To surpass this seminaries are organized, symposiums; books are written and become research But the same center of the question is only in the periphery of the quarrel. The call exclusion, in the reality is the terrible face of the discrimination and the preconception. Discrimination and preconception occur not why the other is another one, but because is different, in general, poor person. From there many mistakes elapse, as of the quarrel of the quotas for ingression in the university. To say that it is necessary to reserve vacant because the blacks are or had been excluded throughout history imply to say that also if it must make a vacant reserve for the women, another one for the men, another one for the indians; the same for homosexuals, for heterosexuals he has yourself that to make reserve for all the minorities.
E each one of us is a minority. In reality would have to be argued? to decide the problem? in relation to the reason of the blacks, as well as of other poor persons, not to have easiness of access to the university. The chances are on not to the color of the skin, to the sexual option, to the physical condition, but to the economic power. The black child, son of rich parents, has chance that no white son of poor parents will have. Therefore problem the social, but economic exclusion-inclusion not and.
In ' ' Military dictatorship, left and sociedade' ' , Daniel. the Kings (2000), even so commented the period of the dictatorship, makes the most current affirmation: all the ones that were ' ' calls equivocadamente of excluded, were legitimate product of the system and, as such, was in it incluidssimos, even so each time more appeared as descartveis' '. This is our quandary, to surpass the fact not of the exclusion? still that we are different and our differences help in them well complementing in them? but the causes of the discriminations. Neri of Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historian. He reads more: ; ; ; ;