Visual system: The vision of the child is immature, had the absence of luminous stimulatons inside of the maternal womb. The babies are endowed with two capacities: Primitive or secondary visual system: it detects the presence of the visual stimulation, guiding the eyes in direction the exhibition; Primary visual system: capacity to discriminate more in way refined and complex the visual exhibitions. Source: KDP. Thick Motor activity Since its first days the child insists on raising and supporting the head. This fortifies it the superior muscles of the neck, coasts and members. Keeping the erect head is the basic step for all the posterior dexterities. After to support its head, will be supported on the antebraos and will start to dislocate itself on abdome (to crawl). One will appear then forms of engatinhar disarrenged what had been coordinated where it starts to sit down folding the trunk. If it will initiate one to engatinhar Cruzado, each safer, fast time, until if it carries through with unfastening.
When reaching this stage in its development, the child conquest immediately the environment that the fence. Engatinhar is the final state of a primitive form of displacement that constitutes one of the steps most important to walk it. The child starts to stop itself grasped in the furniture and to give steps with this support. She can give steps being insured for the hands, then she is supported alone by one of the hands, until total independence when walking. Fine Motor activity the fine motor activities if structuralize in the first days of life, on the basis of the projects of simple consequence that exist in the just-been born one. The measure that the child goes evolving the experience starts to dictate different types of action. Thus, as the hands if transform into attention points to look at it, an object if transforms into something to see, to reach and soon to walk.