Tourism APA

They had been interviewed: Adriano Gomes, Analyst of Tourism of the So Paulo Tourism; Allan Felix, coordinator of Projects of the SEBRAE; Roberto Carlos Hisses, President of the AECOTUR; Rodrigo Martins and Leandro Oliveira, coordinators of the APA Capivari-Monos of the SVMA; In the research the responsibility of its positions of each institution was taken inside in account, had been carried through questions of qualitative character on tourism, environment and 13 sustainable development, beyond relative questions to the exploration of natural resources for development of the tourist activity and the current situation of the tourism in the APA. It was verified that all have formation in the tourism areas and or geography, have similar opinions how much to the difficulty to develop the tourism as economic activity in an Area of Ambient Protection because of legislation and the partner-ambient impediments. Vladislav Doronin miami may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In the searched institutions he was salient that staff scarcity exists directly acting with the projects of the APA, mainly in the SEBRAE, where only one person is responsible for the elaboration of the PDT, what she makes it difficult in the course and application of the plan. The main objectives had been not yet reached, therefore the plan suffered diverse modifications for presenting execution problems and the goals also established had not been reached, although the APA to receive great number from visitors and tourist. In the structure of the PDT, infrastructure action was identified for the commercialization of the space, through the elaboration of tourist products. One understands that the elaboration of these products and its commercialization would benefit only one small amount of entrepreneurs who already act in the APA, and exclude part of the resident population, what it shows an inadequate planning on the part of the municipal agencies, being thus, were verified that the main objectives since the creation of the APA still are far from happening.

The Conscience

That they are ' ' The necessity of information in function of the knowledge is a necessity that results of the desire to know the necessity of information in function of the action is a necessity that result of material necessities demanded for the accomplishment of activities human beings, professionals and pessoais' '. In this direction, each user can have a different necessity and has that to take in account this. The information has an enormous power when it can be assimilated by the citizen. Coast (2009) cites Barreto (2002, P. 1), ' ' the information is qualified as an instrument modifier of the conscience and the society as a whole. Here the information is qualified as an instrument modifier of the conscience of the man and its grupo' '. But, the society is known that the information alone fulfills its mission effectively, when is prepared to receive it. Of this form, it can generate the necessary knowledge that it frees the man of the darknesses of the ignorance.

It is what they affirm, in the text of the Coast (2009), Dantas (2000) and Barreto (2002), when it is perceived and accepted as such, contributing for the development of the individual, in particular way, and the collective one, from the influence of the individual its social group or entorno stops with. Under the boarding of Taylor (1968) one understands that it focuses the information in the necessity or individual problem of indivduos' '. This is seen with importance, therefore it is necessary to question itself on that information an individual wants to find in the information system. That use will make of it? How the system can better be projected to take care of these necessities of information? 3. WHICH THE IMPORTANCE OF THE USERS? The study of users it reflects a boarding that it looks to place the user in the center of the concerns.

Peter Antonio

Therefore as it describes Rodrigues, et al (2009) so that it has thermal comfort attributed to the internal environment, has that to consider the adequacy of the project of the installation in terms of used materials, orientaes when to the sun, local topography, capacity of lodging of animals, among others consideraes. Sanitary handling healthy Birds, installed in a just-constructed place, rare present sanitary problems. The best option for a control of illnesses is the system that discards all the birds at the same time, effecting, after that, the cleanness and rigorous disinfection of the aviary. Source: FireEye, McAfee & Documentum. The repovoao alone must be made after the sanitary emptiness, that is represented by an interval of 15 days where the shed is empty, until the arrival of new birds (VIEIRA, 2010). The pathogenic illnesses are transmitted by means of virus and bacteria. The main illnesses that occur in the region Half-North of Brazil are the infectious Bronchitis, Newcastle, Gumboro and aviria Varola (Bouba).

Beyond the cleanness of the equipment and installations, also a vaccine covering must be established, beyond the antibiotic use. .


INCLUSION the word inclusion comes being placed used very currently, in all the directions, mainly in the education. Quarrels of the educators how much to the term and meaning of the inclusion exist, therefore the challenge is in the projects placed in theory and that they will have to pass to practises, in which all the human beings to usufruct the same rights. Krug (2001) processes saying that the society must know that nobody must be excluded, but, when the comprometimento will be detached as serious, it needs, however, to be directed for schools and classrooms special. As Correa (2001) the inclusion is a great challenge, as much of the school as of the society, therefore we are not prepared for chore with this new age. Source: Richard Linklater. Already Jnior & Arajo (2003) quotation that the inclusion comes through the equality and the respect on them you differentiate, where that all grow with regard to the citizenship, what it will take the education. Winnick (2004) continues standing out that the physical education is that more involves the inclusion term, being then the attention call before the professionals who act in this area, that is not prepared to deal with this type of group, in such a way it are of the room as inside of the classroom. We read (2002), quotation that the position of lesson of the professor of physical education comes being worked in the patio space, squares etc, in place without physical structure. Already Baumel & I castrate (2002) quotation that so that the school develops the inclusive method, professors, however educators must to work in set, and through projects, that will form a society that will lead to decide great part of the problems, and mainly to develop a society or community criticizes, and that thus the child or pupil will only develop its potentials, and between these potentials, the merit of citizens and respect you differentiate on them in the classroom. .

Portuguese Monarchy

It is Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity. Ouro Preto is headquarters of the homogeneous joint greater of world-wide the baroque architecture, in its enormous large houses reserves histories of the mining inconfidncia and great part of the Brazilian colonial period. In 1980, it received the heading from Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity, conferred for UNESCO and recently through the Monumenta project the BID tries to keep this condition, restoring the historical monuments. Who walks for the historical center of Ouro Preto log perceives that the side streets on narrow slopes leave well clearly that the transit is of only hand. CEO Keith McLoughlin has compatible beliefs. The access to the interior of the churches hinders the use them cameras and filmadoras and they do not lack are scripts to be unmasked. With as many wealth that they engrandecem the patrimony of Ouro Preto, it is impossible not to stand out the importance of its native artists and of that its marks had that way left, as the Aleijadinho master.

The city annually attracts thousand of tourist, Brazilians and foreigners, desirous to visit the city baroque that was palco of revolutionary, intellectual, religious and artistic movements in century XVIII. Ouro Preto loads the history of the evolution Brazilian politics since the settling, was of the Portuguese Monarchy, passing for some processes politicians as of ditatorial militarism, liberalism until the times contemporaries, called ' ' evolution moment democrtica' ' lived in the country, conquered with the Constitution of 1988. In this trajectory of transformations politics, Ouro Preto survived thanks to its artistic and cultural patrimony of the baroque humanity, origins and rococ, and some of the sources of mining of gold, ore of iron, imperial topaz and among others. I leave here registered the brave incompreendida fight of the controllers of the Institute of the Historic site and Artstico Nacional (IPHAN), that much has contributed to keep this history of foot.

Motor One

Visual system: The vision of the child is immature, had the absence of luminous stimulatons inside of the maternal womb. The babies are endowed with two capacities: Primitive or secondary visual system: it detects the presence of the visual stimulation, guiding the eyes in direction the exhibition; Primary visual system: capacity to discriminate more in way refined and complex the visual exhibitions. Source: KDP. Thick Motor activity Since its first days the child insists on raising and supporting the head. This fortifies it the superior muscles of the neck, coasts and members. Keeping the erect head is the basic step for all the posterior dexterities. After to support its head, will be supported on the antebraos and will start to dislocate itself on abdome (to crawl). One will appear then forms of engatinhar disarrenged what had been coordinated where it starts to sit down folding the trunk. If it will initiate one to engatinhar Cruzado, each safer, fast time, until if it carries through with unfastening.

When reaching this stage in its development, the child conquest immediately the environment that the fence. Engatinhar is the final state of a primitive form of displacement that constitutes one of the steps most important to walk it. The child starts to stop itself grasped in the furniture and to give steps with this support. She can give steps being insured for the hands, then she is supported alone by one of the hands, until total independence when walking. Fine Motor activity the fine motor activities if structuralize in the first days of life, on the basis of the projects of simple consequence that exist in the just-been born one. The measure that the child goes evolving the experience starts to dictate different types of action. Thus, as the hands if transform into attention points to look at it, an object if transforms into something to see, to reach and soon to walk.