State Joined

It is observed at this moment that geography takes a new route, therefore already has a small envolvement with the society, this sample that the geographic knowledge folloies the development of the societies. This is an important moment, therefore in if treating to modern age it is a considerable advance for the humanity, who until then was, of certain form, to the edge of the geographic studies. In age contemporary, geography appeared as branch independent of sciences and passed to explain phenomena physical regional, however very compromised with position politics of its founders, German Ratzel, (1994) whose ideology inspired to the construction of a colonial empire for Germany and the Frenchman lise Reclus, (1994) with an ideology imbuda for libertarian and anarchic theories militant, condemned the expansion of the settling process defended for German geography. In this context a geography compromised to ideas directed toward the satisfaction of groups that of certain form they intended to take possetion itself of the natural resources for its proper economic growth and had used geography as cloth of deep for its projects, therefore in the truth is had the imperialism at that moment determined that interest, something that still today is used for the search of economic profits for groups that dominate definitive regions the decades final of century XIX mark the ticket of the capitalism to its phase superior: the imperialism. the birth of the imperialism will be expressed, in the plan of the international politics as intense division of fight between them you harness imperialistas for the division of the continents in zones of influences.

(MOREIRA, 1994 P. 7) In the period postwar period new conceptions of geography had been defined, becoming it a space mathematics on behalf of the technological development and of the politics of planning of the State. In this period the world lived the call Cold War that it initiated with the end of the Second War world-wide, where the two you harness winners of the same one (United States and the Union of the Soviet Republics Socialist) had divided the world between the system Capitalista and Socialista.A geography for being an accurate science that enclose the social areas, natural, human beings and was used for these powers with intention to search to implement formulas of expansion of its ideologies, was what it happened with the State Joined with the space race in the decade of 1960 and with the Union of the Socialist Republics Soviet that they had searched to implement its military technology absorbing man power come back toward geography.