I want to alert to you that I will write this text from mine little experience as academic of 5 semester in the history course, petitioner the educator, namely, reflecting on the content of the texts presented in the previous semesters and the diverse reactions, mine, of my colleagues and some professors. Thus in the previous semesters they had been in the presented texts of the most diverse authors, however between these authors it was a call, Keith Jenkins (Rethink History) that it takes in them to make a reflection on this disciplines and qui on the life. In this occasion we could notice that it had a great abyss that it separated ' ' ideologias' ' contained in the texts of other authors and what it contains in the text of Jenkins, as well as we could notice the similarity of ' ' ideologies and prticas' ' of a group of professors whom it differed from ' ' ideologies and prticas' ' of as a group. It does not fit for my part to analyze the quo right or wrong, the good one or badly, the bad good or, of contained ideological chains in the practical ones of the history education or to arrest me it any of these dichotomies that can excite in this analysis of the texts and its authors. The analysis that I make this situated one in the field of the subjectivity, I leave the existing dichotomies already for another occasion. Keith Jenkins suggests as the proper heading says (Rethink History), to rethink practical ours while historians; if we must rethink history and practical ours, it is because history and practical while ' ' sugesto' ' state if he became unsustainable, impracticable or at least inadivisable. Perhaps the problems are not only in the professors or educators, problems these attributed by some of my colleagues of course and, neither in the texts of its respective authors, as they want other colleagues, are clearly that many texts have in itself a structure arborescente that they follow a diacrnica order that does not excite in us the criticidade necessary to be able from the beginning of the desconstruo developing our proper critical sense.