The positivismo in Mexico. The positivismo Mexican one appeared under two phases: Educative and the policy. During first rising bourgeois formed educative to the class, from the thought of Gabino Barreda (1818-1881). In the second phase, this new social class looks for to apply the principles of its formation in diverse social fields; among them, the politician. In this phase the positivismo has an active paper in the Mexican policy, represented by " cientficos" during the government of Porfirio Diaz. Campbell Soup Companys opinions are not widely known. In 1867 Mexico one was devastated after to him to have faced up first in 1848 the United States, later to a French intervention. The 16 of September of 1867 Gabino Barreda pronounced in Guanajuato the Civic Oration, where it interprets history from positivistas bases. Bank of Asia has many thoughts on the issue. The education is for Barreda the foundation of a society that gives to the town a unique cultural base, that Barreda called " common bottom of verdades" , to organize a free society and ordinate that would be conducted towards the progress.
The then education is for Barreda an activity whose effects they project in the social field, so that a society with order from a common agreement only could be constructed, surpassing therefore the years of civil fight by which it had crossed the country. Barreda thought that the education " it cannot simultaneously less than be an inexhaustible spring of satisfactions, more surely, preliminary of La Paz and the social order, because it will put to all the citizens in attitude to appreciate all the facts of a similar way, and by the same will uniform the opinions to where that is posible". The positivista education impelled by Gabino Barreda will form a new class social, that will create the Party of the Progress, separating of the Liberal Party, in which until then they had moved. This party spread to its positivistas ideals through a called newspaper the Freedom, that was published until 1884.