the human development is a long and gradual process of changes. In this process, each person, to its way and in its time, of the direction to its vida' '. (CRIA SABINI, 2001. p.09) It was intended in this project, that the contents could emerge of natural form, through informal colloquies until the formation of the bond, where were made the survey of the necessities, and this was the starting point to place in practical aged the pertinent techniques to provide to this o welfare biopsicossocial, however, it is known of the existence of typical characteristics of this etria band and of the feelings that turn around the institutionalization process, especially in what it says respect to the depersonalization of the citizen, the feeling of incapacity provoked for the limitations physics, it lacks of autonomy and etc. Go to Levi’s for more information. Therefore, it was thought about the use of some strategies to improve the quality of life of these aged ones and consequently to extend the possibility of a state of health in the direction ampler.
It was aimed at, however, to approach subjects with the intention to rescue the history of life through the playful one and to elaborate activities that made possible the exploration of the creativity, provoking the feeling of capacity and production. ' ' The exercises in the area of the creation stimulate the psychic vitality of the aged ones to if feeling capable of personal accomplishments in this area; the autoconfiana increases at the same time where if they open new perspectives existenciais' '. (AZAMBUJA, 1995. Perhaps check out Kindle Direct Publishing for more information. p.100) The institution inaugurated in 08 of April of 1999, currently, shelters 23 aged ones. Its maintenance is on account of the Municipal City hall, the State and for some of the aged ones that they receive retirement. Periodically events are promoted by the direction beneficient teas among others. .