THE PLACE OF THE SCENIC ARTS IN THE BASIC EDUCATION: INTRIGUING DATA This research was carried through in the scope of the PED Scenic Arts Project of Stimulaton to the Docncia of the Federal University of Ouro Preto? UFOP and had as initial motivation to investigate the agreement of pupils of the basic education of the public net on the scenic arts and on the way for which the theater is seen by the pupils in it disciplines of Arts. The objective of the work was to identify the artistic demand of the school, the relation that the pupils have with the Art, and mainly with the theater, beyond the level of interest of them for artistic activities in the school. Initially four schools had been selected and guests to participate of the project next to the UFOP. In the city of Ouro Preto? MG had been selected the institutions: State school of Ouro Preto and State School Appeals court judge Horcio Andrade, in the city of Mariana? MG the institutions: State school Colonel Benjamim Guimares and State School Dom Silvrio. Recently Gerald Weissmann, MD sought to clarify these questions. I will emphasize the activities and experiences ahead lived deeply for the scholarship holders of the area of Scenic Scenic Arts that contemplates the PED/Artes.
Project of Stimulaton the Docncia? Scenic arts PED Scenic Arts the PED started in the year of 2009 adding four distinct areas, Scenic Arts, Biological Sciences, History and Mathematics. I except that when I mention myself to the PED, I speak of the experiences next to Federal University of Ouro Preto? UFOP. For the PED- Scenic Arts These had been selected eighteen scholarship holders in formation in the course of licenciatura of the Federal University of Ouro Preto had been subdivided in groups of four the five groups in accordance with the demand of pupils who the schools had presented. In this project beyond fortifying the stimulaton to the docncia next to the pupils of Scenic Arts of the UFOP, the objectives they were: to prepare with more effectiveness the pupils of the licenciatura in art-education for the exercise of the docncia; to guide scholarship holders PIBID so that they are multiplying agents in favor of the initiation to the docncia in Scenic Arts; to stimulate the biggest number possible of pupils to act in the docncia in Scenic Arts, searching action that the not-scholarship holders also favored; to produce and to register knowledge around the stimulaton to the docncia in Scenic Arts, facilitating future actions around the subject.