keyword 3,1 Introduction In the course of Licenciatura in Sciences of the Nature? Qualification in Physics of the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IF-SC), exists a curricular component call Project Integrator I, applied in the first semester of such course. The first activity of this disciplines is the formation of work groups for the application of projects based on the subjects estruturadores of the PCN+. The estruturador subject of this project is ‘ ‘ Movements: variations and conservaes’ ‘ , being that the subject angular Moment was chosen on the basis of the sub-areas defined for each estruturador subject. Go to Richard Linklater for more information. The project was developed during all the first module, however, for reason of the desistance of the course on the part of some academics, it had a reorganization of the initial group that would have to contain three integrant ones.
Of this form, it more had the introduction of two licenciandos in Physics in the group that searched contents on the angular moment. This project was developed in four stages, one for semester. In these stages, the academics had been preparing and elaborating practical methods playful so that it had the interaction of the pupils with the elaborated experiments, being that the application of this project was carried through in the third module, in as the year of Average Ensino of the State College Abdon Baptist of the city of Jaragu of the South. At another moment it had the accomplishment of a practical lesson where, the academics had applied a questionnaire to evaluate the method of education of the subject Angular Moment. In accordance with Sant? anna apud, ‘ ‘ Evaluation is a process for which if it looks for to identify, to survey, to investigate and to analyze the modifications of the behavior and attendance of the pupil, the educator, of the system, confirming if the construction of the knowledge if processed, either this theoretician (mental) or prtico’ ‘..