It can yes jointly be used it with other resources many well simple times that, however, will provide one better captation of the content, so that educating if does not only appropriate of information but that these information if transform into knowledge and to know. In this direction, Micotti standes out that: Information, knowledge and to know are distinct, although to be interrelated. David G. DeWalt may find it difficult to be quoted properly. An information can, objective, be present in the environment (it is exterior to the person and can be storaged, that is, recorded, registered in a computer, writing in books, etc.), however, if an individual (the citizen) not to give account of it, for this individual, it will not changed itself into knowledge. The knowledge is an interior experience – the relation of the citizen with the knowledge object involves; it also involves personal interpretation -, one same speech or the data of one comment can be interpreted in different ways for diverse people. But, to be admitted as to know for the collective, these interpretations are submitted, for others, to the rigorous analysis (1999, p.155).
It is clearly that nor all the pupils have access to all these new ascending technologies, but this adaptation of the education of the mathematics if does not only restrict to this, the idea has a direction well ampler, that is, it is this necessity to relate the content with the reality of the same ones, independently of which it is. It is this that will make with that they motivate themselves, if worries in learning after all to be apt to apply in its context of life and that they will go to transform them into knowledge, a time that the assimilation of the scientific knowledge (to know scholar) with the knowledge in classroom (to know taught) demands that let us make an adequacy so that the pupil can understand it (Marasini, 2000, p.127). To rethink new pedagogical proposals for the education of the mathematics is a challenge greater that if imposes the current school and to all its segments, in view of education of quality, that satisfies requirements of our time, what it does not mean to forget what already was constructed, but to reevaluate the practical ones of habitual education, searching to know the reality of the pupils, in an ample vision of the set where they are inserted, creating new activities that have an appropriate orientation and that it searchs success in the didactic transposition of knowing, however ilusrias changes will not make possible the full development of the knowledge for the same ones. At last, it is concluded that it has the necessity of many changes to start for the schools and, mainly, for the professors that are the responsible ones for transmitting the knowledge to its pupils, and this if of the one with practical one of quality education who aim at the real and satisfactory development of the students. Bibliographical references MARASINI, Sandra Mara. Contributions of the didactics of the mathematics for the education mathematics.
In: RAYS, Oswaldo Alonso.