pag.2). Some contend that Richard Linklater shows great expertise in this. The great problem of the classics, mainly of the foreign language, is its adaptations in which, many restrictions are made, therefore nor always the classics are a translation of what really it is the workmanship. They have classics that they are translated, already others are adapted. These adapted many times with very great literary license finish changing the plot, suppressing personages, moving the end of history, and this is not favorable, therefore distance of the original workmanship, becoming another workmanship. For example, to if considering a reading of a workmanship of Shakespeare, you have that to be Shakespeare, in the truth you can argue in as working this author, of whom way to work, but to say that a workmanship of 200 pages adapted for a workmanship of 60 pages, with radical changes in the plot is very different. It must be had an immense care, and well be analyzed, therefore when making this adaptation radical changes is perceived. Then, to work in such a way national the integral classics how much foreign, with a good translation, adjusted to the young it is a very important question, and the vocabulary, the election of the vocabulary, the syntactic constructions, everything very adjusted well is ideal to work especially with the young in average education.
To read the classics for the young of today does not make difference, therefore little she is salient the importance of if reading, for example, the parts of Shakespeare, pride and preconception of Jane Austen, Twilight of Stephenie Meyer, the Chronicles of Nrnia, authorship of Clive Staples Lewis, amongst diverse others. The biggest difference and importance for these pupils are attributed to the obligation of the reading, to the requirements with regard to the expression of what it was read, and still to the treatment of the reading from determined subject. The important differences or points send to the difficulties and to the lack of reading habits that can be located in part in the pertaining to school formation of them.