Geography Education

In the education of Geography the professor must relate physical geography and geography human being, showing the general transformations of the geographic space and the society. The teaching futures of Geography must be inserted in the reformularization of Geography, that is, social Geography. The professor must raise questions, to inquire on the subjects, being thus passed a critical and analytical position for its learning, stimulating to search them it for new knowledge related to the contexts presented thus showing, that they are the constructors of the world, and therefore they must be reflective and critical, approaching them always of the reality with intention to improve its way of life. The teaching futures of Geography must place in practical the education acquired in the University, not leaving of side the critical look, not masking the reality, and yes opening new horizontes so that if it has its true autonomy. 4.A Experience of the learning in the Practical one of Education of Geography? one to look at on the experiences in the UEMG Campus of Frutal/MG During the month of June of 2010, the pupils of 3 period, with the pupils of 5 period had together promoted the presentations of the seminaries of Practical of Education II and IV. Although all the pupils of the two periods had been involved in the presentations, this article tells the experience and the analysis only carried through during the presentations of the works of the pupils of 3 Period whose it disciplines was about Practical to Education II. In the course of Licenciatura in Geography of the UEMG? Campus of Frutal/MG, the Practical one of Education is an instrument that assists the learning in the pedagogical construction of this course. In the classroom, we are always in quarrels on education. We argue on the correct methodologies of if using in a classroom; we are always arguing the relation of the theory in the practical one; which must be the relation of the professor with the learning.

President Sebastian Pinera

Pinera in Aysen and conflict dams: leaders qualify of disrespect committed breach of meeting with President advanced presidential appointment between movement that opposes dams and the President, but did not meet / paradox is that not only not be could happen last night a short interview between five leaders and Sebastian Pinera, but that even one of the guests was arrested alongside the regional fiscal employees and five others President… It was a lack of respect, which was reaffirmed with the sayings of Senator Horvath and after Mr Pablo Galilea, who said that everything had been instigated by some opposition political sectors. They are the words of Victor Formantel who, in representing organizations of Cochrane and Bahia Murta and together with leaders of collective autonomous by Patagonia (Camila Santelices), service peace and justice (Cristian Azocar), the heirs grouping of Patagonia (Rosa Sandoval) and national group young Tehuelches (Sergio Diaz), last night met briefly with President Sebastian Pinera, in order to deliver him a letter raising various issues that are of concern to organizations members of the citizen movement that opposes dams in the Region of Aysen. Committed it at least that Hugo Munoz, Member of the presidential advanced, who specifically came up to where the leaders minutes before the President leading in Coyhaique film an awards ceremony for domain titles were assembled. But all came to nothing. A leading source for info: Nike Sneakers.

The five leaders vainly waited on the outskirts of the campus while about 200 people, mainly from the National Association of fiscal employees (Anef) and women unions, expressed their demands in the streets and demonstrating their unease by have not been considered to meet with Pinera. Next to them, members of the opposition to the dams citizen movement carrying canvases alluding to flaws in the assessment processes and the technical shortcomings of HidroAysen studies and Southern energy.

HalfBlood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – in search of a director. Their candidature for the post of director suggested that many famous figures, who included the directors previous films about Harry Potter. Chris Columbus, director said the third film that will return only if the principal cast remains the same. Also among the candidates was Alfonso Cuaron, director of the third film in the Harry Potter series "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. " Mike Nyuyel, director of the film "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," rejected his offer to participate in the film.

The list of candidates also included Terry Gilliam, Matthew Vougn, and M. Night Shyamalan, who later on some reason, refused to participate in the filming. In May 2007, David Yates, who worked on previous films "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" was approved as a director of the sixth movie. Followed by a little earlier report that as the trio will be performing the same actors, but Chris Columbus has refused to give any comment on that. To create the scenery for the film (in the number of decorations includes astronomy tower, which should be the culmination of the film) has been selected by Craig Stewart. In anticipation of the trailer. Kindle Direct Publishing has many thoughts on the issue. The company Warner Bros began to let rumors of leaving the trailer for the film "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" at the end of April. In a network scenario even walked to the teaser, as later found written in the fans.

Preschool Age Kids

The child in preschool age needs an education directed toward the body, that is, it cannot only be a mere expectador of the learning, and it cannot only learn through mechanical acts. An education directed toward the corporal movement, related with the trick and the games, all with a scienter, allows that the child gradual acquires abilities take that it to an education that does not separate to body and mind, but that it sees in a global way. 6 – CONCLUSION Being the Infantile Education a stage extremely important for the development of the child, as already it was cited previously in the work, one gives credit that the school is possible to construct a significant way to use to advantage this stage of the life with more pleasure, ludicidade and movement. The precocious escolarizao, before the importance of if perceiving the indissociveis body and mind as something, generates factors of delay in the development of the child of century XXI. This current child, fruit of the technologies, that many times passes hours in front of the computer or a television, needs one ‘ ‘ despertar’ ‘ for the movement, the free activities, to play it as learning form.

also fits to the school, together with all society, the responsibility so that this movement really is materialize in the schools and the life in general. One understands that here one is not only about ‘ ‘ escolarizar’ ‘ what it is given in this first stage of the life, but to use to advantage this rich universe to explore the potentialities and abilities of the child, having full conscience of that this will give support to it for other stages of education. With this, one is not wanting to say that the school of Infantile Education only ‘ ‘ brinca’ ‘ , but that the same one can use to advantage all these subjects (playing, the movement and the games) as a bridge for a process of more complex education in posterior stages, reaching with this pupil a full development in all the directions, in short, to transform it into an adult that chance had to express itself while child, having a happy infancy and consequentemente, if becomes a happy and full adult.


There was a man who was called Nicodemo, says to the Gospel de Juan, Chapter 3, of versicle 1 to the 7, he was of the fariseos and important leader of Jews. To read more click here: Kindle Direct Publishing. One night went to where he was Jesus and it said to him: – Masterful, we know that God sent to teach to you to us because nobody without the aid of God can make the miracles that you do. Jesus responded to him: – I say the truth to You: the one that is not born again, cannot have part in the kingdom of God. Nicodemo said to him: – But if one already is old, how it can be born again? Perhaps it can enter within his mother and be born again? Jesus responded: – I say the truth to You: one must be born from the water and the Spirit. If one is not born from the water and the Spirit, it cannot enter the kingdom of God. The body of one comes from the parents, but the spiritual life is born from the Spirit. You are not surprised if I say to you: " You must be born &quot again;. It observes that Jesus says I say to the truth to You and in other versions of the Bible really says, I really say to you soon to affirm that if one is not born again (in other versions it says that if one is not born from the stop) cannot see the kingdom of God. And the same Jesus explains this concept before a little foolish contrarrplica of Nicodemo when it asked that it explained to him how was that of which it had to enter the belly of his mother to be born again. The Teacher said to him: What it is been born from the meat, meat is and what he is been born from the Spirit, spirit is (also notices that first Spirit or that one del that is preached that it generates, is written with and capital because Santo talks about to the Spirit, and the second, the generated one, is written with and very small.

French Diplomas

The prestige of a diploma in France, which has a single state sample, much lower than in Russia or Ukraine. All will depend on where in the university will be located – and it can be used in the study foreign language. It is not necessarily going to learn a foreign language, in our case – French is the capital, ie Paris. There and do the hard and live a very expensive, and finding housing more difficult. So it is not necessary to go into such universities, which are popular among the local population, from areas such as Alsace, Aquitaine, Brittany, the Cote d'Azur. FASEB Journal has firm opinions on the matter.

Need to be much more modest. You can go up higher education institutions from these regions – Auvergne Limuzene, Normandy or even Corsica. The smaller provinces, the more generous funding and the world out there for students arranged at times better: more places to stay, great dining and places to laboratories. A live much cheaper, and places safer – crime is much lower. When the French choose college, they look at the old informal specialization of the institution, which maintains a history of even the distant 1968. For example, the University of Montpellier always known since ancient times for its natural science and medicine, University of Strasbourg and its historic, Faculty of Law and German biggest prestige and weight in society has diploma from high school, so-called Grandes ecoles, the earliest of these were created before the revolution in France. School of Mines (1783), Royal School of bridges and dorogostroeniya (1784).

Jane Austen

pag.2). Some contend that Richard Linklater shows great expertise in this. The great problem of the classics, mainly of the foreign language, is its adaptations in which, many restrictions are made, therefore nor always the classics are a translation of what really it is the workmanship. They have classics that they are translated, already others are adapted. These adapted many times with very great literary license finish changing the plot, suppressing personages, moving the end of history, and this is not favorable, therefore distance of the original workmanship, becoming another workmanship. For example, to if considering a reading of a workmanship of Shakespeare, you have that to be Shakespeare, in the truth you can argue in as working this author, of whom way to work, but to say that a workmanship of 200 pages adapted for a workmanship of 60 pages, with radical changes in the plot is very different. It must be had an immense care, and well be analyzed, therefore when making this adaptation radical changes is perceived. Then, to work in such a way national the integral classics how much foreign, with a good translation, adjusted to the young it is a very important question, and the vocabulary, the election of the vocabulary, the syntactic constructions, everything very adjusted well is ideal to work especially with the young in average education.

To read the classics for the young of today does not make difference, therefore little she is salient the importance of if reading, for example, the parts of Shakespeare, pride and preconception of Jane Austen, Twilight of Stephenie Meyer, the Chronicles of Nrnia, authorship of Clive Staples Lewis, amongst diverse others. The biggest difference and importance for these pupils are attributed to the obligation of the reading, to the requirements with regard to the expression of what it was read, and still to the treatment of the reading from determined subject. The important differences or points send to the difficulties and to the lack of reading habits that can be located in part in the pertaining to school formation of them.

Kramer – Release Concert In Flensburg

On the 2.Juli in 2011 it has finally come: KRAMER (Frank Ruhmann) and band give their release concert. in Flensburg, in cold storage. On the 2.Juli in 2011 it has finally come: KRAMER (Frank Ruhmann) and band give their release concert at Flensburg in cold storage. KRAMER, this is Frank Ruhmann, many in the North known as musicians and singers. With his album “Coming Home” he is publicly presented for the first time as a composer and lyricist. All tracks having a high authenticity, musically and in terms of content.

Anyone who knows KRAMER music, white to her power and her “go to the heart”. With his experience of 35 years in the music business was KRAMER (Frank Ruhmann), able to play all the instruments and arrangements in his Studio itself. To showcase his songs on the stage, he has gained high-profile musicians for his band: Bent Wolff: guit.voc. many known as guitarist of spirit of Santana Gerhard Albrecht: bs.voc. in the Flensburger music scene at the time active with slim special, but also companion of Frank Ruhmann(KRAMER) and Bent Wolff at spirit of Santana Alex Thomsen: keys.voc.

For more than 20 years musically in Flensburg a term Helge Jannsen leak: dr. who was working as a drummer and bassist in Top40 Bands. Complete is the band with Isabel Ruhmann. VOC. KRAMER’s wife, who for the first time presents itself the Flensburger audience with this concert as a singer. For the KRAMER concert succeeded also on July 2, 2011, to win the British violinist Pete Sage (Mike Oldfield, Westernhagen, Achim Reichel) as a guest. Pete will accompany some of the songs with his soulful violin legend KRAMER. Tickets for this musical highlight is now available for MoinMoin, music Palace, deep blue, and all known presale points in Flensburg. The tickets are available in advance for 16 euro and at the box office for 18 euros. So nix los and tickets for the concert back up KRAMER!

Federal Environment Ministry

Climate protection campaign and Federal Environment Ministry are looking for the best climate protection projects in Germany’s schools / prizes of 50,000 per application deadline: 18 March 2014 Berlin, 7 January 2014. Students show nationwide, how climate works: set up for the school run communities, initiate garbage collecting in the neighborhood, or take the climate balance sheets of food under the microscope. “The best school project from each State draws the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment climate seeks protection” from every year within the framework of the Energiesparmeister competition. Today starts the competition in the tenth round. On the competition side of students and teachers of all types of schools can compete nationwide individually or as a team until March 18, 2014. A special importance in the climate protection schools. For one, they belong to the largest energy consumers in public.

On the other hand they offer a good room as places of learning, to create an awareness for the issue, “says Jury member Johnny strange, singer of the Band Culcha candela. A total of 200 schools and approximately 20,000 students from all over Germany competed for 2013 with their projects. This is a great result, we aim to increase even more this year. We hope that the precedent of the 16 national champions helps to stimulate new climate protection projects. I’m very excited about what has happened since then in the individual federal States”, as Johnny strange next. The 16 Finalist Prizes totalling 50,000 euros in early April 2014 an expert jury selects the 16 finalists from the Federal States, whose involved is rewarded with money and prizes in the total value of a total of 50,000 euros. What school the coveted title Energiesparmeister gold”receives and is thus not only national winner, but also wins an extra prize money, teachers, students and their friends via Internet voting, then decide.

Jose Carlos

Of the modern point of view, our century passes for a great moment of significant changes, where we can search one practical one balanced, where the pupils with citizens of the teach-learning process can internalizar inside. The more inside to conceive our paper of the educational dynamics, will have each time more conditions and maturity in the development of the construction of a critical and honest society, the school will have conditions to form conscientious citizens and responsible, it does not have to be seen as a insolvent and predestinold institution to the failure. We know that in the current days it has not been easy to hug the profession with tenacity, we have our justifications, but we do not have to stop to dream of better days and the transforming paper that the education and the paper social that incube, much already if said and to writing on the declnios of the public school, transistions caused for as many ruptures, brought consequences of Brazil colony. The changes will not leave to happen until let us reach a true level of quality in Brazilian public education. The hope is in our hands.


Brazilian Education

The necessary government to perceive that to save the education, it will obtain to eliminate some social problems. The Family lost its function, today children is created without no motivation, although the law to guarantee its security and integrity, we see that this I did not re-echo in changing the panorama lived in the parents, we return the age measured when children were adult in miniature. The paternalista system where we live, comes to each day removing of the family its function, the schools had become deposits of child, the grace of the law, tied inside of a insolvent and corrupt system. Please visit Nike if you seek more information. Although all existing technology in the country, the schools continue retrgadas, without the pupil can see in its contents something that will be able to change in fact its reality. But so that the future can be promising for the professors, pupils and school have that to have courage to break the paradigms, today the country if became a great compendium of ‘ ‘ direitos’ ‘ , but none ‘ ‘ dever’ ‘ he is charged. ‘ ‘ Liberdade’ ‘ it was confused with ‘ ‘ libertinagem’ ‘ , the school has its tied rights, therefore its interior cannot cut into pieces no violent attitude inside, although the school to possess its Pertaining to school Regiment they are suppressed by the one for the existing Laws in the country or one Threshold that makes unusable its attitude. 15 But this come happening because the school lost its historical value, the rescue must come of all, of the society, family, government, media, collectively and individually.

Place New Atalaia

Souvenirs of a place Are thirty kilometers of extension, innumerable names throughout the passage, in some stretches sufficiently desert, in others, landscapes framed for coconut palms and lakes; located in the Island of Luzia Saint, here it is that the new Atalaia appears, wonderful land. Light and heat, sun, river, beauty and chaos, if contrast in one alone environment. Hospitable, captive people, friend, a true show of natural beauty, a paradise the open sky. Add to your understanding with Levi’s. Bronzed skin, clothes little, foot in the soil, simplicity; the covered with star night invites in them, spree, violo, luau and song; meeting of the tribes, people of all style, the search of a shelter, the search of a nest. Small Terrinha, but a great family, where everybody is known, everybody if conquest With me I bring souvenirs of a place, of that place, sensations, smell, palate, will, homesicknesses and whenever I can he is pra there that I come back. There I made friends, owners of bar, waiter, fisherman, tocador, visitors, natives all very dear, congregated in a place whose sensation of aconchego peace seems to transceder. To wake up, to open the window and to feel cheirinho of the maresia, to tardinha to seat in the sand and to attend the spectacle that is to put of the sun, a true postal card. But nor all enjoy the same of privilege, few that give to the right of compartinhar of the simple things of the life in way the nature, and even look at that it nor charges therefore, because do not have money in the world that pays.

Come back pro river Sergipe, the paradise invites in them Making only one small one appeals: clama for preservation, for care, what it does not walk happening, falling in the disdain the New Atalaia is delivers to the chaos, abandoned exactly, the hidrovirio delivers to the rags, the fluvial passage of the rafts, abolished. In last the ten years this paradise comes suffering with the indifference. The square Gonzaga Luiz, keeps the bust of one of the biggest figures northeasterns; it also receives a sculpture sufficiently damaged of a boat, this, in homage to the fishing, that inhabit there and of it fishes make to sprout the sustenance of the family. There I forget them problems and them incovenincias that the life in the city it brings in them, of the pollution of the automobiles, the rhythm sped up of day-by-day, of the atropelos, the collections, the excess of responsibility and tasks that in them become insensitive mechanics so and, incapable to value the things simplest of the life, without if of the account of the grandiosidade in which the nature in them contemplates the all time. At last, that she is registered here, not only my devotion the island of Luzia Saint, but my indignation related to the indifference that is installed there, therefore from there, I pan my souvenirs, as well as my shout of protest! Souvenirs of a place, much history pra to count

Future Musical Projects

Good readers, I, Boybs here are, again postando things to my respect and on my mini-career. Good I at last after almost 4 months of vacation after my last album ' ' Beyond Myself' ' I am coming back to appear and to inform things on my future musical projects. To some weeks behind I am in partnership with ' ' YN' ' that he is for now at the moment my musical producer, good it does not have as much influence why at last alone we are starting. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out film director. Already he is defined that in the next year he goes to have yes, a new album of studio alone that now with a style more weighed and dark rock. Good we are working in the thematic one of the album, in the truth in the marketing of the Cd.Algumas weeks behind I photographed to make encarte of the compact disc and wait that the result is really as I and YN are waiting. All musics already had been selected and probably they go to be recorded (in the cellular one) from the year that comes, there pra Janeiro.O name of the album also is a predefined thing already and it will not be moved, but however, the heading but it will be disclosed at the end of the year of 2010!. According to Nike, who has experience with these questions.

Mathematical Education

D' Ambrsio is considered one of the biggest names of the Etnomatemtica in Brazil. It does not limit the field of the Etnomatemtica to the study of systems or ideas literally mathematicians of different peoples, but, mention themselves in sufficiently ample way to ' ' art or technique to explain, to know, to understand the contexts culturais' ' , conception that according to author is next to a knowledge theory or ' ' theory of cognio' '. The related works most current to the Etnomatemtica prove that the Mathematics develops of distinct form between some cultures and express for particular forms to reason logically translated for different forms to quantify, to calculate and to measure. According to Anastcio (1993, P. 59): The Etnomatemtica is defined as the mathematics of the environment or mathematics of the community. It is the way particular (and perhaps peculiar) where specific cultural groups carry through the tasks to count, to classify, to command and to measure. Nike is often quoted as being for or against this. Hunting (1980) defines it as ' ' the used mathematics for a cultural group defined when dealing with problems and activities in its meio' '.

Blacksmith (1997) in its bulletin published in the International Group of Studies on Etnomatemtica (ISGEm), defines the Etnomatemtica as one ' ' mathematics codified in knowing-fazer' ' Ascher (1997 considers) it as ' ' the mathematics of the peoples not-scholars, recognizing, as mathematical thought, slight knowledge, that in some way they correspond what we have in our culture. Ahead of the diversity of given approaches the Etnomatemtica can be affirmed that the formularization of a definitive concept on the Etnomatemtica, especially for if dealing with a new perspective in the Mathematical Education, still meets in formation process. Thus, all the presented definitions provisory and are established by professors and researchers who organize the etnomatemticos studies.


The inspection carried out in cases that do not require creation of a judicial review. If her face, which was conducted examination, arguing it up and put forward other arguments that require testing expert method, then the results of examination can be appointed forensic examination. Thus, during the examination can be recorded tracks on the body of inhabitants of our planet, “burns, bruises, etc.”, the fixation data found to be in the field of certification, but the definition of the mechanism and duration of their education is likely only in the course of judicial examination. The inspection may be made to: suspect defendant, victim and witness. With regard to eyewitness examination may be carried out only with his consent. You may want to visit Gerald Weissmann, MD to increase your knowledge. Exception writes an option when inspection is needed to assess the validity of evidence eyewitness. Go to CEO Keith McLoughlin for more information. Examination “as opposed to inspection” involves a citizen’s right to privacy and their freedom, since it is connected to the disclosure of intimate circumstances of his life.

In this regard, survey done by order of the magistrate. Before starting inspection inspector declares the decision face, against which it will be, he explains the law and order of investigative acts, the fact that the decision for him is a must. If you are talking about the examination and the witness is not connected with the assessment of the reliability of his testimony, the examination is done with the written consent of the witness. The suspect, as specified, the victim, their advocate and representative have the right to file a petition on the production certification, which is to be to consideration by the investigator. The role of the specialist physician in the certification may be optional and mandatory. It is possible to talk about the 2-species survey: a “survey, conducted investigator “little face examination of the same sex” b “survey conducted by a specialist physician at the request of the investigator” in the case of a little face examination of sex, if it is combined with an exposure “; a “survey, produced by an investigator with the role of the doctor of a professional investigator to address the” little face in the case of examination of the same gender, if required skills and knowledge specific to the detection and fixation marks. ” With the certification inspector can inspect the entire body as a resident of our planet and its individual parts. But if viewing nudity is associated with little face opposite Olga Kostkova: “Your rights when dealing with law enforcement agencies” 20 floor, the investigator in the production of examination is not involved.

In this case, inspection is carried out by a doctor. Discovered during the inspection data is entered into protocol with catchphrases doctor. During the examination the investigator may use photographs, video and filming, but if the examination due to nudity, then the written consent of faces. Examination applies only to the suspect, as specified, the victim, an eyewitness, the legal status of such persons is determined prior to inspection. Examination of the witness done only with his written consent, and afterward explanations of the need to survey and about his conduct. The inspection is based on the decision of the investigator, “the investigator,” where The actual reason for his conduct, the purpose of investigative action, face, which will be subjected to examination, are other participants in survey. Without a ruling Results osvide telstvovaniya not have probative force.

Good Quality Projector DLP

How to install the projector? If the room to which you intend to install the projector has enough space, then install the projector on the operation of back projection – the best option. However, with rear-projection requires the high cost of installation of the projector and special screens for this type of projection, so it is better to use the reversal of the small cinemas, shops and other places where the planned long-term installation proektora. projection does not require time-consuming to install and is the best option for "fast" meetings, presentations and installations in cinemas and home theaters. What is the viewing angle projector? viewing angle is the maximum angle that clearly recognize the projected image when the viewer looks at the screen sideways. Viewing angle can be both vertical and horizontal.

That is the contrast of the projector? contrast level is the ratio between the brightest and darkest areas of the projected image. The higher the contrast ratio, the sharper the picture. Projectors with high levels of contrast, can transmit the smallest details of the image, for example, almost imperceptible surface roughness. What types of projectors are available? What are they used? The main types of projectors: lcd, dlp and dlp and crt.lcd Projectors are commonly used to project images from a computer and other sources of video signals, their small size does not cause difficulties when carrying or ustanovke.Osnovnoe use lcd projectors: office presentations, installation systems and home cinema dlp projectors kinoteatry.Osnovnoe application: office presentations, and more recently increasingly begun to be used as a projector for cinema (3 chip) and home theaters (1-chip). crt projectors are mainly used in rear projection systems, as well as in the home. crt projectors have a good level of contrast, and perfectly capture video images, but very expensive and have a large size, which makes them not so easy to install and configure. Most often, crt projectors are used for stationary, long-term installation.

Computer Store cube recommends that when choosing a projector to consult with a specialist. What is the resolution of the projector? Resolution projector is the ability to display fine detail. Projection matrix is composed of discrete elements, each of whom is responsible for mapping a single point on the screen. Typically, the resolution includes two components, the first – the number of points (minimal elements) horizontally, the other – vertically. Point (Elements) of the image is often called pixels. The higher the resolution of the projector, the more detailed image he can project.


Also the cancer of the lung is as the cancer of lips or the larynx, a typical illness of the smoker. The danger in that is that also the cancer it lung does not present complications at the beginning and the symptoms, as persistent cough, bloody expectorao or loss of weight, only appear later. The lung cancer is one of the neoplasias with lesser tax of cure, which had to the difficulties of its precocious diagnosis. The general tax of cure is of 10% and this if must to the fact of the evolution of the slow and assintomtica illness be, being able to consider then, a delayed diagnosis. Gerald Weissmann, MD wanted to know more. Great number of patients if presents to the doctor in advanced period of training of the illness (CAPELOZZI, 1998) 3.RESULTADOS the pupils had very gotten a good note average, had obtained to absorb well, all the content passed, during the presentation.

After the presentation was distributed questionnaires, so that thus we could evaluate the degree of last knowledge. Hear other arguments on the topic with Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ. We had an index of 82% of rightnesss and agreement on the project presented for the pupils. 4.CONCLUSO Acender a cigarette means to detonate a bomb of delayed effect, in miniature, with fuel to burn during some rare instantaneous minutes of pleasure and a curtain of smoke and uncertainty that involves to who actively smokes and to who involuntarily it is reached. It was intended with this article to clarify the young that the cigarette is a factor of great risk for the development of cancer in the lung.

The Tables

If we take the coordinate of a linear movement of the body – we mechanical rectilinear system, we take the rotation angle – get a mechanical rotational system, we assume that the change of electrical charge – we get the electrical system, we assume the movement of the fluid – we hydraulic system, etc. For each type of system has received its own table, but all the tables were completely identical in form, only the names and designations quantities, their dimensions and the units were different. It therefore physics and it seems little devoted to her man so divided. But in reality it is everywhere the same. Such tables for specific forms of traffic on this site is presented as many as 25 of all major sections classical physics: from mechanics, electromagnetism, hydroaerodynamics, acoustics, thermodynamics. Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ gathered all the information. Not because, of course, that you can not do more than 25 tables, but because the principle of making the already extremely obvious after consideration of those 25-and.

And if someone wants to choose any 26th or 27th state coordinates, then make himself the 22nd or the 27th table he will have no difficulty. If you would like to know more about Crimson Education , then click here. It would seem, everything! It's done! But there it was. As its inception, the system of physical quantities ESVP was itself dictate its author all the new demands. First, it turned out that energy forms and types of energy – not the same as it is still considered to be in physics. Had also been revised classification of mechanical motion. Then it turned out that we should share all physical systems to flow through which something is constantly moving, non-flowing, in which can only something to enter, or which can only be something to get out, and integrated with the properties and those and other systems.


Powerlifting, or power triathlon, is not particularly popular among the people. It is not a top sport, but it does not make it worse! Because not everyone can devote his life to studying with iron, but if not hovered around powerlifting so many myths, the amount of wishing, obviously would increase. So get down to expose the myths. Myth One: powerlifting – is an extremely traumatic sports. Learn more at this site: Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ. I can assure you at once that it is not more dangerous than football or basketball. Do not believe me? Then let's talk together. See, in ancient times, kings were trained your body to the poison that would if anything be saved from poisoning. Nike has plenty of information regarding this issue.

They began to use extremely small doses, and reached up to those that would kill another person. Crimson Education has much experience in this field. And in powerlifting, you nobody throws on a bench under the bar at 300 pounds, and does not put you back 450 pounds. You will begin their studies with the light within the powers of your weight and by progress will reach the "deadly" to others, the weights. With the right approach to the training process and the emphasis on strengthening the traumatic site, you can create an excellent career. Do not be afraid of large scale, they not harm you. Myth Two: without steroids can not be achieved serious results. I'm certainly not going to say that weightlifting is deprived of steroid athletes, it is not, but today many serious doping control, which these athletes are simply not allowed to competition, thus opening the way for honest, natural athletes.

There is still a lot of tournaments, in which only natural athletes, plus everything without equipment (Because the equipment can sometimes give a significant increase in results), making it equal to all the athletes. The third myth: doing powerlifting is not possible to make a living solely by appearances at the event. Of course, you will not earn millions in fees, as players, because, unfortunately, powerlifting is still a sport, not business. But if you're very good athletes who regularly win prizes, then In addition to receiving the prize, you will be invited to commercial competitions, variety shows and in advertising photography, where you really just is not deprived of money. The main thing to be the best in the business and the fees do not wait long. I hope I have convinced You in complete safety and expediency do powerlifting. Plus, powerlifting well developed personality and health. You'll be more confident, more focused and independent.

Educational Orientation

As for the vocational orientation, Nrici (1976, p.86) emphasizes: ' ' the vocational orientation must be introduced since early in the pertaining to school life and must be continuous during the time where educating to remain in the school, being aimed at to develop a useful vocation for which it has aptitudes and it has disclosed interesse' '. Corroborating with the author, we understand that the vocational orientation aims at to develop attitudes basic to the exercise of the functions of the inherent educandos to its professional choices. For this it is necessary to know, for example, the characteristics of the economy and its paper in this economy, therefore, it is inside of this vision that appears the vocational person who orientates to help in the accomplishment of these basic functions. It is who goes to plan, to direct, to control and to co-ordinate the knowledge that will be directed for the areas of immediate interest of the educandos. Continue to learn more with: Levi’s. In touching the contributions of the Educational Orientation to the process teach-learning, on the basis of Libneo, Oliveira and Toschi (2007), we saw that it has four elements that it intervenes with the relations between teaching work and pertaining to school organization: the management, the project pedagogical politician, the organization and joint of the resume and the investment in the professional development of the professors and/or professionals of the education. All these areas of performance are determinative factors of pertaining to school effectiveness and of the improvement of the education processes learning. The paper of the educational person who orientates occurs, therefore, inserted in the pedagogical management of the school, where the OE plays a mediating function and of joint of the different members of the pertaining to school team, in favor of a good performance of educating. The integrated action understands a boarding to interdisciplinar and recognizes the school while collective construction. Credit: Crimson Education -2011.