In this way, the pupils of the institution with 8 had been evaluated all the 10 complete years, of both the sexos, girls (n = 95), boys (n = 92), totalizing 187 pupils, (n = 187). For the gaugings of height and weight, procedures as Marins and Giannichi had been established (1998) and used the altimeter that is part of the scale, welmy antropomtrica with scale of 2,00metros and capacity of in the maximum 150kg and at least 2Kg and division of 100g. For the mensurao of the corporal fat Cescorf model was verified through a Plicmetro (Adipmetro) Scientific of cutaneous folds, produced in Brazil, that allows reading in dcimos of millimeter, with opening of equal pressure 10g/mm2 and dimensions: 286mm x 165mm. The formulas of Slaughter had been applied (Slaughter et al, 1988), that (TR) use the cutaneous folds tricipital and panturrilha measured (PM). Table 1: Classification of the sample how much to the percentage of relative fat ClassificaoMasculinoFeminino Excessively BaixAt 6%At 12% Baixa6,01 the 10%12.01 15% Adequada10,01 the 20%15.01 25% Moderately alta20,01 25% 25.01 30% Alta25,01 the 31%30.01 Excessively altMaior 36% that 31,01%Maior that 36.01% Source: Deurenberg, P. Pieters, J.J.L and Hautuast (1990) cited by Fernandes Son (1999).
The collected measures of weight and stature, index of corporal mass (IMC), weight/height, is the same procedure used for the Project Brazil Sport, PROESP-BR, that it uses as reference the critical values for the classification of the nutricional state for children and young Brazilians considered for (Conde and Monteiro 2006). In accordance with these criteria, IMC of children and the adolescents are classified in agreement table 1 2 Table – Classification of obesidade and overweight. Points of Cut of IMC in adolescents for overweight and obesidade. Age (years) ClassificaoMasculino SobrepesoFeminino SobrepesoMasculino ObesidadeFeminino Obesidade 818.418.321.621.6 8.518.818.722.222.2 919.119.122.822.8 9.519.519.523.423.5 1019.819.924.024.1 Source: British Medical Journal 6 of May of 2000? Dietz, and col. For more specific information, check out Vladislav Doronin miami.