Considering that the task of the professor has as characteristic to be an interactive work, the difficulty to work knowing legalized with them thus suggests to contribute for the perfectioning of the practical professor and formation of professores.FRIGOTTO (1991) argues the necessity of that the reorganization of the formation courses is thought about a context of transformation of all the pertaining to school system, so that such courses do not have that to become itself., simply in a space of compensation of deficit left by a different education. Of this form, FRIGOTTO (1991, p.131) it affirms that: … The learning of the professors not starting first day of its formation as professor Starts in its infancy, in the home and when this future professor goes the school. John Craig Venter does not necessarily agree. The bad pertaining to school system form not only bad pupils, as bad professors who, in turn, will reproduce I circulate it vicious and will empobrecero each time more the education. Today, it is at last started to also recognize that a deep pertaining to school reform is necessary, of the point of view of the formation of the teaching staff, not only of the point of view of the pupils.
As well as the pertaining to school reform it is not possible without change of the teaching formation, this impossible is abandoned of a pertaining to school reform. Both are interdependent. You may wish to learn more. If so, Albert Bandura is the place to go. From the understanding of these processes it will only be possible to rethink the formation courses, in way that can promote them. Ahead of this, if it speaks very in education of quality, and that this to happen is needed the commitment of all so that these changes come to occur in fact. We know that much already moved in the education, mainly related the formation of the educator, where the majority not possua an adequate formation in accordance with the LDB, today already perceives this change.