For Froebel

Kishimoto (2003, P. 15), emphasizes that doceiras of Rome they made small dainties with format of letters destined to the learning of the letters. The games destined to the knowledge of the children were called educative games. Games these, created in the gardens of Infancy, established for Froebel (1782-1852) that it idealized the games of constructions: done wooden and confectioned blocks, spheres, cubes in you manufacture pertaining to he himself and vendidosem store. For Froebel, the child manipulating and these materials, mounting and disassembling, would establish relations with the world.

The inserted children in these schools worked with some didactic materials: folding, clay and others, where they served for the creative activities and jogos' of construction for the free activities. Froebel was the first one educator to emphasize the toy as playful activity, the child in its initial education has the toy as essential process. The tricks had also remained significant throughout the time, as Rasp standes out (1991, P. 35), saying that playing it is a universal activity, found in some human groups, in different historical periods and periods of training of economic development. Then, it can be observed that independent of the place, time and culture or the toys that it possesss, the child can carry through a trick, playing alone or folloied by other children. Piaget (1978) salient for Kishimoto (2003), observes throughout the period three successive systems of games: Of exercise that appears during first the 18 months of life of the child. The symbolic game, appearing during 2 year of life of the child, with the appearance of the representation and the language and the game of rules, predominant enters the 7 to the 11 years of age, having the transistion of the individual activity for socialization. The games of exercises, characterized as functional games, are the motor activities carried through by the baby when moving the arms, legs, putting into motion the head, to take the hand to the mouth etc.