It was based on these aspects that many educators capsize that the NTIC could be a very important ally in the construction of the knowledge and even though in practical the educative ones, where the new technologies can be incorporated in teach-aprendizgem, but have that to take in consideration the problematic ones, the public and economic politics to become them reality. The current pedagogical model of education learning is practised through didactics ' ' convencionais' ' , becoming restricted education the classroom, imprisoned pupils the didactic books and oratria of the professor. This way of education not condiz learning with the reality that the society to be developing for a future each more technological and digitalizado time. Thus, arcabouo technological is capable to spread out scientific information, productions, to diminish distances, at last all this potentiality that the NTIC can provide for one better education learning. For assistance, try visiting FireEye Inc. The great potentiality of the NTIC in more taking to the pupils a knowledge fast, easy, interactive and folloied of a logical, parallel reasoning to the world each globalizado time must where the borders are broken the all moment. The student has the duty to follow this technological evolution, to be inserted in the world where she lives and not to be run away from the social system each digitalizado time more.
One another factor is to leave the idea of that the knowledge this only centered in the figure of the professor. The role of the professor must be played as such, but to disentail the thought of detainer of knowing, the professor must be a mediator of the knowledge, to show as if it searchs, thus developing a pupil capable to walk with its proper legs intent the things that are happening to its redor. But objective is to transform particular education and into the education of the mathematics at a moment of complete logical reasoning, centered into the technological evolutions and the interdisciplinaridade that in the fence, becoming them capable of is prepared to live deeply this world each more complex time, where the things if transforms quickly.