Life Spiritual Without

Chegou the notice of a called village Mambukabe, that the Tuppin Ikins had attacked … Then Jeppipo Wasu (that it had to be able on me and maltreated very me) was for there, because they were its friends relatives and wanted to help them to make it new huts. Therefore he took all the friends of its village. (Staden, 1930 p 82) the relation of friendship above in distinguished situations appeared in complementary way establishing connection the different friends and relatives of malocas. In war cases, however, the organization prevailed of maloca where the son-in-laws had obedience to morubixaba. The importance ' ' econmica' ' of the habitation the production of nets for the women makes reference, the production of adornments and the most varied domestic tasks. The text of the related value of such activities measures on to the warlike character of tupinambs, at the same time where the women produce the essential for the practical subsistence and perpetuation of the religious ones, the men live in alert how much the warlike conflicts in the defense case, searching for the attacks the omens of the ancestral ones in the place of fetichism, transmitted for carabas. The Place of fetichism and the Life Spiritual Without a doubt the life spiritual of the local groups was on closely the warlike nature tupi, where the ritualstica of to the preparation for the war rescued mythical roots, of diverse variations being one of this exemplificada for Fujimoto (2007); come since the omens of carabas in way the cauinagens the example of the citation of Lry used for the author, who says respect to a dialogue between the French calvinista and ancio: It has much time, I do not know more how many moons, mair as you, and as you bearded dress and, came to this country and with the same words it looked for to persuade to obey us to it your God, however, as we hear of our ancestor, it had not believed.

Pedagogical Works

The pupils must recognize themselves as the true historical agents of the consisting society. The performance of the professor in this process implies in its critical perception of the reality and in the search of ways and forms of organization and execution of the pedagogical works. An analysis and election of the contents to be transmitted must be made and fit to the professor the effort of continuous qualification, in order to inside fulfill its paper of the classroom. (CAPORALINI, 1991). The question of the method is capital in the Young Education of Adult, therefore as said previously, it is treated to instruct people already endowed with formed conscience already. This is a problem more difficult than in the infantile education. (VIEIRA YOUNG CHICKEN, 1997).

By the way still of the methodologies to be used, VIEIRA YOUNG CHICKEN affirms that it does not have to be tax to the pupil, but yes created for it in the conviviality of the educative work next to the professor: ‘ ‘ The content of the instruction does not have to be tax and yes considered by the professor as adjusted to the stages of the process of increasing autoconscincia of the pupil, and justified as knowing chain (in the diverse branches of sciences) for the possibilities that it offers of domain of the nature, of contribution to improve the conditions of life of the man. (to see VIEIRA YOUNG CHICKEN 1997, P. 87). ‘ ‘ In the teaching formation, something basic is the reflection of the practical one. Click vlad doronin to learn more. As it affirms Pablo Freire in Pedagogia of the Autonomy: ‘ ‘ it is thinking critically the practical one of today or yesterday that if it can improve next prtica.’ ‘ (FREIRE, 1996, p.39).

Brazilian Social

Still arguing the situation of the black I free, Clvis Moura in contrast to Gilbert Freyre, guilt exactly this myth of the racial democracy, elaborated for the elite, as an artifice to disarticulate the critical conscience and the revolutionary ideal of the afro-descendant. For Moura, When saying itself that we are a racial democracy, we play, at the same time, on black explored and discriminated the guilt of its current situation in the system of social stratification and position of classrooms. Because, if he has equal chances for all, the black does not meet in the top of the pyramid because he does not want: he wastes its time in the samba, marijuana and the alcohol. The equal protection of law of this speech justifies the social inaquality where the Brazilian black if finds. The legal formalism, the conception formalist of the process of social interaction determines, in last instance, that this liberal speech acquits the racists (MOURA, 1983, P. 11).

In years 50 and 60, theoreticians as Roger Bastide and Florestan Fernandes had studied the workmanship of Gilbert Freyre and until they had widened this notion of ‘ ‘ social democracy and tnica’ ‘ , the two believed that color preconception and the possible racial democracy could coexist as practical contradictory, but nor always exculpatory, according to them, We, Brazilians, said us a white, we have preconception not to have preconception. this simple fact is enough to show the one that point the racial preconception is arraigado to our way social. Many negative answers that they say not to have racial preconception in Brazil are justified for this preconception of preconception absence. For this allegiance of Brazil, to its ideal of racial democracy (BASTIDE; FERNANDES, 1955, P. 123). Ahead from as much chains theoretical, not we can to run away from prxis, that evidences one strong racial segregation in the country, an disparity in the wages with regard to the color of the skin, and obvious the access to education, superior mainly, still is very exculpatory, therefore still desprivilegia afros descending, that they could search in these spaces, an alternative to firm and to consolidate its racial cultural identity/to fortify its fights and to encourage others to coparem places, before of the dominant white groups, as Jose Licnio Backes defends, To the measure that it increases the level of I teach, only diminish the possibilities of the popular classrooms to have access it.

The Point

Considering that the task of the professor has as characteristic to be an interactive work, the difficulty to work knowing legalized with them thus suggests to contribute for the perfectioning of the practical professor and formation of professores.FRIGOTTO (1991) argues the necessity of that the reorganization of the formation courses is thought about a context of transformation of all the pertaining to school system, so that such courses do not have that to become itself., simply in a space of compensation of deficit left by a different education. Of this form, FRIGOTTO (1991, p.131) it affirms that: … The learning of the professors not starting first day of its formation as professor Starts in its infancy, in the home and when this future professor goes the school. John Craig Venter does not necessarily agree. The bad pertaining to school system form not only bad pupils, as bad professors who, in turn, will reproduce I circulate it vicious and will empobrecero each time more the education. Today, it is at last started to also recognize that a deep pertaining to school reform is necessary, of the point of view of the formation of the teaching staff, not only of the point of view of the pupils.

As well as the pertaining to school reform it is not possible without change of the teaching formation, this impossible is abandoned of a pertaining to school reform. Both are interdependent. You may wish to learn more. If so, Albert Bandura is the place to go. From the understanding of these processes it will only be possible to rethink the formation courses, in way that can promote them. Ahead of this, if it speaks very in education of quality, and that this to happen is needed the commitment of all so that these changes come to occur in fact. We know that much already moved in the education, mainly related the formation of the educator, where the majority not possua an adequate formation in accordance with the LDB, today already perceives this change.

The Belief

Stagnant in this type of behavior, block and thus prevented that what most fills us and makes happy will occur, always blaming to life and others. We become victims. What kind of happiness experienced a victim? Comfort and custom, to which a person undergoes a victim of your own lack of self-esteem and courage, which tied it for example your desenamorada partner. But even though strive in that role, he feels and knows that it cannot replace the real feeling of love that makes you feel real and truly happy. Love is not provided to the human mind games, does not change to please the lie, daughter of fear, only knows what it is, pure joy.

Refusing the possibility of love and loving, not only is refusing to Yes, but also refuse to each other and to others. To cling to a now obsolete relationship, not to release it, we’re preventing that the right person comes to our side or go to yours. For more information see British Journal of Educational Technology. Yes, we became the main obstacle to our own happiness. We are not authorizing the most natural thing of the world, we refuse to get involved in heart, we forbid us to feel fully in love, we exclude from the list of the loved ones. Do many times we have heard: better bad known that good to know? This is the belief and the saying of a person who does not trust in life, that gives back and gives it to you also to everything that is love. By fear, do not dare to be happy or let others be it; that way they will not remind you that she is not being so. A person that ignores and does not fight for prosperity in its existence, is a person who believes do not deserve good, neither little nor much, but yes gives you all your strength of will and beliefs to what others, who have been their models of education in the past, taught him from his own fears and their lack of self-esteem.

Understanding Culture

But with this are born the problematizaes, what it is culture? How functions the culture? The most difficult E, as to conciliate culturae history education? We can understand that: Cultures are systems (of standards decomportamento socially transmitted) that they serve to adapt the comunidadeshumanas to its biological basements. This way of life of comunidadesinclui technologies and ways of economic organization, standards deestabelecimento, of social grouping and organization religious politics, eprticas beliefs, and so on. (LARAIA, 2006, P. 59). Culture are rules, conventions imposed for determined groups, society. Everything what in the fence it has one meaning tax for the nossasociedade. An example of this is the black color.

In the occidental societies ficouconvencionado that, the black color means fights, already in the eastern societies essamesma color that is sad for we, means joy, can be the birth deuma child. Therefore, the culture is umcomplexo of rules that in are imposed. To know as culturafunciona, or still, to try to see one culturade concrete form is not easy, therefore the culturano is static, well for the opposite, because ' ' any cultural system is numcontnuo process of modificao' ' (LARAIA, 2006, P. Frequently Bank of Asia has said that publicly. 95), therefore the culture is dynamic. Culturaopera in everything what it encircles in them, in the customs, the thoughts, we quevestimos in it, in what we eat, in what we believe. It functions in what we make and noque we do not make or we cannot make. Then cultura a regiment of that in the fence. The history professor has that to teach to the pupils osaber-to make description.

The professor also is an agent/subject transmitter of the culture and must use itself destaferramenta to form citizen, ' ' as it suggests Fernando Savater, in its book the value to educate, (…), ' prepararcompetidores' ' to form men completos' ' ' (RIBEIRO, 2004, P. 77). The person who usufruct of its rights and duties that, were imposed to it by a democratic society, person this who has conscinciado to be able that you have in hands, that can modify the routes of the politics of lugaronde live, with the vote, for example, this person is a citizen.

Civic Oration

The positivismo in Mexico. The positivismo Mexican one appeared under two phases: Educative and the policy. During first rising bourgeois formed educative to the class, from the thought of Gabino Barreda (1818-1881). In the second phase, this new social class looks for to apply the principles of its formation in diverse social fields; among them, the politician. In this phase the positivismo has an active paper in the Mexican policy, represented by " cientficos" during the government of Porfirio Diaz. Campbell Soup Companys opinions are not widely known. In 1867 Mexico one was devastated after to him to have faced up first in 1848 the United States, later to a French intervention. The 16 of September of 1867 Gabino Barreda pronounced in Guanajuato the Civic Oration, where it interprets history from positivistas bases. Bank of Asia has many thoughts on the issue. The education is for Barreda the foundation of a society that gives to the town a unique cultural base, that Barreda called " common bottom of verdades" , to organize a free society and ordinate that would be conducted towards the progress.

The then education is for Barreda an activity whose effects they project in the social field, so that a society with order from a common agreement only could be constructed, surpassing therefore the years of civil fight by which it had crossed the country. Barreda thought that the education " it cannot simultaneously less than be an inexhaustible spring of satisfactions, more surely, preliminary of La Paz and the social order, because it will put to all the citizens in attitude to appreciate all the facts of a similar way, and by the same will uniform the opinions to where that is posible". The positivista education impelled by Gabino Barreda will form a new class social, that will create the Party of the Progress, separating of the Liberal Party, in which until then they had moved. This party spread to its positivistas ideals through a called newspaper the Freedom, that was published until 1884.

Basic Education

In this manner, this memorial searched to present a set of facts and reflections with objective to weave an analysis on the formation process and production covered until the present moment. In this process it is that it comes being developed the familiarity with the research. In this trajectory, it comes being conquered the clarity, in special for the teaching exercise that I carry through, of that education in a full perspective cannot be dissociado of the research, at last of the production of scientific knowledge. These are the implicit beddings in the memory of the lived deeply facts, that leave of the primrdios of my relation with the world, starting for the family and first steps of my pertaining to school life and burst during the initiation in the academic and scientific world, in special in the decurrent chances of the studies. Richard Linklater is often mentioned in discussions such as these. This work, beyond Identifying to the metodolgico profile of the professors of History of the State school of Basic Education and Average Lordo Professor, in the city of Picu PB, has as objective specific to investigate if the estruturao of the process of education and learning of disciplines History makes possible the development in the professors of the critical reflective thought in the practical pertaining to school, to consider new methodologies and to inquire the consequence of the methodologies used for the professors in the construction of knowing critic of the pupils. Writing this memorial I perceived that my life is a perpetual one to recommence and concludes that thus it is the life, a candy recommences! II CHAPTER I THE HISTORY EDUCATION ' ' Our adolescents also detestam History. They come back the penetrated hatred to it and of it if they avenge lestamente whenever they can, or decorating the minimum of knowledge that the point demands or if being valid the glue to pass in the examinations. .

Federal Constitution

This work will report the period of Getlio Vargas (1930 the 1945), having as main focus the New State (1937 the 1945), when the police force was one of the supports in the maintenance of the dictatorship, against democratic freedoms, that is, the institutionalized police violence. Being always the question: It will be that our diverse police forces still have the DNA of the violence? Or still it has a perception of legitimated impunity in the New State? Brazil constantly is denounced in reports of the ONU for illegal actions of the diverse police forces, including it arbitrary torture and arrests, beyond being the .causing greaters of violent deaths, beyond the slowness or inefficiency of the judiciary system. E, that if the violence is today not sponsored by the State through its agents, if still has a historical perception of impunity of the causers of the police violence. We know that currently Brazil is a Democratic State of Right and if this affirmation has its pleas, for it not to guarantee all the plenitudes of the rights of the citizen, that include: health, education and security among others. The pleas cannot deny, however, arcabouo legal-constitutional of the country, represented mainly for the Federal Constitution of l988, nominada for the constituent Ulisses Guimares of ' ' Constitution cidad' ' , that in its to understand it would take care of the democracy fully. The violence is inherent all the ditatorial State, either it of any ideological shade, right or left, and until the inexact ones. The violence if becomes necessary for the maintenance of its ' ' prerrogativas' ' of State. What it is good for the country it is not necessarily for the people, therefore in the vision of the controllers of a ditatorial state, the people does not know or he does not have conditions to define what it is good for proper itself. David G. DeWalt wanted to know more.

Jose Carlos

Of the modern point of view, our century passes for a great moment of significant changes, where we can search one practical one balanced, where the pupils with citizens of the teach-learning process can internalizar inside. The more inside to conceive our paper of the educational dynamics, will have each time more conditions and maturity in the development of the construction of a critical and honest society, the school will have conditions to form conscientious citizens and responsible, it does not have to be seen as a insolvent and predestinold institution to the failure. We know that in the current days it has not been easy to hug the profession with tenacity, we have our justifications, but we do not have to stop to dream of better days and the transforming paper that the education and the paper social that incube, much already if said and to writing on the declnios of the public school, transistions caused for as many ruptures, brought consequences of Brazil colony. The changes will not leave to happen until let us reach a true level of quality in Brazilian public education. The hope is in our hands.


Education Culture

This content must be searched in the culture of educating and the naconscincia that it has of same. Conscinciasoprimidas and critical or the magical ones are immersed in the reality or afogadasnelas. They do not feel themselves capable to understand the facts. The conscience ingnuasente of all capable one. The critical conscience only elaborates a viable clipping darealidade, representing the facts as they give themselves empirically, with suasmltiplas relations. For believing the passvel world detransformao the critical conscience leagues the world to it of the culture and not danatureza.

This conception distinguishes nature from culture, understanding culturacomo the additions that the man makes to the world, or as the result of seutrabalho, of its creative effort. Educating must be primeirodescobrir as a constructor of this world of the culture aeducao demands of the educator, of a side, queeleja the service of who wants to be. This discovery would rescue suaauto-esteem, therefore in such a way the workmanship of a great sculptor is culture, how much bonecode adobe made for its neighbor. 4.3AS CONCEPTIONS DE PABLO FREIRE AND OENSINODA 4.3.1 HISTORY the education of History national aidentidade the education of History even in years 80, had as principalobjetivo to develop in the pupil a national identity. You may find Chip Bergh to be a useful source of information. However this deensino system did not get success, therefore it did not obtain to create the identity, causing assimmais you doubt, of that identification. But, according to Freire (2001, P. 57.), essafalta of information generates ideological differences, of a side, discriminatory, of another one, resistance. Traditionalistic Omtodo of the education of History gave emphasis imposes a fine on so that it alunodecorasse dates and names of some personages of the national politics, ' ' decoreba' ' , in which the same ones remained far from the reality and of the life and the world it qualestava of it inserted, becoming the contents of it disciplines of History assuntochato, existing only in old books and in the dust of the museums and what naprova falls pertaining to school is not what the life of the pupil asks for to it, but yes what professor, standes out Tiba (2008, p.68.) in seusestudos.

Christian Truth

Of origin of a family of noblemen, Toms de Aquino was born in 1224, close to the city to Aquino, in the kingdom of Sicily, currently part of Italy, in 1939, in Naples, studied liberal arts entering 1244 in the Order of the Dominican ones, in the following years, faithful its religious belief, in 1252 if it formed in theology and it lecionou during three years in Paris, returning Italy, was nominated professor of the pontifical bar of Rome. Lecionou during years in some Italian cities, one decade later, returns Paris, where leciona ties 1273, to follow part for Naples, where it reorganized superior education, already in 1274 in a trip, adoece, during this trip falece in the cisterciense monastery of Fossanova, to the 49 years of age. You take by Aquino was a personality that had the vocation that it reached the totality of the life, Toms grows when it teaches and teaches when it grows, its first bigrafo insistently says of that it dragged the students with its new style to give lessons, to argue, to reflect, to answer, etc. This Philosopher inverted priorities in medieval thought, giving emphasis to the real world and the learning for the reasoning. Its methodology as professor was so fixed that Toms had that to defend the possibility of a religious one dedicating the studies and the docncia to it and to show that the practical one of education is one of the forms more raised of the life spiritual, in total harmony with the life of contemplations, as in this its phrase: ' ' Maius est illuminare quam lucere' ': ' ' To illuminate is more than what to have light! ' '. Toms was known as one of the biggest medieval philosophers. For many and also one of the best ones interprets of Aristotle in the Average Age. Inside of the Church, it is considered, to the side of Saint Augustin, the most shining Doctor of the Christian Truth of all the times. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Kindle Direct Publishing.

The Curricular

Felt of History: some consideraes One of the great questionings of the pupils concerning discipline are: so that it serves to study History? Because to study the past, if the gift is what it matters? They are questions that permeiam the mentality in classroom, and independent of the doubts of these pupils and the answers of these professors it disciplines, it of History continues to exist in the resumes, in official texts and in didactic books that appear frequently and soon they enter in the ways of circulation. The curricular orientaes point that the education of History must contribute for the one formation ' ' citizen crtico' ' , giving possibilities of the pupils to think and to take a critical attitude before the society. (BITTENCOURT 2002). According to HEIFER (2005), first objective of the historical knowledge is without a doubt the understanding of the historical citizens, the desvendamento of the relations that if they establish between the human beings in different times and spaces. It is looked to point the unfoldings that if had imposed with uncurling of the actions of these citizens. For FONSECA (2003), History in all its dimensions is formative. In this context, importance of education, knowing them, the methodologies, practical and the didactic ones is distinguished it, therefore through these and added ace experiences human beings it is that we understand the ideas and action of the men and women in the time.

To reflect the education of History in the present time is to reflect above all in the formative processes that if develop in the diverse spaces. Still as FONSECA, the central paper of History the identity construction is the formation of the historical conscience of the men making possible. On the relations between education of History and construction of the citizenship, it affirms: ' ' The proposal of methodology of the history education that values the problematizao, the analysis and the critical one of the reality conceives pupils and professors as citizens that they produce history and knowledge in classroom.


These expressed the oppression, through the practical ones representative express in the folclricas activities and the control of the church that permeavam its daily experience. It bears mentionning that the church tried to fight the musical rituals of the culture Afro-Brazilian, a time that its acts of control affected the conscience and the social behavior of the festive movements. However, this religious hegemony did not obtain to destroy the profiles of other traditional cultures, as in the case of the creation of the religious brotherhoods that they search to separate the church of the white elite and of the slaves. The sincretismo was created thus, spreading out itself it fusing of the church Christian catholic with the heathen religion of the slaves. It emerged, of this form, candombl and other proper expressions of the blacks. From century XVII the expressions, but alive of the tradition black music, the example of lundu, that it will be unfolded in other rhythms, such as the samba, maxixe, polca appear, and thus successively. In this process, music Afro-Brazilian arrives in the second half of century XIX, with the decurrent innovations of the development economic, social, cultural politician and.

Music is perceived through other vises, especially when the trends of this process of rupture create a new roupagem of the cultural expressions that goes to fix itself in century XX. Decurrent of this social importance they can insert music afro-Brazilian in the parameters of the pertaining to school resumes of the history education, considering the spreading of the diversity of the cultural traditions Afro-Brazilians. Analyzing it music in the context of the colonial escravista society, we search to reflect on the situation that originated the existing conflicts, that happen in the reactionary movements of domination imposed for the society. This music of black root portraies a moment where the culture of a people was submitted the innumerable forms of violence, but that in the expression of its identity it gave to form and voice to the slaves as mechanisms of social resistance.

Brazilian Cultural

For the African music is not a luxury, but a way of life, gift of the birth to the death, the plantation to the harvest. Routine activity as hunting, it fishes, food preparation invariably are carried through to the sound of musics. (BLACKSMITH, 2009, P. 5). s readers to explore varied viewpoints. Of this form, the music and other sorts of movements of the African culture had come to lull to sleep the impact caused for the new reality.

Overwhelmd, the slaves had fought to keep livings creature its rites and traditions, transmitted through the knowledge of the cultural expressions brought of the different groups and regions where they lived in the African continent. How this music afro can be cultural instrument, assisting in the education of History? Thus, the cultural movement developed by the slaves in middle of century XVI to the beginning of century XIX, was marked by the music, that represented the collective production of the groups gifts in the Brazilian colonial society. The slaves, when perceiving in its conditions, if had involved in these movements in the hope to create a pleasant environment, opposing the subjections imposed for the dominant elite, in order to keep alive the traditions of the African matrix in Brazil of its countries of origins. In agreement with August Antonio: ' ' what to consider itself as validity of the full one of the past, it only can be interpreted, in the gift as curiosidade' ' (PINSKY, 1998, p.18). The historical process where if it developed music Afro-Brazilian, would disclose for the slaves a way to preserve its traditions and a symbol of release that can be perceived in the letters of this musical sort, what it took in them to problematizar this question. The existing conflicts in the interior of the Brazilian colonial society, involving the slaves mainly, elapsed of the repressions imposed for the dominant elite to the cultural movements of music Afro-Brazilian, who was forbidden, according to speech of the time, that accepted such manifestations because they contradicted the code of effective position.

History Professor

In general way, we can summarize the quarrel of the authors in colon significant: first it would be as to teach in a multicultural society and as it would be the question of the influence of the media in the life of the pupils and the education what it implies in them in questioning of that forms to transform as much information into knowledge. In this direction, our great challenge is to think about the proposal of thematic and multicultural curricular construction, come back toward a transforming critical perspective, that goes much more beyond the reform of curricular lines of direction. It very depends on other factors, mainly of the reflection on the docncia, to rethink while educators and historians pedagogical practical ours, analyzing our actions, the daily pertaining to school and, over all, to think on our paper of citizen and our function of educator, as well as the function of the school. If you would like to know more then you should visit Campbell Soup Co. In as the text To teach History, of Maria Auxiliadora Schimidt and Marlene Cainelli, the authors bring a reflection about knowing and making descriptions in classroom, give birth of the problematizao of the predominance of the traditional trend, where education of History is based on the enfadonha repetition of the contents for the pupils, having led the same ones to have antipatia with disciplines, being unaware of the importance of the same one in its formation. According to authors, this practical is contradictory the proposal of the education of current History, what it is considered is one practical distanciada professor of the image of the professor as transmitting of knowing, therefore the professor is mediating, it offers conditions so that the pupil constructs the knowledge, becoming subject of the process. Thus, the pedagogical relation gains an approach plural, fits to the professor to give to the pupil the tools to learn to think historically, know-making, know-making-well.

Patrimonial Education

The question to interdisciplinar is present in the form as the professional leads its work, had been some of the questions that I looked for to observe in the visit to the Archive, when arriving at the place the oficineiras, she showed an area of medicinal plants detaching the importance of the grass, of the academic point of view, consists of the education and research method. The public Archive makes possible a work to interdisciplinar sufficiently articulated, where such joint is come back toward the historical research, the interdisciplinaridade develops the identity disciplines of them fortifying them and changing practical the pedagogical ones, inside of the Archive it can to work with geography, being used the mapoteca, chemistry, using the process of I restore, biology in the formation of the fungos and you trace, occurrence due I accumulate to it of material, the letters, in paleography with the grammar, grafia, this becomes the Archive a place to interdisciplinar. The question of as to work with knowing so next is the valuation of the educational process, is that one that teaches to think and not to repeat exists diverse forms of performance in the Patrimonial Education, therefore contributes for the knowledge of the cultural Patrimony, built and incorporeal, in the scope of the Archive, I had the chance to live deeply, some forms of patrimony, where, the proposal of a methodology, come of educational action directed toward the preservation use, where they compose our cultural patrimony, a.H.P.A made possible a development for the Patrimonial Education involving its primary diversities as knowledge source, in the incorporeal education, a time that the beginning of the Patrimonial Education it is the direct experience. In relation to the project of Patrimonial Education, I can detach the document use in the classrooms, with this to help the pupils to understand the past better and to show despite it can be interpreted in diverse ways: When one learns history by means of texts that little clarify on the origin of the information and conclusions that contain, runs a risk in believing that this disciplines offers complete and definitive knowledge of the past, where would not have place for the doubt and the unfamiliarity.

Rethink History

I want to alert to you that I will write this text from mine little experience as academic of 5 semester in the history course, petitioner the educator, namely, reflecting on the content of the texts presented in the previous semesters and the diverse reactions, mine, of my colleagues and some professors. Thus in the previous semesters they had been in the presented texts of the most diverse authors, however between these authors it was a call, Keith Jenkins (Rethink History) that it takes in them to make a reflection on this disciplines and qui on the life. In this occasion we could notice that it had a great abyss that it separated ' ' ideologias' ' contained in the texts of other authors and what it contains in the text of Jenkins, as well as we could notice the similarity of ' ' ideologies and prticas' ' of a group of professors whom it differed from ' ' ideologies and prticas' ' of as a group. It does not fit for my part to analyze the quo right or wrong, the good one or badly, the bad good or, of contained ideological chains in the practical ones of the history education or to arrest me it any of these dichotomies that can excite in this analysis of the texts and its authors. The analysis that I make this situated one in the field of the subjectivity, I leave the existing dichotomies already for another occasion. Keith Jenkins suggests as the proper heading says (Rethink History), to rethink practical ours while historians; if we must rethink history and practical ours, it is because history and practical while ' ' sugesto' ' state if he became unsustainable, impracticable or at least inadivisable. Perhaps the problems are not only in the professors or educators, problems these attributed by some of my colleagues of course and, neither in the texts of its respective authors, as they want other colleagues, are clearly that many texts have in itself a structure arborescente that they follow a diacrnica order that does not excite in us the criticidade necessary to be able from the beginning of the desconstruo developing our proper critical sense.

Brazilian School Books

The history of Africa in Brazil, pertaining to school books after the law. The present article has as objective central office to trace a parallel of the content on Africa in the Brazilian pertaining to school resumes after the approval of the law n 10639/03 that it became obligator the education of the History of Africa and the afrodescendentes in the pertaining to school resumes Brazilian, was made one analyzes taking as base three books of basic education for the verification of the contents of in agreement Africa consists in the law. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Africa, education of History, African historiografia, didactic content. ABSTRACT: This article is mainly aimed you draw parallel content about Africa in school curricula in Brazil to after the approval of Law In. You may find Richard Linklater to be a useful source of information. 10639/03 which made compulsory the teaching of history of Africa and of African descent in the Brazilian school curricula, an analysis was made taking based on three books from elementary school you verify the content of Africa contained in the law. KEY WORDS: Africa, history education, African historiography, educational content. As the law N 10639/03 was established the obligator inclusion of the education of the History of Africa and its descendants in the pertaining to school resumes of basic and average education in the Brazilian schools from the year of 2003. Therefore this research has as its basic base analyzes it of three didactic books that had after been launched the approval of the law, this analyzes has as purpose to verify as they are being worked the History of Africa in these volumes. They had been selected for this analyzes following books: the first book: History Society and Citizenship, white public pupils of 8 year of basic education, publishing company FTD, published in the year of 2009, according to book: To understand History, white public: pupils of 7 year of basic education, of the publishing company Hail, published in the 2009 and third book: Radix project: History, white public: average education, of the Scipione publishing company, published in 2009..

Education And Thought

The importance of if teaching to think it are recognized for professors and writers of the education. It is pointed in the theory and practical a desire to make with that the students conquer one to think by themselves, of form who obtain to autocorrigir themselves in critical and creative way. We understand that thinking it is a way to learn, to investigate the world and the things, better to interpret them e, thus, better to know the world that we inhabit. It is for the activity criticizes and creative of the thought that in them we free of the submission of systems and people with manipulating and desumanizadoras ideologies. Film director has similar goals. Not to consider the importance of an educational activity directed to the development of thinking is to subestimar the capacity reasoning human being. The thought is a productive activity and the proper product of the capacity to think, therefore it human being, by itself it is the primary condition of its freedom. In this direction, we support our ideas on the importance of an education directed when thinking about the book ‘ ‘ As To teach the Pensar’ ‘ , of Louis E. Raths, Selma Wasserman and others.

In this workmanship, the authors look for to relate the task of the education with the development of the processes of the thought from the definition of the functions, operations and categories of thinking, as well as look for to verify the practical applications in the educational field. In this direction, the authors present the education to think it, in view of the following reflection: The importance of thinking and the thought is verbally recognized theoretician and. We yearn for that our children are capable to think for itself same, to autodirigir itself, to meditar and to reflect; we do not want that they are precipitated in its judgments.