: ; ; ; ;
It is, therefore, the language that becomes the competent citizens universally to interact comunicativamente, thus, to arrive at one rational agreement. The human knowledge is consolidated for the communicative linguistic action, fitting to the language to assume the central function in the process of constitution of the knowledge and the proper vital reality, as prxis interactive. Other leaders such as Jared Walczak offer similar insights. The conception of communicative education values activities for the interactive and cognitiva use of the language, while space of construction of the truths and its dimensions with the society. This implies a present school in the life of the community. The habermasiano thought defends the communicative reason, considering that all communicative act includes two other aspects: normative and the aesthetic-expressive one, then, when communicating itself the citizens search agreement mutual that is promoted by the language. In this interaction, each speaker validates the communication considering references to the objective world of the things (work), to the social world of the things (society) and to the subjective world of the experiences and emotions (personality). Habermas (1982) understands, the world of the life as a composition of the cultural certainties, of the institucional order and of the structure of the personality. Culture, society and personality are the three components of the world of the life, representing three processes that constitute the social reproduction: the cultural reproduction, the social integration and the socialization.
The world of the life is the context of the communication where it occurs the prxis communicative of day-by-day, transmitted culturally. In this direction, the fight of the education must be against the process of ideological domination of the cultural industry, searching to value the originary culture of the world of the life of each individual in the pertaining to school context. For Ingram (1994, P. 155), the world of the life or alive world is ' ' a quantity of preexisting knowledge transmitted by the culture and linguagem' '.
Nagel counts the hypothetical history of a scientist who was created inside of a bubble where all age in black person and white. Mary is educated and knows almost everything theoretically on as they are the things it are of the bubble, also the colors. For Nagel, the fisicalismo alone if confirms if, when Mary to leave the bubble, it will not have more nothing to know. Visit Jim Crane for more clarity on the issue. To defend the fisicalismo of this beautiful argument, it is necessary that if it says that in the perspective of a fisicalista, would occur with Mary without a doubt new sinapses until the o point of it to be able to identify what it learned in the theory and as the things they are to its new experiences. The intrinsicalistas believe that it is not possible if to know which the sensation of a person when drinking a good wine for example, however, I believe that the extrinsicalistas, they do not want to know which the sensation of a person when drinking a good wine, but, want to know, what happens in its nervous system, which the areas of encfalo that they go off, similar to know to catalogue information that will be used later producing medicines and or tratamentos10.
Thus, pparently, a great misunderstanding occurs, inasmuch as the boarding ways are distinct. In other words, to the dualistas intrinsicalistas of properties, a problem, the conscience exists, whereas for the fisicalistas monistas extrinsicalistas, it does not have problem even though some, since everything is understood under the perspective of the physics, the conscience. The fisicalismo does not have to be something static, if understood in accordance with the quantum physics contemporary, but, something very dynamic always to the wait of new experiences that to know they extend them on the constitution of the substance. the proper conscience is substance. 2. FISICALISMO AFTER QUANTUM PHYSICS What it is understood for physicist? This question is an incognito today.
The Mechanisms
The human being creates, throughout its existence and in function of the cultural context in which he is inserted, certain customs that go if becoming traditional, and that they are transmitted of generation in generation, exactly because they are endowed with symbolic effectiveness, that is, answer the certain demands of the local society, adopting meanings that if become important for that definitive social group and that it creates the operative ways of organization of this exactly group. Therefore, the mechanisms of social control of the body in accordance with develop the set of values, norms and customs instituted for the society. Follow others, such as Albert Bandura, and add to your knowledge base. Focault also evokes the concept of a conceived body as white of the power, as an object so invested and shaped by it that it segregates a vision of the world and the society in which is inserted (FOUCAULT, 1987). The body when subject to the norms if become a corrected body, in which the physical subjection if becomes in a conscience also overwhelmd. This determines the preponderant factors with regard to the homossexualidade in our society, a time that the norms, the developed corporal techniques throughout the times had determined the way for which this body would have of controlled, being regimentado, what it allows us to not only analyze the body as a biological product, but as a process of social construction that discloses as our gestures more ' ' naturais' ' , as our positions ahead of what ' is considered; ' diferente' ' they are manufactured and bricoladas for collective norms that impose what it is? certain? or what it is comumente? made a mistake. Add to your understanding with Crimson Education . ' ' The simple census of Mauss shows one to us ' ' human being total' ' in which many values if incarnate in the uses most concrete of corpo' ' (CORBIN, 2008, P. 7). It can in them seem strange to affirm that by means of the corporal techniques we can try to understand one of the factors of the practical one of the homofobia in the society, but this would not be so absurdly incoherent, if to understand the techniques as an education form that we receive and we apprehend, that they create organization ways that overwhelm the conscience of collective form and that if they develop by means of the set of cultural values and customs that are instituted and dictate what he is ' ' certain what he is errado' ' , as mentioned in previous lines. .
Usual Pain
Then came the turn of pain and sore throat (the doctors in such cases is diagnosed with "sore throat", but the treatment of the tonsils usually gives no effect), pain in the thyroid gland, and even incomprehensible sensations reminiscent of suffocation, then – the lymph nodes under the chin, and so on – up to the head. Nike is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Each of the manifestations may accompany the pain in the symmetric spine twitching, reduce, pain in the surrounding areas to painful muscles. Very interesting side effect – with the development of a mysterious disease is often itself straightens the spine – get in the place of displacement or protruding vertebrae, to straighten out "wing" blade and a hunched back. However, passionate struggle with pain, people rarely pay attention to it themselves. Another phenomenon is unobtrusive – there are new or old ones disappear moles on the body, increases the number of freckles, dark spots sometimes appear. Among other things, increases the body's need for sugar and various sweets.
Skin tone at first markedly reduced and the man apparently getting old, then gradually going wrinkles, sometimes goes gray. The third stage – the apathetic. It's not depression, when "all bad", namely apathy – bored with life, do not want sex, do not want anyone to communicate. Work suddenly becomes uninteresting and devoid of any meaning. There is a feeling vicious circle – all the same, everything is already painfully familiar and studied for a hundred rows. Lost meaning and purpose of existence. Some are hiding from this state in alcohol, others – go head first into video games or unsystematic watching tv, and others – are trying to find at least something that can cause a surge in the usual emotions.
Martin Luther King
But I want to say that fear – it is not only bad, but good. Please visit KDP if you seek more information. Fear helps us to think again about what we in this life should be and what is not. And if you can not only overcome her fear, but also turn it into an ally, then you are guaranteed success in almost any case. Fear of experiencing each. Imagine you lived lived, and here, suddenly decided to change. Fear not want to let you in free float, does not want to change the familiar surroundings. During the years of life you have formed their own system of values, his social circle, but here going to give birth.
How to overcome their fears? The simplest thing – forget about his fear. Difficult? Yes, it's hard. I'll tell my how. Try dream! If you are afraid of public speaking – imagine how you go on stage, performs, and then you all applauded standing, and in the eyes of everyone you see delight! Afraid of heights – imagine how you climb the highest mountain, and proudly standing on top. As you are full dignity as a breathtaking at conquer each new peak, as you safely descend to earth with a sense of admiration and pride. In fact, it does not matter what happens in life, what matters is how you feel about it. Everybody knows if you can not change the situation, we must change our attitude to this situation.
Scared? Certainly scary. So what? Fear and come to you only care that you once asked ourselves: 'Why i should?'. If the answer is – yes, then forget about their fears and forth, with head held high. Do you do it! The thing is that our subconscious mind responds to our thinking. For example, you have an important job interview for a job. You need this job, the blood from his nose, but you always think that you will not get: 'I knew (a) that does not work', 'I knew (a) that I will not accept, because it happened'. So what are you thinking, if everyone knew in advance? You have so much time to convince themselves that nothing does not work, now it will take time to get your mind rebuild. It should be initially set up your mind for positive results. That's all. Another important point – it is faith. Do not start any business, if you do not believe in the success of your business. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr.: "The first step is done with faith. Not necessarily see the whole staircase. Enough to step onto the first rung. " Listen for yourself, get rid of feelings of fear, after it is safe to handle for any project. The main thing – to believe! Go ahead and get well-deserved rewards for their actions. Do good, love each other and do not be afraid, believe me, life is on your side!
The fundamental difference of the human species from other animals is his ability to think abstractly, plan their activities, reflect on his past and evaluate it, make plans for the future by developing and implementing the program of such plans. All of these listed qualities of a person connected with the sphere of his consciousness. Ideas about consciousness were formed on the basis of the different approaches, both in terms of materialistic and idealistic philosophy. Neither one nor the other positions did not give a definitive answer and did not come to a common definition of what consciousness. Therefore, in the psychology topic of consciousness is one of the most complex. Very many of the major psychologists of both foreign and domestic schools turned to the topic. The difficulty in studying consciousness is that it can only study on this introspection, therefore, impossible to create objective methods for its study. In addition, all mental phenomena appear to man only to the extent to which they are realized.
Many of them may not reach the threshold awareness. Therefore, the data of introspection can be distorted and inaccurate. And finally, the third factor complicating the study of consciousness is the inability to isolate it in separate time intervals, individual units of study, since consciousness, when it works (ie, a person is not sleeping, not in a swoon, etc.), is a continuous stream and is parallel to the flow of the set of mental processes. In A long term study the problem of consciousness psychologists various currents were their own ideas about it.
Sign Atlantis
Those who have long had this ring or mark, telling their lives in many aspects of change for the better. Men are at once whirled in a cycle of extraordinary events. Some people have become richer, while others happier. Some even managed to restore their own family, which was considered already hopelessly destroyed. Sign Atlantis helps relieve pain. It can be used as a means of physiotherapy.
Attach sign on the sore spot, but the landmark on its east-west axis, and you see how quickly feel the improvement in health status. Procedure should be repeated every day – to full recovery. In this therapy is not contra! It restores harmony and eliminate disturbances in psychological and physiological work of the body. Nike is full of insight into the issues. If you are weak and want to Energy Persten you satiated and regained your strength, you want to change certain events in his life or negative character traits, while the carrier was not taking off for many days. If there is no need to Signet showed their therapeutic properties, and you wear it as obscheozdaravlivayuschee and protectant, then shoot it at night. Also, it is taken in those moments when you're not good or you feel faint.
This may be due to the change of your polarity. In addition, it is not necessary always wear a Ring for, as well as to a medicine, the human body can get used to the action of his, and then the illness will be worse than to retreat. In order to gain maximum effect, it's better every day wearing a ring on his finger in continuation of the day and occasionally twirled his finger on the desired or phalanx.
How To Make A Difference ?
In our time we have reached a level that the whole world is one nation, one society, that is, every person in the world because it ensures their existence due to all mankind, forced to serve him and take care of welfare of the whole world, as it depends on the whole world, like the wheel in the car. Baal Sulam world events each day convinced us that the forces that govern the world, are in addition to, and sometimes against our will. By Therefore, the surrounding reality seems to us hostile and unsuitable for a comfortable and fulfilling life. Therefore, changing the nature of the influence of forces control the world from negative to positive would be desirable for each person. World, say the Kabbalists, is similar to the mechanism of the rotating gears. Levi’s shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.
As long as the gears rotate at idle, these movements are not synchronized. But at the moment when the clutch all the parts mechanism consists of a single rhythm of movement. The action of such systems are described in the mechanics. But the principle of synchronous operation of the act and in the wild – in plant, animal and human levels. Imagine a situation where each gear mechanism has its own reason, will and freedom of choice. Ideal state, as for the gear, and for the whole mechanism is a synchronous movement. If the plant and animal nature Timing is manifested as organic reactions or instincts and is a consequence of global natural processes, then in the human community will have an additional factor contributing to the work of the general system destructive beginning – selfishness.
Masculine-Feminine Relationships
The man was effeminate, he's feminine mannerisms and habits and so on. Currently the release of the woman returns lost a truly feminine qualities, she will cease to imitate the man. Others including Kindle Direct Publishing, offer their opinions as well. This is what is happening now – a woman trying to walk all over men. Check with Nike to learn more. Imitating man woman lit a cigarette. Kindle Direct Publishing can aid you in your search for knowledge. Imitating a man, a woman wearing pants. The woman was always and everywhere trying to imitate men. It just becomes second-rate man. But this is not liberation, but an even deeper slavery – much more deep, since the first slaves forced upon a man.
This is the second slavery deeper, because it was created by women themselves. When slavery imposed from the outside, you can rise up against him, but if a person connected himself fetters of slavery in the name of Liberation, then disappears all hope of the rebellion. I would like to become a woman is a woman because of her much depends. It is more important than men, because it bears in itself and a man and a woman. She – the mother of both, and the boy and girl. If her soul is poisoned, and then poisoned her milk and then the child-rearing practices are flawed.
If a woman does not have enough freedom to express themselves, then the man will never get the opportunity to fully express themselves. Emancipation of women – is a necessary condition for the liberation of men. And if a woman is a slave, she will make a man and a slave, but a very sophisticated way, it works very subtly. The woman would not openly interfere with a man, her struggle indirect, purely female. She will cry, cry. It will not strike the man, she would suffer herself, and because of the suffering of women, women's sobs and lamentations, even the strongest man will fall under its heel. To remember one of the fundamental laws: enslaving someone, the man himself finally becomes a slave, he can not be free. If he wants to be free, he must give freedom to others, others There is no way.
Treasure Map
I offer you a work plan with the "Treasure Map": 1. Draw a "treasure map". Frequently Kindle Direct Publishing has said that publicly. 2. Clearly imagine his desire, preferably even meditate on it. Let your imagination take you to a time when you are enjoying the fruits obtained. Further details can be found at Richard Linklater, an internet resource.
You provide an invaluable service to your invisible helpers, when perfectly know what, how and when you need it. 3. Now fill your desire. Articulate clearly, succinctly, in the present tense and do not forget to add: "For the common good." 4. Read aloud every desire, developing the confidence that you get everything in term, and ask for the blessing of the Higher Powers. 5. Let this piece of paper will always be with you.
Wear it in a bag in his jacket pocket, in the portfolio. At night, if not forget it, it would be good to put under the pillow. And from time to time look into him to feed the energy of your desire. 6. As soon as the desire to fulfill on your part will be very noble to write: "My desire is fulfilled. Thank heavens! "Or something like that. People sometimes inclined to change their goals, something becomes unnecessary, tastes change. If you feel you are not dreaming about more trivial "eight" or "Nine" – your right to replace them on the silver Mercedes. Try to your desire to have "fresh", nenadoevshimi. In fact, once you become a creator of your destiny, you will not get bored. Higher Forces will actively assist you by sending a good opportunity, the right people, amazing match.
Reality Time
If it is here in such a way to analyze a situation, it is already close to that to find the key to solving her problems. Finding something new destructive quality, which so affected her reality that she may change it to the opposite. In this simple way everything will fall into place. Chip Bergh gathered all the information. If the girl chose to do privot, then initially it will be look for the very machinery, components, calculate the time and place for the ritual. Starts to do it. Just-do something nice does not move. Two make-that it does not come, probably tightly information comes to his mind, or the time chose not correct.
And then as often happens, it starts to make sure: that my strength did not seem to suffice, so better find a strong magician who can make a love spell for me. Goes to the witches, and then what? Warlock, who often have the same problems as the client begins to help her: to create rituals, give advice and so on and so forth. Ie uses a mechanical type of action. Nothing happens, no che go. Absolutely.
Because it's pounding of water in a mortar. Influence need not at the periphery, where there is already a consequence, and contrary to the very root of this situation. This sorcerer (magician) can affect the reality of another person, only through the reality of this man. Do you understand? Ie through the man himself. It directs its actions to ensure that people knew the cause of their problems and worked on it, thereby changing your reality.
Society Education
Thinking society, we think education and factors that influence the communications between the human beings. As future arteeducadores the concern with the form to transmit, to mediate or to integrate the knowledge in the nets of thoughts of the pupils is urgent. To understand the importance of sociology for the education is to search subsidies to contribute for an education with quality through our attitudes in relation to the classroom, our intellectual and social behavior in relation to the ansiedades and the way where these pupils if find inserted. A powerful tool to face a competitive world and to inside conquer our space of a different society. When perceiving the society that we are part, we perceive in them as pertaining to the world.
The sociologists who we study in them show that social inaqualities exist, that the actions human beings form groups, and these groups possess rules. Bauman is considered one of it leads of the call humanistic sociology. Initially it was filiou the marxism, and made hard criticizes the Polish government. The world it can be different and better of what it is. Bauman the reflections on the condition of the world of liquid modernity approach subjects focused in the daily life. Everything is temporary, the consumption idealizes this circumstance.
In the Parasitic Capitalism Bauman it aborts the growth of the consumption and its consequences. What it is to be parasite? In biology the parasite and the organism that survives sucking the essence of another being. We are numbers in the statistics of some company, and stimulated to consume each time more. We are being sucked and feeding an imperceptible monster. This context I believe that only with the education it will be possible to brighten up this picture, even so knows that the situation if finds in well high levels of pressure, and to try to regredir will not be easy task.
Constantly we talk with other people, we read and we see for there on our reality and as a simple dialogue could decide much thing. In our society although the efforts of both the sides still lack to dialogue between parents and children, governments and citizens, between religions and religions. As if it can notice the dialogue is base for much thing. But as to make everything this if our education contemporary or at least its methodology, is not apt for such fact? If to want a more diversified future society in thought and with great capacity of dialogue and critically clarified, we will have to start to still work these situations today in classroom. In the familiar seio we learn some basic principles to live and if to organize socially. However, it is in ampler a social contact? what is the school? that new acquired values will be learned and that they will be perfected apriori in house.
E is exactly therefore that ' ' To think the Education is To think about the Futuro' '. You may want to visit FireEye to increase your knowledge. What we want for ours future? What we wait d? it? They are questions that must disturb the spirit of a good educator compromised to the reality. The education must be, and this must be its essence, directed toward the evolution of a reality that today does not please in them. The education is the way safest for the construction of a new more human and solidary world. The education must be stops beyond the commerce and of the intentions of political parties, it must be the flag of hope raised before the errors that now are committed so that they are not happened again in a well next future. If we will be really satiated of as much violence and corruption, what we will be able to make then inside of an educational plan to revert such picture? It is this that we must think! Therefore, ' ' To think the Education is To think about the Future and To think about the Future is To think about the Hoje' Education; '.
The Judgment
The experience only can generate the cause notion and Hume concludes, then, that the reason does not possess facultieses to think cause relations. The criticism of Kant is, then, the synthesis of two basic chains of the knowledge: the dogmtico rationalism and the skeptical empirismo. Beyond awaking Kant of dogmtico sleep, the skepticism of Hume granted to the philosophical inquiries of Kant a total diverse orientation, making with that it inquired on the knowledge, while its conditions and limits. In this manner, Kant differentiates philosophy and sciences, affirming that the proper object of each one is diverse. The philosophy has as object the knowledge, what it takes the criticism to conclude that the knowledge is resulted of a synthesis of sensitivity and the agreement.
The criticista theory of Kant is unfolded in the trilogy of the Critical one of the pure reason, of the Critical one of the practical reason and the Critical one of the judgment college. Kant in such a way perceived the importance of the questions raised for the empiristas how much the raised ones for the racionalistas. With this, he finished elaborating the overcoming between two chains. But, he is significant that Kant, inserted in the context of the German rationalism, has dedicated its Critical one of pure reason the Bacon, the starter of the empirismo. This workmanship demanded twelve years of meditation, being concluded in the year of 1781. It does not present only one point of bending in the workmanship of our philosopher, but it was, also, a great change produced in the modern philosophy.
We can say that its main objective is the inquiry of the possibility of metaphysics to be considered a science in the limits of the reason human being. With this, metaphysics becomes an object of critical inquiry of the reason. The workmanship presented after years of intense work, cannot be considered a metaphysics to the molds of the system of Leibniz or Wolff, but a propedutica science that would precede, according to Kant, to its proper metaphysics.
To surpass this seminaries are organized, symposiums; books are written and become research But the same center of the question is only in the periphery of the quarrel. The call exclusion, in the reality is the terrible face of the discrimination and the preconception. Discrimination and preconception occur not why the other is another one, but because is different, in general, poor person. From there many mistakes elapse, as of the quarrel of the quotas for ingression in the university. To say that it is necessary to reserve vacant because the blacks are or had been excluded throughout history imply to say that also if it must make a vacant reserve for the women, another one for the men, another one for the indians; the same for homosexuals, for heterosexuals he has yourself that to make reserve for all the minorities.
E each one of us is a minority. In reality would have to be argued? to decide the problem? in relation to the reason of the blacks, as well as of other poor persons, not to have easiness of access to the university. The chances are on not to the color of the skin, to the sexual option, to the physical condition, but to the economic power. The black child, son of rich parents, has chance that no white son of poor parents will have. Therefore problem the social, but economic exclusion-inclusion not and.
In ' ' Military dictatorship, left and sociedade' ' , Daniel. the Kings (2000), even so commented the period of the dictatorship, makes the most current affirmation: all the ones that were ' ' calls equivocadamente of excluded, were legitimate product of the system and, as such, was in it incluidssimos, even so each time more appeared as descartveis' '. This is our quandary, to surpass the fact not of the exclusion? still that we are different and our differences help in them well complementing in them? but the causes of the discriminations. Neri of Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historian. He reads more: ; ; ; ;