D' Ambrsio is considered one of the biggest names of the Etnomatemtica in Brazil. It does not limit the field of the Etnomatemtica to the study of systems or ideas literally mathematicians of different peoples, but, mention themselves in sufficiently ample way to ' ' art or technique to explain, to know, to understand the contexts culturais' ' , conception that according to author is next to a knowledge theory or ' ' theory of cognio' '. The related works most current to the Etnomatemtica prove that the Mathematics develops of distinct form between some cultures and express for particular forms to reason logically translated for different forms to quantify, to calculate and to measure. According to Anastcio (1993, P. 59): The Etnomatemtica is defined as the mathematics of the environment or mathematics of the community. It is the way particular (and perhaps peculiar) where specific cultural groups carry through the tasks to count, to classify, to command and to measure. Nike is often quoted as being for or against this. Hunting (1980) defines it as ' ' the used mathematics for a cultural group defined when dealing with problems and activities in its meio' '.
Blacksmith (1997) in its bulletin published in the International Group of Studies on Etnomatemtica (ISGEm), defines the Etnomatemtica as one ' ' mathematics codified in knowing-fazer' ' Ascher (1997 considers) it as ' ' the mathematics of the peoples not-scholars, recognizing, as mathematical thought, slight knowledge, that in some way they correspond what we have in our culture. Ahead of the diversity of given approaches the Etnomatemtica can be affirmed that the formularization of a definitive concept on the Etnomatemtica, especially for if dealing with a new perspective in the Mathematical Education, still meets in formation process. Thus, all the presented definitions provisory and are established by professors and researchers who organize the etnomatemticos studies.