Press Estheticon

You are looking for on me and my clinic team rather than for reasons of cost, because they expect a favorable treatment, but due to our reputation, the experience and the years of qualification in the field of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. Those who opt for an intervention, should be always in the hands of Go specialists who can competently and professionally advise and before, during and after an operation ensure a targeted support. Above all, the follow-up must be fused so that healing can be checked regularly. It’s important that the patient on the spot and the follow-up can be discussed together. Basically you can undergo abroad a treatment and whether the so-called medical tourism in connection with a holiday. Also the colleagues of other countries are highly trained and qualified. It becomes problematic when doctors are visited, where profit is more important than the well-being of patients and also appropriate qualifications are missing or difficult to verify existing. But that can happen anywhere in the world.

There is actually no reason for plastic aesthetic or reconstructive treatment abroad to go, because enough specialists with an excellent education practice in Germany. Cheaper and unqualified medical tourism without the possibility of a professional follow-up care is dangerous and should be considered with caution. “Prof. Dr. med.” Dennis of Heimburg specialist Kaiserpfalz, Frankfurt only through representative surveys we get for plastic and aesthetic surgery and hand surgery clinic valuable information about patients in aesthetic plastic surgery. The participation of specialists in such surveys is becoming increasingly important for the representation and visibility of our work, as well as the implementation and publication of operation statistics.

“Dr. med. Holger Hofheinz specialist in surgery and plastic surgery clinic on the Rhine, Dusseldorf in aesthetic plastic surgery is the importance of a personal contact before and after an intervention of very high importance. This point is interventions abroad not really in my opinion. Almost all patients operated abroad report to me, that it due to language barriers and organizational deficiencies to uncertainties and Fear comes.

Mr Jurgen Wonke

This is because our survival artist due to evolutionary in turn. These stores now increasingly back the calories in his fat. To do so, one must not even eat in abundance. The body is still on the back burner by the diet. He added muscles, and the basal metabolic rate is reduced.

The common is that can enlarge a fat cell 200fach and this is not enough, reached it shall be also. Why is this happening? The body creates repositories for a rainy day. He has just a famine behind. So get in the fold of the abdomen thus building fat in case of the lack of food as the last reserve can be mobilized. In addition, the visceral fat is formed (“from lat.

viscera the guts”) referred to that in vertebrates, so also we humans, in the free abdomen stored fat, which the internal organs, especially of the digestive system, at the same time enveloped. It is not directly visible in contrast to the subcutaneous fatty tissue, but is noticeable from a certain amount by increasing the volume of the stomach. Also this retention evolutorisch originally served as energy reserve in extreme food shortages.


Dealing with tinnitus will be an important issue. As medical foundations of hearing services provision will also be addressed.” Product experts of the world’s leading hearing aid manufacturers audio service, Phonak and ReSound are among the speakers of the event. With this are also the ear nose and throat doctor Dr. med. Christiane KuSTER, as well as a specialist of physiotherapy Benkewitz from Magdeburg. Live demonstrations, lectures and discussions belong as well to the program, such as an exhibition, a multimedia living room”or ear checks.

Also for the physical well-being of the visitors is provided. We hope that as many visitors from Magdeburg and the region visit our 2nd hearing day”, so Gampa concluded. Everyone who wants learn more about the important subject of hearing should reserve the date and just past. We invite all.” The 2nd Magdeburg listening day will be on Saturday, October 15th, from 10:00 to 14:00 in the Magdeburg health centre instead, input Telemann road, take tram lines 1 or 10, stop AOK. Aesthetic listening acoustic information under Gampa ‘, see at the following locations: 39104 Magdeburg: Cathedral square 12, Tel. (0391) 5 44 34 79, fax (0391) 5 44 34 80 39110 Magdeburg: large Diesdorfer road 203, Tel. Continue to learn more with: Vladislav Doronin. (0391) 6 62 82 23, fax (0391) 6 62 82 24 39517 Tanger hut: Bismarckstrasse 23, Tel. (03935) 92 28 24 editorial Note: Gampa aesthetic listening acoustic maintains two listening acoustic specialty stores in Magdeburg, as well as one in Tangier hut.

In the branches of the company founded in 1997, led by owner hearing care professional master Andreas Gampa, customers receive expert advice and friendly service around a cosmetically attractive and acoustically sophisticated hearing aid supply. In addition a wide range of audiological Accessories products offers its customers hearing Gampa. Hearing aid repairs and home visits Hearing solutions also belong to the range of services of the company as an in-house Earmold laboratory for manufacturing individual. So that the quality of the services offered the own high demand always enough Gampa emphasizes largest hearing aids on the education and training of its eight employees. Seat of the company is Magdeburg. For more information, see press contact: Martin Schaarschmidt, Tel: (030) 65 01 77 60, mobile: (0177) 625 88 86, eMail:,

Meier Virus

How can I get rid of herpes in the mouth? During inactive periods, the virus is retreating in the nerve endings near the corners of the mouth. This can entail, that the virus is sometimes reactivated in the mouth. For harmless A treatment with remedies advisable reactivations. Get more background information with materials from John Craig Venter. Preferably suitable to vinegar, olive oil and mouthwash. Thus, you should rinse your mouth just for about 60 seconds and then spit it out.

In addition, also strong alcohol is as a great natural cure for Herpes in the mouth. So that the pain in the mouth are not too strong, a chilled drinks can be drunk. Herpes lip, how will I the bubbles quickly go? The most famous form of reactivation of the HSV-1 virus is Herpes on the lip. Rash for the agonizing fever is a weakness of our immune system often bubbles. To prevent cold sores as well as possible, you should try to live as healthy as possible. Immense physical and mental stresses and diseases, demanding the body’s immune system, are the reason for Herpes labial.

A correct Herpes of labial treatment is difficult to formulate, because the fever can be treated sores in different ways. The most common are commercially available Herpescremes from the pharmacy, which contain the active ingredient aciclovir. Remedies or prescription drugs from the doctor can be used but also good Herpes in addition to the creams. Correct herpes zoster treatment is a shingles herpes to distinguish from herpes labialis and genital, because she can cause education also have symptoms such as fatigue, fever and pain in addition to the bubbles in the upper body region. Cause of shingles is the varicella zoster virus, which has caused even the wet leaves at a primary infection in many children. A reactivation of the varicella zoster virus takes on average about one month with this time is usually also associated with mild pain.

Lotus Flower

Not responding with a punch when you receive one, or respond with a kick when receiving another, because nobody out winner of this confrontation. If the intention is to seek revenge of a momentary hatred, it will not reach the success of great feats.Compassion against envy and hatred.Faced with envy and hatred of others, don’t we respond equally with hatred and envy, but with open heart and soul compassionate, offer our friendship and show them our peaceful intent, thus demonstrating our superiority with education.Gratitude from the slanders.If someone insults him and defaming, not angry with who provoked it, but remember, the benefits given by that person in the past and is grateful for that. Mainly, not be forget that impeccable Lotus Flower grows in the most unclean mud. The darker is the place, greater is the need to keep lit the light of the soul. Therefore, before the slander those who slander us must be influenced with ethics, compassion and mercy; only in this way we will overcome it, with morality and tolerance.The real winner has the force of tolerance and the courage to take it against insults, oppression. It is definitely very interesting what brings us, that tolerance, is the conscience of the continuous change of each of us and our circumstances. Whichever is greater validity for a certain perception, will have a different perception or change of such circumstances. You may want to visit Bioscience Journal to increase your knowledge. We have great security that nothing is safe, certain and predictable.

We do not handle the totality or the dialectical interaction of phenomena that we perceive. Intolerance goes hand in hand with the presumption of the domain of the happening and the future and generally corresponds to worldviews Elementary, schematic and emotional. Through the exercise of tolerance, identification with the ideas, that it is much more harmful than identification with forms of matter, things, property, power or fame is exceeded. Then, tolerance is a good medicine for a better individual, social and mental health.Tolerance is a natural impulse that makes possible a greater evolutionary human development, because it contributes to better communication and better integration, pace allows to know better to their peers and extends the cosmovision of each one. Tolerance enriches.

It is an irreplaceable tool to have a greater and better perspective on life, that if recluimos us in the narrow intolerance alley. Tolerance, then, is not a sacrifice or an offering to others. It is a tool, a weapon, a gem that we can possess and enhance. It is very important that intolerant, be surprised as this is evident, the repercussions that generates him, it affects him and stop to consider that he prevents you cultivate to be tolerant, delving into what represents the valuable thing is when one is fully identified with her and known control according to your peace of mind, harmony and which can generate in others. Don’t neglect it.

Civic Oration

The positivismo in Mexico. The positivismo Mexican one appeared under two phases: Educative and the policy. During first rising bourgeois formed educative to the class, from the thought of Gabino Barreda (1818-1881). In the second phase, this new social class looks for to apply the principles of its formation in diverse social fields; among them, the politician. In this phase the positivismo has an active paper in the Mexican policy, represented by " cientficos" during the government of Porfirio Diaz. Campbell Soup Companys opinions are not widely known. In 1867 Mexico one was devastated after to him to have faced up first in 1848 the United States, later to a French intervention. The 16 of September of 1867 Gabino Barreda pronounced in Guanajuato the Civic Oration, where it interprets history from positivistas bases. Bank of Asia has many thoughts on the issue. The education is for Barreda the foundation of a society that gives to the town a unique cultural base, that Barreda called " common bottom of verdades" , to organize a free society and ordinate that would be conducted towards the progress.

The then education is for Barreda an activity whose effects they project in the social field, so that a society with order from a common agreement only could be constructed, surpassing therefore the years of civil fight by which it had crossed the country. Barreda thought that the education " it cannot simultaneously less than be an inexhaustible spring of satisfactions, more surely, preliminary of La Paz and the social order, because it will put to all the citizens in attitude to appreciate all the facts of a similar way, and by the same will uniform the opinions to where that is posible". The positivista education impelled by Gabino Barreda will form a new class social, that will create the Party of the Progress, separating of the Liberal Party, in which until then they had moved. This party spread to its positivistas ideals through a called newspaper the Freedom, that was published until 1884.

German University

“Since this amino acid on the way to the brain the transporter” must share with other amino acids, the serotonin yield is however meagre. Not really will come up. Also an elevated blood sugar is necessary for the optimum yield of serotonin which in turn stimulates to nibble and unfortunately also for a more body fat. To achieve a high level of serotonin, alone by eating high quality foods is therefore hardly possible. “Physical activity improves the Tryptophanversorgung of the brain at the sports part is with the tryptophan for a spot on the vans ‘ competing amino acids to the deployment of the energy burned. As a result, more tryptophan into the brain can reach, thereby increasing also the serotonin levels. This may be a reason why active immediately feel pleasantly exhausted after a strenuous workout. Sport can therefore actually make happy(IER)! Where tryptophan is also protein – the building material for a good figure Stressed eating foods with a high content of tryptophan is apart from the effect on serotonin levels even for any other reason makes sense: usually it is protein-rich foods that help build muscle and contribute to the shaping of the body.

The body-shaping effect is really in combination with regular sport. Exercise and high-protein diet to keep fit, help a good figure and also the happiness hormone to bring a little more flowing. Happiness can be obtained not only in the dark season, but maintained in the long term. The sweet sweet for a short-term luck kick may be omitted so confidently. Who wants to be a little lucky, can make a big step in the right direction cashew nuts, milk, eggs, chicken, walnuts and salmon, as well as regular exercise by means of protein nutrition, including soy beans. Author Throphologe Kenji Prince, German University for Prevention and health management/BSA Academy ( In the advance thank you very much for sending me a free copy or a note on the online publication! Company Description BSA Academy: The BSA-Akademie is ISO certified and with ca.

130, 000 participants since 1983 a leading education provider in the market of the future prevention, fitness, and health. With the help of over 50 certified and approved courses, career changers how fitness professionals can individually qualify: getting started in the industry succeed with B license “-Lehrgangen such as for fitness, training, nutrition and mental fitness. “” “Based on step-by-step training is carried out up to the end of the professional such as fitness coach-A license”, BSA-personal – trainer certificate “, teachers of nutrition” or Manager for fitness and leisure facilities “. BSA qualifications enable the preparation for public service fitness specialist Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce exams’ and specialist for prevention and health promotion Chamber of Commerce”. Since 2009, leadership for bath businesses is the BSA course”also a preparation for the exam to the marked One for bad firms”possible. Since 2010, BSA members also to the specialist for occupational health management (IHK) can “and the trainer for device-based strength training” qualify. The BSA Academy, the acquisition of knowledge is done by distance learning and compact presence phases in nationwide training centres. A promotion is possible such as by the federal employment agency, master BAfoG, the vocational promotion service of the Bundeswehr and regional funding. Many BSA attendance phases can be completed during the BSA course travel Majorca, which takes place in May and September.

Modern Treatment

For patients with type 2 diabetes should be aware that their current treatment is working closely medicated and non-drug methods. That is why, each section of the modern treatment of type 2 diabetes should be given maximum attention. Gerald Weissmann, MD is open to suggestions. Drug-free treatment for type 2 diabetes can without taking drugs to minimize the high levels of glucose and increase its utilization in body cells. The main directions of the modern treatment of type 2 diabetes without drugs is a rational diet therapy, treatment dose of exercise and psychotherapy, or psycho-correction the patient with the disease. When compliance with these recommendations the patient is usually much better starts to feel, and is configured for continuous maintenance of a positive result. This approach makes the drug therapy type 2 diabetes in a way that reinforces the result and reduces glucose to normal figures. Such patients are not only able to live a full life, but usually do not have the complications of type 2 diabetes. This impact on personal and professional lives of patients, making them the most adaptable in the community and to his condition. In foreign approaches an important role giving rational psychotherapy 2 diabetes type. A good option is considered, and family therapy, which allows relatives of patients to adequately assess his condition, and their mutual understanding to support the patient in a cheerful mood. This integrated approach of the modern treatment of type 2 diabetes makes this disease a controlled and reduces most negative consequences.