Climate protection campaign and Federal Environment Ministry are looking for the best climate protection projects in Germany’s schools / prizes of 50,000 per application deadline: 18 March 2014 Berlin, 7 January 2014. Students show nationwide, how climate works: set up for the school run communities, initiate garbage collecting in the neighborhood, or take the climate balance sheets of food under the microscope. “The best school project from each State draws the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment climate seeks protection” from every year within the framework of the Energiesparmeister competition. Today starts the competition in the tenth round. On the competition side of students and teachers of all types of schools can compete nationwide individually or as a team until March 18, 2014. A special importance in the climate protection schools. For one, they belong to the largest energy consumers in public.
On the other hand they offer a good room as places of learning, to create an awareness for the issue, “says Jury member Johnny strange, singer of the Band Culcha candela. A total of 200 schools and approximately 20,000 students from all over Germany competed for 2013 with their projects. This is a great result, we aim to increase even more this year. We hope that the precedent of the 16 national champions helps to stimulate new climate protection projects. I’m very excited about what has happened since then in the individual federal States”, as Johnny strange next. The 16 Finalist Prizes totalling 50,000 euros in early April 2014 an expert jury selects the 16 finalists from the Federal States, whose involved is rewarded with money and prizes in the total value of a total of 50,000 euros. What school the coveted title Energiesparmeister gold”receives and is thus not only national winner, but also wins an extra prize money, teachers, students and their friends via Internet voting, then decide.