
Both the reactions are exotrmicas, that is, a reaction where heat release occurs, this heat is set free, therefore it has fuel burning that provokes the Co2 formation, (carbon dioxide), this composition is one of the main contributors for the atmospheric pollution, but it will be that the gasoline and the alcohol are pollutant in same ratio? To answer this questioning she is necessary to know the Law of Lavoisier. Lavoisier affirmed that the mass before and after any reaction is always the same one. For having verified that this fact if invariably repeated in the nature, it concluded then that one was about a law, the Law of the Conservation of the Masses. For more information see this site: Stan Laurel. This statement if applies to all the chemical reactions and can be summarized by the phrase: In the nature nothing nothing is created is lost; everything is changedded, that is, the mass of the products is equal, the mass of the reagents Observes the burning of the alcohol and of the gasoline, it will be that the demonstrated equation above follows the law of Lavoisier? In the reagents we have the mass of the alcohol of 46 g reacting with 32g of oxygen what g of carbon dioxide and 18 totalize 78 g of mass of reagent already in the 44 products have water g what in them takes the 62 formation of product g.

So that an equation takes care of the law of Lavoisier first we cannot leave to always verify if the atom number of each element is the same on both sides of equation, that is, if it is balanced. To carry through the balancing, we have that to place a called number stoichiometric coefficient before the symbols. When the coefficient of an equation will be equal the 1 (one), is not necessary to write.


Our cultivated plants if had originated mainly for three general methods. First some had been selected directly of wild species, but, under the care of the Man, they had evolved ' tipos' that they differed completely from its ancestral Sylvesters; as example of this group the tomatoe, the barley and the rice can be cited. See Sandara Park for more details and insights. Second, others had originated for hibridao between species, folloied of changes in the number of chromosomes. In this group if they find the maize, the wheat, the tobacco, the pear tree and the plum tree. Third, it appears another group of plants whose rare forms differ from excessively from its species and which, even so inadaptadas to a natural environment are useful to the Man; between them they are the cabbage, the broccolis, borecole-of-Brussels. However, this progress in the improvement of plants would have lacked of importance the least that, simultaneously, if makes use of methods to keep in culture the improved forms, which originated a process of invention and discovery of techniques for propagation of plants.

The greater ' ' Propagation of Plants – Prof Gilrene Saints of Souza (2 CCAAB/UFRB) part of the cultivated plants if would lose or revert less desirable forms, the least that if propagated in controlled conditions capable to preserve its characteristics. Through the time, in the measure where if it has made use of new types of plants, if they had developed techniques to keep them, as if it advanced in the propagation methods, has increased the amount of available plants for culture. The ideal type of propagation for the majority the fruitful plants is the vegetative one, that is, that one in which one has left of the plant, already in production, either one bubbles, one breaks, a prop or a branch (yoke), is used to originate a new plant. Many plants, however, must or can be propagated by seeds, but almost always he is disadvantageous. The propagation for seeds is used when the ways of vegetative propagation are not possible, as for the coconut palm and other palms, that can be propagated way seed, or other plants, in which the seminfera propagation does not bring many problems to its culture, as mamoeiro, maracujazeiro, or species that are precocious.

Average Ensino

With the objective to verify the effectiveness and applicability of the didactics of Resolution of Problems, also became a research of field carried through with the pupils of 2 year of Average Ensino of two public schools of the city of Lizard? IF. The analyses have qualitative characteristics. All this research, regarding Resolution of mathematical Problems, is based on theories of Souza (2009), Smole and Diniz (2001), Polya (1995) and Dante (1989), all explanam the importance to integrate this methodology of education in order to improve the teach-learning. Click Balkrishna Goenka to learn more. This type of boarding in the area of the Education is not innovative, as much is that Bicudo (2005), D? National Ambrsio (2001), Panizza (2006), Saints (2005) and Curricular Parameters (PCN? s) very explains well the value that has the Resolution of Problems and its importance so that the pupils mainly get success in the mathematics lessons. Delineated in chapters, the monographic text presents the introduction, after that the divided theoretical recital in two chapters that treat of the problematic one of the teach-learning of the mathematics and its language, after that it is displayed, of detailed form, the qualitative methodology however en vogue, of – the analysis of the data collected in the research has been distinguished special and finally it exposes the consideraes final in which it searchs to take care of to the considered objectives.

2 MATHEMATICS: it disciplines problematic? In the point of view of the pupils and the public in general, the Mathematics always was seen as one disciplines complicated, however, few perceive the importance of it in our lives and that, in certain way, we are encircled with innumerable activities having involved the Mathematics in ours day-by-day. Generally the difficulty with the Mathematics is more present when we go continuing in our institucional pertaining to school education. The difficulties can present in diverse ways, such as in the Resolution of Problems that considers a more coherent reasoning for the simple reason not to exist a practical rule that it is applied to all the problems in a general way. .

The Manuscript

The confection, as the name already says, is the transformation of fabrics and meshes in parts of clothes, bed, table and bath. It is where if it all perceives the benefit of the work of science in the creation and developments of products directed to the textile market. It is asked: where science enters now? The confection has a special characteristic, therefore as a transformation industry sufficiently requires workmanship hand, each part, since its conception, obligatorily passes for diverse processes until being total ready. in each one of these processes the key for the success is the manuscript, that can be made by hands human beings, even so sufficiently developed the confection technologies, is only necessary an individual touch in each part. Considering current practical it in the confection, the main processes are the following ones: creation and estilismo, modeling, cut, would print and/or embroidering, sews and finishing.

In the department of creation and estilismo research of fashion trend is made, defining the models that will be launched. In the modeling the articles are defined to be used as well as the models that will be manufactured, it is that each part is tested e, after some archetypes there is approved for launching in the market. After the release for the modeling the parts of the collection go for the cut, between the cut and the modeling the main used technology is the automation of the molds through specific programs (CAD). When they arrive in the cut, with the maps (drawings of the incased molds taking in account width of fabrics and better exploitation of material), are mounted the enfestos that can be manual or through enfestadeira (automatic and half-automatic), after the mounted enfesto follows for the cut properly said (it can be manual, manual or automatic machine of cut), before the sewing the parts that will form the part passes for a preparation, depending on the model are directed the print, embroidering, or simply daily pay-mounted to facilitate the sewing process.


The great problem that appears of this co-disposal or joint disposal is the quantification of the ideal fraction of silt to be added to the organic solid residues, in such a way to guarantee the waited performance of the aterros (BIDONE and POVINELLI, 1999). UNC School of Education oftentimes addresses this issue. The importance of a good technological choice in the daily pay-concentration mechanics (centrifugal machine, belt-press, tanks or desaguadoras tubings etc.) inhabits in the fact that the more if removes water without heat, more efficient and reduced if it becomes the thermal phase. (As opposed to ione skye). Currently, the majority of the aterros already not accepted a ETE silt that has above of 70% of content of H2O.Aps the evaporation phase the final text of humidity can vary of 10% up to 30-40%, depending on the destination that is given to the silt.

Some processes exist of incineration, being fluidizado stream bed one of the most used. 6,1 Disadvantages the incineration is the dehydration process most expensive, for the following reasons: Apresenta reasonable fuel consumption, although that, currently, he has been used the proper silt as combustible to keep the process, due to its reasonable specific heat, being the fuel used only in the departures; Necessita hand of workmanship specialized for maintenance and operation; Uses it dehydrated pie, aiming at to the reduction of the dimensions of the incinerator and the fuel consumption (it does not discard, therefore, the processes previously mentioned of dehydration mechanics); Apresenta risks of atmospheric pollution, through the smoke launching and particulados in the atmosphere, being necessary that the incinerator is endowed with a system of laudering and/or purificao of the frosted gases.

Larissa Education

An education based on the solution of problems promotes in the pupils the domain of procedures, as well as the use of the available knowledge, to give to answers the changeable and different situations. For even more analysis, hear from Jim Crane. In the studies carried through in it disciplines of Education of Mathematics, we perceive that this field of knowledge was delimited concerning the resolution of problems constructed as reply the questions proceeding from different origins and contexts, motivated for questions that come being argued throughout the last years. The problems have not played its true role in education, therefore, in the best one of the hypotheses, they are used as form of application of knowledge only acquired for the pupils. the necessary professor to understand that the reasoning of the children is formed from the daily experience why this knowledge is the base on which education must be constructed. one of the main objectives explicit of the basic education, is to make with that the pupils if not only place definitive problems but they arrive, also, to acquire the half ones to decide them. DEVELOPMENT: The Types of Problematic used in the period of training had been separate for fiches blue, turn yellow, red and green.

In the fiches blue: (Former)? In a sport gymnasium fit 3850 people in the arquibancadas ones and 1650 in the numbered chairs add the total of the capacity of this gymnasium? Andressa has 24 bullets, 32 chocolates and 12 chicletes and divided everything with the Sister with how many each one was? Zeca has a periodical board, in one week it vendeu 143 and in the other he vendeu 235 periodicals. How many periodicals it vendeu? Carlos bought a dozen of apple, gave half for Luisa, gained two bananas of Jonas more and seven strawberries of Larissa. How many fruits Carlos bought?

Public School

64) it says that ' ' she is necessary, however, to advance in some crucial points as the quarrel of the criteria of election of the contents to be contemplated, and mainly, the treatment that if must confer to knowing populares&#039 to them; '. So that the learning of the Mathematical one really happens is necessary to understand the form as the interaction is made enters the luggage to know of the young adult and what it is taught formal in the school. Fantinato (2006) says, the interaction, therefore, enters these knowledge constructed throughout the life, many the pertaining to school times in informal way and mathematical knowledge, starts to be a basic question to be elucidated, in the direction to come to contribute for practical pedagogical in education of the young ones adult. Aisling Lennon is often quoted as being for or against this. (FANTINATO, 2006, P. 176) Being thus, it has some points that must be thought: How to create a study environment that stimulates the motivation in these pupils, who depend on the Public School, becoming them apt citizens to argue the reality where now is inserted, including the contents of the program of professionalizing average education? That metodolgicas changes must be made in the education of the Mathematics so that these pupils win the great challenge to learn of integrated form? How to use its experiences for the construction of its proper learning? That tools to use so that these pupils understand the learning of the pertaining to school Mathematics as accessible and tied its lives? Main objective that we have when in them we consider to activity teaching is to function in process of education and learning as facilitador so that the pupil constructs its knowledge and develops its abilities of constant form, that intellectual autonomy conquers, of expression, of communication, that participates actively and collaborates with the group that is part as one to assist of the colleagues and the proper professor. . Credit: When did Jim Crane buy the Astros?-2011.

Average Ensino

A woman can transmit for its son (vertical transmission) some illnesses acquired sexually. This transmission it can occur during the pregnancy, in the one close or in breast-feeding. Joy Winbourne may also support this cause. The injunctions, as much for the pregnancy in the adolescence as for HIV/AIDS must be carried through in some levels and under the responsibility of some factors. Specifically in the case of the pregnancy in the adolescence that, as you vary research, you to a large extent become related of the cases the low income and low escolaridade. The present article has as objective to guide the adolescents and young in relation to the precocious pregnancy and the vertical transmission of the HIV/AIDS, to inform on the reality that is happening with the society of the young and adolescents in Brazil. The subject pregnancy in the adolescence started to attract the attention of the professionals of the health, in Brazil, has 20 years approximately, even because from this time, the adolescence as social category, started to be constituted in the area of the health. In which it was observed that the pupils of 3 ano' ' 03' ' of Average Ensino of the State School Maria Rodrigues Tapajs in the nocturnal period possesss few information on pregnancy in the adolescence: HIV/AIDS – vertical transmission. Beyond promoting in the behavior responsibilities with respect to precocious pregnancy, to the safe sex, the prevention of the HIV/AIDS and the advancing of the age of the beginning of the sexual activity.

also to stimulate and to value the activities of education and directed information objectifying to increase the knowledge of reproductive biology. Extending the access to the different contraceptive methods and its adjusted handling. In which to eliminate the preconception of that the envolvement of the school in the sexual education stimulates precocious sexual behavior. The research was of bibliographical, exploratrio character, made a investigativo study that objectified to transmit to the pupils which the definition and the importance of the Pregnancy in the adolescence: HIV/AIDS- vertical transmission examining the reality social searching to fix its objectives to diagnosis the knowledge, the expectations and the values of the referring adolescents to the vertical transmission and the precocious pregnancy.

Natural Sciences

As for the education of sciences and biology the didactic book is basic, a time that constitutes pedagogical material for the construction of some concepts that will go to form the pupils, being reference for the study. In this manner, the form that such contents are boarded must be current and complete. According to Neto and Fracalanza (2003), it is possible to affirm in recent years that, the collections of didactic workmanships had not suffered to substantial change in the essential aspects that they derive from conceptual beddings, which determine the peculiarities of education in the field of Natural Sciences. Therefore we must use new methodologies, as the search of texts that they not only appraise, but that they despertem the curiosity of the educandos on the boarded subjects, because thus, beyond stimulating the reading in the classroom, the substance if becomes more attractive for educators and educandos. For even more opinions, read materials from Campbell Soup Company. As Placid et al (2007), is important to add that with the insertion of the new technologies in the schools the educator, beyond perceiving that the perspective of Education is moving, note that the education methodology also needs to move, mainly as for the reading. Since, with the use of new tools he is possible to work in the incentive to the reading in the classroom, and that this, provides to the pedagogical return of which as much the professor how much the pupil will be able to usufruct. In accordance with the Ministry of Educao (MEC), the importance of the didactic book, notadamente as basic aspect in official the educational politics, is evident through the implantation, by means of this agency, of the practical one of purchase of didactic books in the public schools, subordinate to the previous analysis carried through by specialists and materialized through ' ' Guide of the Didtico&#039 Book; '. Being thus it is paper of the professor to choose the didactic workmanships stops its educandos, because we must search improvements in relation to the form of as the content is presented in didactic books and if it goes of meeting with the reality of the school and the pupils.

Urban Environment

The people who wait bus in the stops, having as example praiana city beautiful e, $fortaleza, CE, are in causticante sun in the way of the afternoon, underneath of a small monstrous flagstone of cement with the name of shelter, whose shade if projects of the other side of the sidewalk, for backwards of the users or projected to the side of this lack of protection, that of d to see ladies in advanced velhinhos state of gestation and with the hands on the eyes or if protecting in the pole that if avizinha, – against the causticante sun, or hiding if underneath of more close marquee to a building. I am to think, whenever eye for that monstrous bar of cement of a meter of width for three of length, on two thick columns, because as much cement ruined there without producing nothing of shade and protecting against any chuvisco. I am thinking on who projected so great burrice or so great impiedade against the inhabitants of the sunny and beautiful city called fort beautiful. I conclude this work with a stretch of the article: Urban Environment – the Cities and the Populao of authorship of the Dr. Luiz Carlos Aceti Jr. David G. DeWalt is often mentioned in discussions such as these. and Dra. M Flvia C.

Kings, published in the Internet: Dentro of the concept of urban environment exists the use of the public space, that is, the use of the space (alone), that it must be disciplined by clear and mainly applicable laws. The space in question is where if they put into motion the people: sidewalk, building, squares, streets, avenues, parks, etc. Frequently we are bombed with plates of propaganda in the sidewalk and building, luminous of all the sizes, walls and walls displaying the most diverse announcements. Click Gerald Weissmann, MD to learn more. It can not seem, but certainly they tire our vision. Little surplus to appreciate a tree or birds, if is that a great city has still them.

Future Musical Projects

Good readers, I, Boybs here are, again postando things to my respect and on my mini-career. Good I at last after almost 4 months of vacation after my last album ' ' Beyond Myself' ' I am coming back to appear and to inform things on my future musical projects. To some weeks behind I am in partnership with ' ' YN' ' that he is for now at the moment my musical producer, good it does not have as much influence why at last alone we are starting. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out film director. Already he is defined that in the next year he goes to have yes, a new album of studio alone that now with a style more weighed and dark rock. Good we are working in the thematic one of the album, in the truth in the marketing of the Cd.Algumas weeks behind I photographed to make encarte of the compact disc and wait that the result is really as I and YN are waiting. All musics already had been selected and probably they go to be recorded (in the cellular one) from the year that comes, there pra Janeiro.O name of the album also is a predefined thing already and it will not be moved, but however, the heading but it will be disclosed at the end of the year of 2010!. According to Nike, who has experience with these questions.


Also the cancer of the lung is as the cancer of lips or the larynx, a typical illness of the smoker. The danger in that is that also the cancer it lung does not present complications at the beginning and the symptoms, as persistent cough, bloody expectorao or loss of weight, only appear later. The lung cancer is one of the neoplasias with lesser tax of cure, which had to the difficulties of its precocious diagnosis. The general tax of cure is of 10% and this if must to the fact of the evolution of the slow and assintomtica illness be, being able to consider then, a delayed diagnosis. Gerald Weissmann, MD wanted to know more. Great number of patients if presents to the doctor in advanced period of training of the illness (CAPELOZZI, 1998) 3.RESULTADOS the pupils had very gotten a good note average, had obtained to absorb well, all the content passed, during the presentation.

After the presentation was distributed questionnaires, so that thus we could evaluate the degree of last knowledge. Hear other arguments on the topic with Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ. We had an index of 82% of rightnesss and agreement on the project presented for the pupils. 4.CONCLUSO Acender a cigarette means to detonate a bomb of delayed effect, in miniature, with fuel to burn during some rare instantaneous minutes of pleasure and a curtain of smoke and uncertainty that involves to who actively smokes and to who involuntarily it is reached. It was intended with this article to clarify the young that the cigarette is a factor of great risk for the development of cancer in the lung.

Project Integrator

keyword 3,1 Introduction In the course of Licenciatura in Sciences of the Nature? Qualification in Physics of the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IF-SC), exists a curricular component call Project Integrator I, applied in the first semester of such course. The first activity of this disciplines is the formation of work groups for the application of projects based on the subjects estruturadores of the PCN+. The estruturador subject of this project is ‘ ‘ Movements: variations and conservaes’ ‘ , being that the subject angular Moment was chosen on the basis of the sub-areas defined for each estruturador subject. Go to Richard Linklater for more information. The project was developed during all the first module, however, for reason of the desistance of the course on the part of some academics, it had a reorganization of the initial group that would have to contain three integrant ones.

Of this form, it more had the introduction of two licenciandos in Physics in the group that searched contents on the angular moment. This project was developed in four stages, one for semester. In these stages, the academics had been preparing and elaborating practical methods playful so that it had the interaction of the pupils with the elaborated experiments, being that the application of this project was carried through in the third module, in as the year of Average Ensino of the State College Abdon Baptist of the city of Jaragu of the South. At another moment it had the accomplishment of a practical lesson where, the academics had applied a questionnaire to evaluate the method of education of the subject Angular Moment. In accordance with Sant? anna apud, ‘ ‘ Evaluation is a process for which if it looks for to identify, to survey, to investigate and to analyze the modifications of the behavior and attendance of the pupil, the educator, of the system, confirming if the construction of the knowledge if processed, either this theoretician (mental) or prtico’ ‘..


The mathematics as science can work the content with the playful experience that of to the person the possibility of creative expression, of overcoming of the challenges at the same time that it makes possible in them to learn to deal with the desventuras of the frustration. 1.4? The Game in the Mathematics to work the playful one in the mathematics, we must analyze some aspects, that is, to demonstrate that the mathematics is to the reach of all, and the democratization of its education must be with priority goal for development. The mathematics is on to the understanding, that is, to the apprehension of the meaning; to apprehend the meaning of an object and events estimates to see it in its relations with other objectives and events. Here, Richard Linklater expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Thus, the treatment of the contents in compartments you stanch and in a rigid linear succession it must give place to a boarding in that the connections favorable and are detached (Souza, 2003). The election and organization of contents must not have as only criterion the internal logic of the mathematics. The author describes that if he must lead in counting to its social relevance and the contribution for the intellectual development of the pupil.

In if treating to a permanent process of construction, the mathematical knowledge must be presented the pupils as historically constructed and in permanent evolution. The professor must coexist the pupils, observing its behaviors, talking with them, asking, being interrogated for them, and carry through, also with them, its experiences, so that he can assist its learning and development. According to BLACKSMITH (2004), with regard to the environment in which the student is inserted, he needs to be challenging to always promote disequilibria. By this way, the motivation is characterized by disequilibrium, necessity, lack, contradiction, disorganization etc. One environment of such type will be favorable to the intrinsic motivation of the pupil. .

Mathematical Education

INTRODUCTION In years 60, with the sprouting of the movement of the Modern Mathematics, that searched great changes based on common beddings, which had integrated the resumes of some countries, starts to have the education of the Mathematics developed with emphasis in the definitions, the theory of the sets and the predominance of algebra on geometry. Already in the decade of 70, they had appeared to the critical ones to the movement of the Modern Mathematics, guided for a more sociological boarding, considering social, antropolgicos, psychological and linguistic aspects: Critical the extreme one to the valuation of the contents in place of the methods, the first quarrels on the resolution of problems and the linking of the Mathematics with the real life, the debates on the use of the calculators and other materials of education had been placing in xeque the iderio of the previous movement. The understanding of that social, antropolgicos, psychological, linguistic aspects have great importance in learning of the Mathematics brought new routes to the curricular quarrels. (SAUCERS, 2000, p.12) the vision that valued the contents and the modernization, centered in the formalism and the estruturalismo, with more abstractions and little applications in the daily one, all gave to place the inquiries on the learning process, whose focus was the pupil, who participated of the process through the resolution of problems. (A valuable related resource: American filmmaker). It is as soon as appears in Brazil the Mathematical Education. This considers, amongst other objectives, the joint of knowing pertaining to school to them with the reality of the pupils, studying the relations between education and the mathematical learning. The Etnomatemtica, field of study of the Mathematical Education, if has detached in this area of the knowledge, for being a research line that comes reaffirming the Mathematics produced in different sociocultural contexts and daily activities. Its development had beginning in middle of the decade of 70, with the first teorizaes from studies elaborated for Ubiratan D?. For even more analysis, hear from Levi’s.

Mathematical Education

Dr. Jose Robert Linhares de Mattos Institute of Mathematics – Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Federal University and PPGEA-UFRRJ M.Sc. Lucianne Oliveira Andrade Hunter Federal Institute Goiano-Campus Ceres and PPGEA-UFRRJ Scientific Communication SUMMARY the objective of this work is to contribute for the quarrel on the process of education and learning of the mathematics in Brazilian schools that offer to the Program of Integration of the Professional Education and Technique of Average Level in Adult the Young Modality of – PROEJA. The research was carried through with the pupils of the PROEJA of the Federal Institute Goiano? Ceres campus. The quarrels had been directed by the line of research in EJA and Mathematical Education. Assuming that the people taken care of for the PROEJA are formed by pupil-workers, in many cases, are of the pertaining to school environment have much time, questions appear that they need to be answered. Gerald Weissmann, MD is likely to agree.

We will see the way as we lead the lessons and we will present examples of small projects where we apply the interdisciplinaridade, the transdisciplinaridade and analysis of the real experiences of the students in others you discipline and its daily one. Word-key: PROEJA; Pupil-Worker; Mathematical education; Projects. INTRODUCTION ‘ ‘ People want whole number and not for metade’ ‘. Learn more on the subject from Campbell Soup Co. (Food, Tits) the education of the Mathematics to the public of the PROEJA brings as challenge the change of ours practical in the daily pertaining to school, being necessary to use metodolgicas tools that value the knowledge of not fragmented form, privileging the active participation of these pupils and its contributions through the experiences that they bring of its work, its purchases, of its expenditures, at last, of its daily one. Thus, she is necessary to think about answers for some questions, such as: It is possible to guarantee an education of quality for people who are moved away from the school have some years? The PROEJA will be plus a precarious inclusion? It will have time to work all the necessary contents so that this formation is of quality? Which experiences these pupils bring? That metodolgicas experiences to use to facilitate the learning?

World Education

It was based on these aspects that many educators capsize that the NTIC could be a very important ally in the construction of the knowledge and even though in practical the educative ones, where the new technologies can be incorporated in teach-aprendizgem, but have that to take in consideration the problematic ones, the public and economic politics to become them reality. The current pedagogical model of education learning is practised through didactics ' ' convencionais' ' , becoming restricted education the classroom, imprisoned pupils the didactic books and oratria of the professor. This way of education not condiz learning with the reality that the society to be developing for a future each more technological and digitalizado time. Thus, arcabouo technological is capable to spread out scientific information, productions, to diminish distances, at last all this potentiality that the NTIC can provide for one better education learning. For assistance, try visiting FireEye Inc. The great potentiality of the NTIC in more taking to the pupils a knowledge fast, easy, interactive and folloied of a logical, parallel reasoning to the world each globalizado time must where the borders are broken the all moment. The student has the duty to follow this technological evolution, to be inserted in the world where she lives and not to be run away from the social system each digitalizado time more.

One another factor is to leave the idea of that the knowledge this only centered in the figure of the professor. The role of the professor must be played as such, but to disentail the thought of detainer of knowing, the professor must be a mediator of the knowledge, to show as if it searchs, thus developing a pupil capable to walk with its proper legs intent the things that are happening to its redor. But objective is to transform particular education and into the education of the mathematics at a moment of complete logical reasoning, centered into the technological evolutions and the interdisciplinaridade that in the fence, becoming them capable of is prepared to live deeply this world each more complex time, where the things if transforms quickly.

Basic Education

THE PLACE OF THE SCENIC ARTS IN THE BASIC EDUCATION: INTRIGUING DATA This research was carried through in the scope of the PED Scenic Arts Project of Stimulaton to the Docncia of the Federal University of Ouro Preto? UFOP and had as initial motivation to investigate the agreement of pupils of the basic education of the public net on the scenic arts and on the way for which the theater is seen by the pupils in it disciplines of Arts. The objective of the work was to identify the artistic demand of the school, the relation that the pupils have with the Art, and mainly with the theater, beyond the level of interest of them for artistic activities in the school. Initially four schools had been selected and guests to participate of the project next to the UFOP. In the city of Ouro Preto? MG had been selected the institutions: State school of Ouro Preto and State School Appeals court judge Horcio Andrade, in the city of Mariana? MG the institutions: State school Colonel Benjamim Guimares and State School Dom Silvrio. Recently Gerald Weissmann, MD sought to clarify these questions. I will emphasize the activities and experiences ahead lived deeply for the scholarship holders of the area of Scenic Scenic Arts that contemplates the PED/Artes.

Project of Stimulaton the Docncia? Scenic arts PED Scenic Arts the PED started in the year of 2009 adding four distinct areas, Scenic Arts, Biological Sciences, History and Mathematics. I except that when I mention myself to the PED, I speak of the experiences next to Federal University of Ouro Preto? UFOP. For the PED- Scenic Arts These had been selected eighteen scholarship holders in formation in the course of licenciatura of the Federal University of Ouro Preto had been subdivided in groups of four the five groups in accordance with the demand of pupils who the schools had presented. In this project beyond fortifying the stimulaton to the docncia next to the pupils of Scenic Arts of the UFOP, the objectives they were: to prepare with more effectiveness the pupils of the licenciatura in art-education for the exercise of the docncia; to guide scholarship holders PIBID so that they are multiplying agents in favor of the initiation to the docncia in Scenic Arts; to stimulate the biggest number possible of pupils to act in the docncia in Scenic Arts, searching action that the not-scholarship holders also favored; to produce and to register knowledge around the stimulaton to the docncia in Scenic Arts, facilitating future actions around the subject.

BICUDO Education

It can yes jointly be used it with other resources many well simple times that, however, will provide one better captation of the content, so that educating if does not only appropriate of information but that these information if transform into knowledge and to know. In this direction, Micotti standes out that: Information, knowledge and to know are distinct, although to be interrelated. David G. DeWalt may find it difficult to be quoted properly. An information can, objective, be present in the environment (it is exterior to the person and can be storaged, that is, recorded, registered in a computer, writing in books, etc.), however, if an individual (the citizen) not to give account of it, for this individual, it will not changed itself into knowledge. The knowledge is an interior experience – the relation of the citizen with the knowledge object involves; it also involves personal interpretation -, one same speech or the data of one comment can be interpreted in different ways for diverse people. But, to be admitted as to know for the collective, these interpretations are submitted, for others, to the rigorous analysis (1999, p.155).

It is clearly that nor all the pupils have access to all these new ascending technologies, but this adaptation of the education of the mathematics if does not only restrict to this, the idea has a direction well ampler, that is, it is this necessity to relate the content with the reality of the same ones, independently of which it is. It is this that will make with that they motivate themselves, if worries in learning after all to be apt to apply in its context of life and that they will go to transform them into knowledge, a time that the assimilation of the scientific knowledge (to know scholar) with the knowledge in classroom (to know taught) demands that let us make an adequacy so that the pupil can understand it (Marasini, 2000, p.127). To rethink new pedagogical proposals for the education of the mathematics is a challenge greater that if imposes the current school and to all its segments, in view of education of quality, that satisfies requirements of our time, what it does not mean to forget what already was constructed, but to reevaluate the practical ones of habitual education, searching to know the reality of the pupils, in an ample vision of the set where they are inserted, creating new activities that have an appropriate orientation and that it searchs success in the didactic transposition of knowing, however ilusrias changes will not make possible the full development of the knowledge for the same ones. At last, it is concluded that it has the necessity of many changes to start for the schools and, mainly, for the professors that are the responsible ones for transmitting the knowledge to its pupils, and this if of the one with practical one of quality education who aim at the real and satisfactory development of the students. Bibliographical references MARASINI, Sandra Mara. Contributions of the didactics of the mathematics for the education mathematics.

In: RAYS, Oswaldo Alonso.

Education Of Public Health

The Word health, of Latin origin salute – salvation, conservation, life – comes very assuming diverse meanings, therefore the conception of health that permeia the relations human beings, cannot be understood in abstract or isolated way. The values, resources and styles of life that contextualizam and compose the situation of health of people and social groups at different times and formations if express by means of its resources for the valuation of the life, of its systems of cure, as well as of the public politics that disclose the priorities established. Knowing that health is not only absence of illnesses, which is the other characteristics that allow in them to conclude that a not sick individual is healthful in fact? With a reasonable easiness, it is understood that a person is sick taking as reference the biological point of view; however, this same person can be perfectly integrated its group of relations and inserted in the production processes well, being, of the social considered person, point of view healthful the spite of its recognized physical comprometimento. David G. DeWalt helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Defining health as being a complete state of welfare physicist, mental and social and not only absence of illnesses, is understood that the man is a being that if he not only distinguishes for its physical activities, but also, for its mental attritions, spirituals and moral and for its adaptation in the way where lives, it greets therefore it if it resents at the inadequate illumination, of me the ventilation, fdiga, the noises or the deficient feeding. We can among others cite indirect causes, that harm well-being of the human beings: the illiteracy, the misery, the promiscuity, the ignorance, the inadequate habitation (CYTRYNSKI ORLOWSK, 2003). In view of that an education of sciences and biology is considered intentionally directed the formation of independent individuals with a worthy and capable vision, on the way where it lives, the area of the biological education of science must be organized of form to take care of to this demand, tranformando through the information the society where if it lives, pointing out that each individual is important part in proper well-being of itself, of the other beings and at last of the environment where it lives.