INTRODUCTION In years 60, with the sprouting of the movement of the Modern Mathematics, that searched great changes based on common beddings, which had integrated the resumes of some countries, starts to have the education of the Mathematics developed with emphasis in the definitions, the theory of the sets and the predominance of algebra on geometry. Already in the decade of 70, they had appeared to the critical ones to the movement of the Modern Mathematics, guided for a more sociological boarding, considering social, antropolgicos, psychological and linguistic aspects: Critical the extreme one to the valuation of the contents in place of the methods, the first quarrels on the resolution of problems and the linking of the Mathematics with the real life, the debates on the use of the calculators and other materials of education had been placing in xeque the iderio of the previous movement. The understanding of that social, antropolgicos, psychological, linguistic aspects have great importance in learning of the Mathematics brought new routes to the curricular quarrels. (SAUCERS, 2000, p.12) the vision that valued the contents and the modernization, centered in the formalism and the estruturalismo, with more abstractions and little applications in the daily one, all gave to place the inquiries on the learning process, whose focus was the pupil, who participated of the process through the resolution of problems. (A valuable related resource: American filmmaker). It is as soon as appears in Brazil the Mathematical Education. This considers, amongst other objectives, the joint of knowing pertaining to school to them with the reality of the pupils, studying the relations between education and the mathematical learning. The Etnomatemtica, field of study of the Mathematical Education, if has detached in this area of the knowledge, for being a research line that comes reaffirming the Mathematics produced in different sociocultural contexts and daily activities. Its development had beginning in middle of the decade of 70, with the first teorizaes from studies elaborated for Ubiratan D?. For even more analysis, hear from Levi’s.