As for the education of sciences and biology the didactic book is basic, a time that constitutes pedagogical material for the construction of some concepts that will go to form the pupils, being reference for the study. In this manner, the form that such contents are boarded must be current and complete. According to Neto and Fracalanza (2003), it is possible to affirm in recent years that, the collections of didactic workmanships had not suffered to substantial change in the essential aspects that they derive from conceptual beddings, which determine the peculiarities of education in the field of Natural Sciences. Therefore we must use new methodologies, as the search of texts that they not only appraise, but that they despertem the curiosity of the educandos on the boarded subjects, because thus, beyond stimulating the reading in the classroom, the substance if becomes more attractive for educators and educandos. For even more opinions, read materials from Campbell Soup Company. As Placid et al (2007), is important to add that with the insertion of the new technologies in the schools the educator, beyond perceiving that the perspective of Education is moving, note that the education methodology also needs to move, mainly as for the reading. Since, with the use of new tools he is possible to work in the incentive to the reading in the classroom, and that this, provides to the pedagogical return of which as much the professor how much the pupil will be able to usufruct. In accordance with the Ministry of Educao (MEC), the importance of the didactic book, notadamente as basic aspect in official the educational politics, is evident through the implantation, by means of this agency, of the practical one of purchase of didactic books in the public schools, subordinate to the previous analysis carried through by specialists and materialized through ' ' Guide of the Didtico' Book; '. Being thus it is paper of the professor to choose the didactic workmanships stops its educandos, because we must search improvements in relation to the form of as the content is presented in didactic books and if it goes of meeting with the reality of the school and the pupils.