The necessary government to perceive that to save the education, it will obtain to eliminate some social problems. The Family lost its function, today children is created without no motivation, although the law to guarantee its security and integrity, we see that this I did not re-echo in changing the panorama lived in the parents, we return the age measured when children were adult in miniature. The paternalista system where we live, comes to each day removing of the family its function, the schools had become deposits of child, the grace of the law, tied inside of a insolvent and corrupt system. Please visit Nike if you seek more information. Although all existing technology in the country, the schools continue retrgadas, without the pupil can see in its contents something that will be able to change in fact its reality. But so that the future can be promising for the professors, pupils and school have that to have courage to break the paradigms, today the country if became a great compendium of ‘ ‘ direitos’ ‘ , but none ‘ ‘ dever’ ‘ he is charged. ‘ ‘ Liberdade’ ‘ it was confused with ‘ ‘ libertinagem’ ‘ , the school has its tied rights, therefore its interior cannot cut into pieces no violent attitude inside, although the school to possess its Pertaining to school Regiment they are suppressed by the one for the existing Laws in the country or one Threshold that makes unusable its attitude. 15 But this come happening because the school lost its historical value, the rescue must come of all, of the society, family, government, media, collectively and individually.