Then came the turn of pain and sore throat (the doctors in such cases is diagnosed with "sore throat", but the treatment of the tonsils usually gives no effect), pain in the thyroid gland, and even incomprehensible sensations reminiscent of suffocation, then – the lymph nodes under the chin, and so on – up to the head. Nike is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Each of the manifestations may accompany the pain in the symmetric spine twitching, reduce, pain in the surrounding areas to painful muscles. Very interesting side effect – with the development of a mysterious disease is often itself straightens the spine – get in the place of displacement or protruding vertebrae, to straighten out "wing" blade and a hunched back. However, passionate struggle with pain, people rarely pay attention to it themselves. Another phenomenon is unobtrusive – there are new or old ones disappear moles on the body, increases the number of freckles, dark spots sometimes appear. Among other things, increases the body's need for sugar and various sweets.
Skin tone at first markedly reduced and the man apparently getting old, then gradually going wrinkles, sometimes goes gray. The third stage – the apathetic. It's not depression, when "all bad", namely apathy – bored with life, do not want sex, do not want anyone to communicate. Work suddenly becomes uninteresting and devoid of any meaning. There is a feeling vicious circle – all the same, everything is already painfully familiar and studied for a hundred rows. Lost meaning and purpose of existence. Some are hiding from this state in alcohol, others – go head first into video games or unsystematic watching tv, and others – are trying to find at least something that can cause a surge in the usual emotions.