Excellence In Education

Training abroad is one of the latest trends that have been enrolling in our society over the last few years. In general, due to the growing concern that we Spaniards, and all citizens of developed countries, give our children the best possible preparation so they can succeed in the labour market in the future. An excellent formation is synonymous with success, is not only professional, but also personal maturation. In this sense, study abroad has many more advantages than a conventional training in our country. Firstly, we must be aware that academic institutions from other countries have a lot of prestige, which would give us added value to our curriculum. In addition, the training given in the same is exquisite, so that students could not be better prepared. In this type of training is included Yuyelaham, a perfect combination of language and culture so that students are able to give the best of themselves and acquire an enviable level. Study abroad also has many other advantages that it is necessary to know. For example, the vital experience that is develop in a different country with a different language makes students to grow as a person, at the same time that prepare academically with Yuyelaham. Of course, the communication skills you will acquire the language, because you will learn it inherently is also very important. In essence, no doubt thereon that is an optimum choice for the future.

Gaby Gomez

But we should see that it is not more than our fear that makes us think that, because the reality is different. What are the projects that we should materialize? Why we feel that our ideas will not be welcome? Capricorn Slowly the terrain of this week is fertile, but it depends on us not rot when watering insignificant situations. Suggestion refers to do slowly and firmly. It is part of the week to be able to balance the activities that depend on our presence, and about how we are going to do that task, because but will see the floor closely. At what levels can I foster new projects? How can I achieve balance my activities? Cancer weakness this week predisposes us to day to day in a critical mode, because our forces seem to have vanished altogether, therefore, this State makes us feel overwhelmed and a pessimistic perspective about what will come.

We should be able to consider us as part of a whole, and not as strangers among all. If we succeed in this attitude, then we predispondremos to share with others that happens to us, and will help us to see that it isn’t, really, as we see it. Why do I feel so weak? With whom would I share my feelings? Experience Scorpio week finds us fervently observing a new idea, it still does not have a definite shape. This situation contributes, at this time, brightness of new energies, and above all renews us. It is such movement, we wanted to experiment with everything what appears to us, with the aim of being able to give form to the good news. What innovative energies are in action? Could strategies from experimentation to implement? PISCES good week!

Educational Orientation

As we can perceive the Educational Orientation has an arduous and complex task to execute. Therefore to reach the excellency of its action some objectives are necessary. Still according to Nrici (1976, P. 25), we can detach: To guide for better adjustment in the school, the home and the social life in general; to guide adequate a professional choice to the possibilities and aspirations of each being educated, with clarifications on the essence of these professional activities and as to qualify itself for the exercise of the same ones; to work for one adequate formation, imbuindo of necessary ethical values for a worthy life and of respect to the next one, as well as, to bring the family to cooperate more in clarified, efficient and positive way in the life educating it. In this direction, the objectives that integrate the Educational Orientation if confuse with its functions, even so these if coat with sensible more practical and next to the execution. The functions of the OE can be classified in: function of the planning, function of the organization, function of general attendance, individual attendance and aconselhamento and relationship.

To materialize its functions, the necessary OE to have a good relationship with professors, director, educandos, family and community. To decentralize decisions and to become the verticalizadas functional relations less, the necessary Educational Orientation to work cooperatively in perfect harmony with the direction, without subordination, but of integrated form and. We need, also, to think the orientation about the scope professional, favoring the professional choice of the educandos, in result of the prevalecentes interests of the industrial societies. In accordance with Ferretti (1988), the basic and specific objective of the professional Orientation is auxiliary the individual in the process of adjusted professional choice. Changing in small, these objectives if unfold in others such as: To help the individual to exactly get, to organize and to use objective information regarding itself and of the world of the work; to help to dominate a methodology that instrumentalize in the taking of decisions professionals.

Treacherous Friend

Betrayal is one of the most bitter life situations. That betrays ends immediately and so violent with any mandate rule or precept that governed the relationship between people. Betrayal implies deception, and be subject of a hoax is devastating. But, the letters are on our side and through the reading of the arcana communicate us the tarot of the treacherous friend. The deck that includes launch betrayal is the Priestess when you leave in an inverted position.

The Priestess itself speaks to us about things hidden and mysterious, a veil which falls on certain problems that are difficult for anyone to understand them. It is the manifestation of the unconscious, and its effects on the facts and acts of reality. The Priestess is a deck that demonstrates a great power, as it has an unlimited potential to create with your desires. The question is if you create good or bad things. Everything concerning the Priestess is ambivalent and dual. The image depicts a woman sitting on a throne with two pillars, one white and one black to each of its sides.

His throne behind a curtain that prevents the vision, although through the cracks of its sides you can see that there is something more behind. By which side will linearly approach the individual to discover the reality, by the good represented by the white pillar, or the left side (the black pillar)? The Priestess is a deck of opposite ends that are combined, and is based on this mix of good and bad, the Holy and the perverse, the destruction and construction that the Priestess generates all its power. Another sign of deceit, of inability to see the reality as it is, is given by the Moon that appears at his feet. The Moon alters perception of the objects of reality. In the light of the moon change colors, and figures also. For the simple mortal eye look at the facts and the truth of life may be beyond their understanding. But the Priestess is the gateway to that which cannot be understood. It tells us the tarot of the friend who betrays us when the Priestess goes upside down. This letter represents dissimulation, hidden intentions and rancor. It is necessary to contemplate all the letters of the Chuck to get a more precise idea about the situation. Meant major arcana Tarot The force meant major arcana Tarot cart of Satanic Priestess Grace Kelly murder and money laundering how to perceive in the tarot a friend who betrays us Friend Tarot Maria Sabina: Priestess of magic mushrooms (1894-1985 how to perceive in the tarot a friend who betrays us ) Tarot friend taking the first steps in learning the tarot Tarot friend friend Tarot and runes Tarot friend letters reveal to us our destiny Tarot friend what say us in a print run of tarot cards?

Joint Dreams

Subject joint dreams of many intriguing. Frankly, this technique, about which the head smash luckiest dreamers. And it is interesting to note that most experimenters do not even know why these common dreams needed. The need for collaborative dream really exists. Dreamers are common sleep with the purpose to see the Eagle's emanations, to see the rule that each person or group of people own. The rule is an energy map of their journey into the Infinite.

We know that trying to see these energy fields in the physical body, the person rapidly consumes its power. The tension in a cocoon of energy body leads to vulnerability and rapid death. So, the dreaming body more suited to obtain such information. When you see these energy fields in the dream, they capture and are you at this point your partner or companions can stop the process, turned his attention vidyaschego.Kogda right to collect, there is the possibility of combustion or fire occurrence within the scope of serchelovecheskogo. As we know, this is due rapid movement of the assemblage point on the emanations inside the cocoon, which including can be achieved by contemplating the great emanations. For many years of practice, we selected different methods of esoteric currents that promoted the development of the ability to enter into a joint dream. In Carlos Castaneda on the joint was written not many dreams. Namely, that must mean that everything is decided and energetic body, which got into the joint sleep, you need to join hands, that the joint dreams are needed in order to see the Eagle's emanations and thus be able to burn the fire inside.

The Judgment

The experience only can generate the cause notion and Hume concludes, then, that the reason does not possess facultieses to think cause relations. The criticism of Kant is, then, the synthesis of two basic chains of the knowledge: the dogmtico rationalism and the skeptical empirismo. Beyond awaking Kant of dogmtico sleep, the skepticism of Hume granted to the philosophical inquiries of Kant a total diverse orientation, making with that it inquired on the knowledge, while its conditions and limits. In this manner, Kant differentiates philosophy and sciences, affirming that the proper object of each one is diverse. The philosophy has as object the knowledge, what it takes the criticism to conclude that the knowledge is resulted of a synthesis of sensitivity and the agreement.

The criticista theory of Kant is unfolded in the trilogy of the Critical one of the pure reason, of the Critical one of the practical reason and the Critical one of the judgment college. Kant in such a way perceived the importance of the questions raised for the empiristas how much the raised ones for the racionalistas. With this, he finished elaborating the overcoming between two chains. But, he is significant that Kant, inserted in the context of the German rationalism, has dedicated its Critical one of pure reason the Bacon, the starter of the empirismo. This workmanship demanded twelve years of meditation, being concluded in the year of 1781. It does not present only one point of bending in the workmanship of our philosopher, but it was, also, a great change produced in the modern philosophy.

We can say that its main objective is the inquiry of the possibility of metaphysics to be considered a science in the limits of the reason human being. With this, metaphysics becomes an object of critical inquiry of the reason. The workmanship presented after years of intense work, cannot be considered a metaphysics to the molds of the system of Leibniz or Wolff, but a propedutica science that would precede, according to Kant, to its proper metaphysics.

Robert Walser

The relationship that exists between teacher and student in this era is totally impersonal, cold, considered the master to the student as an empty vessel that needs to be filled with knowledge to be memorized. (Gallegos, 2001) Proliferate schools as the well-founded by the La Salle parent, applying mostly order and control. Successful learning is the personal obligation of the student and education is away from the fun or the happiness is even frowned by religious schools that children have fun or live moments of joy, because the pleasure is related to sin. (Varela y alvarez Uria, 1991;) Pineau Dussel and Caruso, 2001). In the 18th century and the industrial revolution where the importance lies in the money, gives a profound change in the political, social and cultural structures not only of Europe, but worldwide, processes of continuous growth and technical innovations changed everything they touch and of course education is transformed. Born school organizations similar to the then growing textile factories, the factor discipline is crucial; changes the creativity and freedom of the craftsman by the precision and speed of the worker, factory-like spaces, very large classrooms, with hundreds of students of different levels, sitting on benches in rows (Gvirtz, 2007). Mass education is required at this time, the happiness here has no place. Recess is like a needed catharsis to return to class because in class, students have to be static, sitting with staring, stationary front, recess school children out in Stampede in rout as if out of a cage or a Robert Walser closure.

(Jaume threshing, 2002). The new type of education, sees the happiness or the game as a nuisance, although the latter is longed, valued and fought among the students. According to Dr Gallegos mechanistic education, based on the Assembly line of the factories (S. XVIII, XIX) resembles the production of an object. The students, are as objects produced in series, which seeks the standardization of knowledge, evaluates all under the same criteria, based all in mechanical processes of instruction rather than education (Gallegos, 2001).

Taylor Gang Est

Snoop et Wiz hereby you deuxime single the Bo pour leur p Mac & Devin Go To HighschoolInchDbut film janvier est nouvelle tombe Youthful, Wild and Free p Snoop et Wiz s est coul a p million copies! On est comb surpris: le flow p SNoop est toujours aussi soyeux et le petit refrain p Bruno Mars (absent du clip) est diablement efficace.CE clip est donc le single deuxime p cette b.o. On est plus dans l huishoudelijke brute Maillot PSG pas cher qui collent merveille aux images p ce concert donn the. Juicy J p Three Six Mafia, nouvellle signature p Taylor Gang excute ici boy couplet qui ravira ses fans.Le travail between ces deux-l tait joins vidence. Leur amour commun pour l ensemble des plantes vertes n and n’est pas tranger! Cela reste une belle opration Snoop pour qui aprs vingt ans dans le game reste toujours d actualit..

The Language of Programming

How can we learn any programming language? Teaching methods there is not much. Most people who are professionally engaged in programming, programming studied in universities, on technical faculties. Really serious, a large university may give a very deep knowledge in this area, as has already gained theoretical and practical base of experienced teachers. But the quality of universities, where serious studied programming, a little. In general, in small towns, often taught by unnecessary or already obsolete things, among the mass of irrelevant information, students should always look for something useful that can be useful to them in practice. After graduating from a university and get a job, students are finding that most of the received knowledge absolutely no need for the development of commercial projects.

And what you need, generally was not affected in the classroom. and students have to relearn again, independently, from books and documentation. To date, there are plenty of books on programming, such as "Teach C + + for a week" or "Assembler for Dummies." People who choose to learn programming with enthusiasm to buy the books, thinking to myself – "Hooray, after a week I'll know assembler. At his practice, not shoveled a dozen such books, I have formed the impression that the authors themselves have not developed any serious program. And if it worked, the book none of this is not described.

Most books contain a superficial knowledge, again useless in practice. Or already outdated. In addition, most books written in such arcane language, with a bunch of obscure terms that immediately deters ordinary readers.

Management Admission Test

Tell about the prospects offered by you selected program. On your plans, dreams, aspirations. And from a social perspective – as you can be useful to him. Think about why you do need it. And make this training institution. Letters of recommendation to be dominant in them should be on those qualities that are needed in the chosen specialty. Letters of recommendation teachers can represent you as a good, proactive, creative student. For those entering the graduate program will be a big plus recommendations from an international company, even if you were there training and worked well, since such recommendations are fairly objective.

The letter indicates the contact information of the person who makes a recommendation. If the person who gives you advice, does not speak a foreign language, the letter should write in the language in which it could respond if he called back from the university. In this case, attached a notarized translation of the letter. Experience If you entered the graduate or postgraduate programs need to show experience. Preferably after graduation and in their specialty.

Work on the Work & Travel program is not an advantage, since it is not skilled seasonal work, not work specialty, about this practice can not even mention if it is not directly related to the chosen future profession. Valued work in multinational companies, since they gain international experience, there are skills to work in a multicultural environment, and provides objective recommendations. 7713.html’>New York Global Group. Test GRE / GMAT GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) – to take the entrants in the Masters in business or management, as well as the program MBA. GRE (Graduate Record Examination) need to take students who want to get a Masters degree or PhD in the U.S. and Canada. The results of this test is pay attention. For a man whose English is not their native language is not easy to pass this exam at a high level. If a student did it, so he has a good mathematical and analytical skills. This argument can be decisive and profitable distinguish you among the students for whom English – native language. Knowledge of foreign languages is an advantage Knowledge of other languages. English know all coming. Even your mother tongue in this situation is an advantage compared to local students who know only English. You'll be useful for working with international companies. In recent years, Western universities is valued and appreciated knowledge of Swedish, Finnish and Chinese languages. Additional Benefits Voluntary (voluntary) of the company. Especially if the man himself with his own and organized. Language club, for example. It is important to show that you have initiative and know how to be interested, to gather people around her, have managerial ability or leadership qualities. We hope that our recommendations will help you in preparing documents for a successful entry into a chosen university abroad. Most importantly, do not forget that in many universities for the most demanded a special set of closed as soon gain the required number of students. In addition to our students an important issue is to obtain a visa, but this procedure can take 1-2 months. So do not take risks and do better to prepare documents in advance. Then in the summer will only wait for a visa and to prepare the bags. Source: Suitcase – immigration and education abroad

Congress International

THE ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI in Prime Congress International on languages and dynamic identity in EL BICENTENNIAL read original (click): on Monday, 19 July 2010, 6 p.m., began in the city of Resistencia (Chaco, Argentina), first Congress International on languages and dynamic identity in the BICENTENNIAL, organized by the Ministry of educationCulture, science and technology of the province of Chaco and the Undersecretariat of interculturality and multilingualism of the same province; counting with the support of the Ministry of education of the nation Argentina, the governorate of the province of Chaco (Argentina), and Unicef. Ko amandaje ombyaty heta tapicha arandupe, omba apova opaichagua ne ere hikuai, Chako onene evare yvypeheme. Ipora avei ja umi ijatyva oiha apytepe heta kuimba’e has kuna inaranduva ne ekuaaty, ne etekuaa, ne rembiasa has ne nembo and / epe. Oi avei UPE amandaje guasupe tapicha ouva ambue tetagui: France, Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Paraguay has Bolivia-gui. The inauguration was held at the Centennial Dome, located in the Av. Wilde 1300 (resistance, Chaco). Then developed the Inaugural Panel on the topic’ language, identity and public policies ‘, in charge deJon Landaburu (Advisor Min.

of culture of Colombia), Roberto Bein (researcher and teacher at the UBA) Orlando Charole (IDACh referrer) and Olabiyi Yai (Ambassador for Benin to UNESCO). ATENEO of language and culture Guarani touched participate on Tuesday, July 20; developing the Guarani didactic workshop, which was conducted by David Galenao Olivera, Director-General of the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI and Professor at the National University of Asuncion. Should be noted that this workshop was held in a room full of assistants, who came out very pleased of course. The workshop started at 9 o’clock and should conclude at noon; However, due to the interest of the participants, it lasted almost an hour more. Among the attendees were – more linguists, teachers and students of resistance and of the Chaco province – participants from Corrientes, Ituzaingo, Entre Rios and a teacher arrived from Galicia (Spain). Subsequently, the ATENEO had his second participation of 14 to 15: 30 hours, in the panel-debate language, identity and construction of the ordinary, where David Galeano Olivera faced the issue the Guarani, an official language of MERCOSUR.

This table also the prominent Jesuit priest participated Bartomeu Melia addressing the Guarani language issue at the time of the independence of paraguay (1811). Ko atype avei oikuri hetaiterei tapicha (umiva apytepe ne ekuaatyhara, mbo ehara has temimbo e) resistance has ambue tavapegua. One emba rire mokoiveva, oikuri heta ohupiva ipo has omba eporanduva. Avei upekuevo ojehechakuaa upepe oiha heta Guarani NE rayhuhara oipotava ichugui Mercosur oiko ne teete. Ko onemyasai Ne marandu atype enguera Lei rehegua, ojegueroguatava nane retame. MBO ehara David Galeano Olivera ome ekuri Jose Emilio Chuaire-pe SMS vosa oguerekova opaichagua marandu Ne enguera Lei rehegua has oguerahaukava ichupe kunakarai Susy Delgado. Remember that the Congress that will extend until the afternoon of today, Thursday, July 22, at the headquarters of the San Fernando Rey ISFD; It has 160 speakers and more than 1,000 participants. By this means, the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI expresses its appreciation to the Mg. Elizabeth Guadalupe Mendoza, Undersecretary of Interculturidad and multilingualism of the Chaco province; and the Mg. Jose Emilio Chuaire, a member of the same Undersecretary; the invitation may be pursuing to the ATHENAEUM; and likewise, our institution congratulates those mentioned on the excellent organization and development of the Congress. Maitei horyveva opavavepe David Galeano Olivera (ATENEO Motenondehara) original author and source of the article.


When applied for the scholarships, it is important to be clear about the scholarship requirements in order to be eligible. In addition to be sure to be eligible before applying for scholarships, understanding the requirements is paramount in the application process. Failure to comply with the application requirements to apply for scholarships is almost certain to generate denial of scholarship. This occurs by wrong way to fill the forms. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to read all the requirements and guidelines when applying for scholarships. If you’ve heard of a scholarship in particular and are unsure of the requirements, it is perfectly acceptable to write to the company or person to request an application packet.

Even if you have application guides, make sure that they are the most recent versions prior to applying for scholarships. Guidelines for scholarships normally change annually. After applying for scholarships, be sure to follow up with a phone call. At a minimum, you must call to make sure that the application has been received. The companies or individuals that offer scholarships serve to tens or even hundreds of people who want to classify.

Make a phone call tracking is a way to make sure that his name will be remembered. Therefore, make sure that the requests have been received is an essential step when applying for scholarships. Scholarships for students are offered most of times through the College or University. For more information on scholarship opportunities, contact the Office of financial aid from the institution. Once again, be sure to follow the guidelines as described in the package of scholarships and personally check that the scholarship application if possible.

The Importance of Information

In a world becoming more and more graduates. It is understandable – all life requires a higher level of training – even for those areas that previously lacked the level of school knowledge. In addition, a cleaner receives a salary, "a graduate of voshingu and cleaning – just another diploma automatically provides a significant advantage. What do modern man? Learn, learn, and study again. Assimilate information that is full of the modern world. But how to successfully acquire a large amount of it? How to comply with the employer and the profession? How to improve memory? How can I make the right idea in the big text? As understand what was going to say the author uses the language of such a high level? How to pass the difficult exams, not worrying and not being confused? How, finally, remember read after the time passed? Questions – a lot. But for the faithful answers is not enough – success in their studies and careers. Thus, the challenge is clear.

Must be the best of the best – the fastest read, quickly memorize a large amount of information that clearly allocate the necessary parts, longer remember. A In addition – to focus before an important event, to focus, not to be afraid of any examiner or the public, no tricky questions opponents. Not all graduates and students have these skills. Psychologists and experts in the field of education believe that we use only a fraction of our true intellectual abilities. In nature there is no thing as "bad memory", is only a memory Trained or untrained.

Art Education

This boarding presents forms/artistic, individual and collective productions of distinct cultures and times, articulated to the context of the modern society and contemporary. Considering the School a space for production and appreciation of knowing, as well universal, where practical the pedagogical one must provide to the pupils chances to show to its attitudes and influences in the expressions, manifestations, of the human being that expressed and interpreted the world for the language of the Art. All language is a singular way of the human being to reflect in a significant context. For some thinkers contemporaries, the art is seen as constituent part of some symbolic manifestations of culture, and in the educational process its agreement to make possible to the professor the exercise of its flexibility in the joint of the languages, the codes and its technologies, stops beyond of the manifestation of feelings, form of expression, important in the formation of the pupil and the curricular universe of the schools.

The challenge is to search the break-even point between the different boardings, also understanding the Inter-relations between science and Art. In this context Ensino of the art contemporary in the alert one on the necessity to know the languages artistic, in the measure where it deals with the mixture of the languages, if characterizing for the diversity of languages, presenting the use possibilities, extending the choices, establishing dialogues with the contemporaneidade. The process of professional personal ressignificao/, of the different languages articulated to the formation process, I allowed an exposition of learning and of the methodology for Ensino of the Art in the area of the knowledge: Languages, codes and its technologies, contributing for reflection concerning the professional trajectory and with the necessary attitudes of agreement and pedagogical practical possibilities of significant of the classroom, disclosing the important performance of who teach and learn art. Words Keys: Ressignificao? Art – Languages.