Antonio Carlos

does not have limit for the spheres of the knowledge that can in such a way be had access by the producer of the text, how much for its receiver. This means that intertexto is not only on to data social, cultural or educational aspect, being this existing of forceful form in the formation and development of the criticidade of the readers. FINAL CONSIDERAES Inside of the culture scholar notify that the use of the reading and the writing is on directly in all the actions human beings, intra and extra exactly personal, in the simplest and more complex relation human being, it will use its knowledge ahead scholars for its full communication and until proper position to the other. Being that the approach of the present project is the point that binds these processes: reading and writing and where they become involved themselves. Levi’s often says this. One knows that we read what it is written and we write leaving of previous readings that serve of base for what he is being argued, are to think and to interpret what the other says it about definitive subject, to assimilate it and of this to initiate the construction of the thoughts and the texts, that stops being read and accepted they will need to be correlated to others and plus other texts.

It is to salutar to stand out the interaction enters the reading compromised on the part of the readers, focusing the reading however made and understood for the sprouting of one another text, creating itself thus a gamma of predispositions for this text that will have for base one another text that foments the production literal. Ahead of the displayed one, it is glimpsed that all process of reading is envolto to the writing process and vice versa, of direct form, both the processes despertam interest of form deepenings that will not be being been letrando and nor being inserted. The intertextualidade is arraigada to both the actions of reading and production, since so that a text is produced the author if uses of others for its production and thus a great intertextual net becomes. If you would like to know more about Vladislav Doronin miami, then click here.

Suitable Lock

As a filler can be used in mineral wool, polystyrene, polyurethane, pine timber. The most environmentally friendly material is basalt wool. 4. Hinges – Provides normal opening of the door. There are two types: simple (bear the weight of the construction of up to 70 kg) and with a special thrust bearing or the “ball” located between the parts of the loop (can withstand more weight). 5. Castle – main obstacle to the breakers.

Therefore, the choice of the castle – as it is responsible. Of course, a professional burglar can open any lock, but that’s how long it would take him, depends on the quality and reliability of the castle. And while in this case, the most expensive – the longer the thief will swarm into the castle, the more chances he has to be seen. Choosing a lock you need to know what happens 4 types of locks: locks, overhead, and suvaldnye cylindrical. Take a look at what is the difference between them. Mortise and rim locks differ in the way of installation. Mortise lock suitable for any door, the invoice is better to install a door that opens inward.

Mortise locks less reliable, as weakening the door leaf at the point of the frame. Suvaldnye cylindrical locks and different design. Different and the appearance of the keys (the key cylinder lock is small and flat, the lock lever – large tubular key having a projecting plane for cuts). It is more expedient to install two at once a lock type of different type (lever and cylinder), the first resistant to the forces, the second – to pick autopsy. Having dealt with the internal structure of a metal door, also note on its external finish. Choosing a favorite option, pay attention to quality and durability of upholstery. Campbell Soup Company takes a slightly different approach. Exterior finish options Doors: 1. Powder coating – Suitable for interior doors from the inside as well as the outside. Defies environmental influences and mechanical damage, giving him another name – “anti-vandal ‘ cover. 2. Imitation leather – leather haberdashery (durable leatherette). Material rather cheap and durable, but not resistant to mechanical damage. 3. Laminate flooring – suitable only for interior decoration, not because resistant to temperature changes. Has an excellent decorative properties, wear-resistant and shock-resistant, has good sound and heat insulation. 4. Solid wood – used a variety of species (oak, cherry, beech, etc.). Finish of natural wood will provide you with excellent sound and heat insulation, showy appearance, but it will cost you quite dearly. 5. MDF – suitable for those who want to maximize the similarity with natural wood and at the same time save money. Unlike natural wood is resistant to fungus and moisture resistant. By choosing to door you like, do not forget to check the reliability of the company – the manufacturer.

Creating A Learning Envirionment

“The self-reference of the system, where it so to speak the malfunction” caused by learning, is not made. Usually, there are students who are not able to do anything. Parents evenings the inability of students or the particularly difficult class is presented then appeal good parents and you sit there and wonder what can probably be the implicit claim of teacher to parents. Considering sufficiently many school classes in their everyday teaching, one finds astonished, that the average number of pseudo-moderate performance situations clearly outweighs in comparison to the real learning situations. Richard Linklater is the source for more interesting facts. Some teachers make a performance themed situation namely from every smallest question and answer game, each almost and each common task solution on the table for the majority of the students.

You express positive and negative expectations compared to individual students, thereby creating a permanent pressure of competition in the classroom, comment on and evaluate each question and each A., regulate the time to think about and assess and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of individual students before the entire class. Teachers can often unconsciously and completely unintentionally transform their teaching in a chain of pseudo power situations and thus hinder learning. Everyone is of course evident that both must be in the classroom: a learning recording and processing new information, as erprobende dealing with difficult tasks, as an acquisition of a well-understood and flexibly usable knowledge and as well as performance to the probation and affirmation of the learned and individual, social and containing criticism self assessment of learners. In my opinion but it is task of a good teaching of learning and performance situations in the consciousness of the students as to separate, that can be a productive learning culture. The traditional school, the pupils before all adaptation, subordination, ability to Division of labour, reading and arithmetic, and a more or less uncritical Robot mentality”is located, belongs to the late industrial age.

PSF Nursing

In this manner, he can yourself be approached to the real necessities of the collective as half to tie to action in health the end to take care of the specific necessities of the population (6). PERFORMANCE OF the NURSE IN the ESF AS CONSTRUCTOR OF the COLLECTIVE HEALTH the nurse, responsible direct for the nursing team, must be capable to recognize, educative nosprocessos, a confusion of relaese to consider learning, teaching, espaoonde this occurs, the involved actors, as tambma purpose of the work of the nursing que taking care of, in a more holistic perspective of the human being. We still have also as its responsibilities, the duty to possess a optics that if directs the optimum attendance and satisfaction of its clientele, thus having better to give assistance, to carry through the knowledge of all the questions which are submetidosos its patients, then, preciso that it has a communication accomplishes, geradapor meioda tool of education in health. To the nurse of the ESF, the activities of supervision, training and control of the team and considered activities of managemental matrix still fit finally. As manager of assistance of nursing in the PSF, the nurse must be the knowledge generator, through the development of abilities, introducing innovations to the team, defining responsibilities and supervising if the same ones they are being executed of the form that was planned. It is of responsibility of the nurse and the doctor, to develop projects and actions that have for purpose to provide improvements in the quality of life. Hear other arguments on the topic with Levi’s. Standing out that it has a bigger performance of the nurse in this direction as is observed by the estimates of the Health department, that shows the proximity which this professional keeps with its patients, fact that elapses of a bigger persuasion stops with the same ones.

Originary Source

Spirit is the transcendncia for which we human beings communicate in them with the other and that he culminates with the phenomenon of the conscientious life and exempts. Therefore, espiritualidade is all mannering activity human being who finds its centralidade in the life. Not in the will of it can, nor in the accumulation, nor in it enjoys fugaz of the pleasure. It finds its centralidade in the promotion and the dignificao of everything what he will be on to the life. Of this form, if spirit is life, then, the opposite the spirit is not the substance, but it is the death. For the death it is not reserved alone the biological end of the life, but everything what desestrutura, that offends and wounds the life, having oppressed it, as the injustice, the violence, the negligence.

As espiritualidade workmanships they are the charity, solidarity, the compassion, the disinterested love, the cooperation and the qualification of opening the all type of alteridade. It is also proper of the human being spiritual to be capable to dialogue with the originary Source of all being that it perceives perpassando for all the reality. We can inside enter in contact with this supreme Reality and sentiz it of us in the form of an enthusiasm, of an interior energy that moves the life and livens up to all the projects. We can say that the espiritualidade works with values that have to see with the direction of the totality and with the future that goes beyond our historical time. Please visit Campbell Soup Company if you seek more information. It question for that energy that everything moves, that everything penetrates: beings and entire universe. This energy was called by the most diversified names: Creative spirit, Originary Source or, simply, God. The human being possesss the advantage of being able to discern in transfundo from the phenomena the action from this Presence. We are capable to dialogue with it, of it invokes it so that it comes and it satisfies our desires of fullness.

It possesss biological base in the neurons celebrates that they disclose thus to the call point God or the mstica mind. The deep espiritualidade the reasons to preserve the servant and instigates in them to follow ethics of care, of the compassion, the responsibility and the cooperation. It will make in to understand them that more valley the speech of the life that the speech of the method. For everything this, the option for the Land estimates that let us choose the life. Making a little of this impossible one, we will obtain to save the life and we will guarantee the future for the Land, although the changes that come in them of the climatic changes and the general heating of the planet. Reference: BOFF, Leonardo. Planetary ethics and espiritualidade, pp. 173-190. In: SOTER (org.). Support of the life and espiritualidade. So Paulo: Paulinas. Fotocopiado text.

The Conscience

That they are ' ' The necessity of information in function of the knowledge is a necessity that results of the desire to know the necessity of information in function of the action is a necessity that result of material necessities demanded for the accomplishment of activities human beings, professionals and pessoais' '. In this direction, each user can have a different necessity and has that to take in account this. The information has an enormous power when it can be assimilated by the citizen. Coast (2009) cites Barreto (2002, P. 1), ' ' the information is qualified as an instrument modifier of the conscience and the society as a whole. Here the information is qualified as an instrument modifier of the conscience of the man and its grupo' '. But, the society is known that the information alone fulfills its mission effectively, when is prepared to receive it. Of this form, it can generate the necessary knowledge that it frees the man of the darknesses of the ignorance.

It is what they affirm, in the text of the Coast (2009), Dantas (2000) and Barreto (2002), when it is perceived and accepted as such, contributing for the development of the individual, in particular way, and the collective one, from the influence of the individual its social group or entorno stops with. Under the boarding of Taylor (1968) one understands that it focuses the information in the necessity or individual problem of indivduos' '. This is seen with importance, therefore it is necessary to question itself on that information an individual wants to find in the information system. That use will make of it? How the system can better be projected to take care of these necessities of information? 3. WHICH THE IMPORTANCE OF THE USERS? The study of users it reflects a boarding that it looks to place the user in the center of the concerns.

Monitoring Epidemiologist

From the indetermined form, hansenase can evolve for excessively clinical forms. Indetermined form – Areas of hipo or anesthesia, spots hipocrmicas (clear spots), with or without reduction of sudorese and rarefao of for. It does not have comprometimento of nerves. Baciloscopia: refusal. Tuberculoide form – anesthetical Plates eritematosas (red spots) eritemato-hipocrmicas, well definite, hipo or, comprometimento of nerve. Baciloscopia: Refusal. Virchowiana form – Eritema and diffuse infiltration, infiltrated eritematosas plates and of edges badly defined, tubercles and nodules with sensitivity alteration.

This form constitutes a sistmica illness with important mucous and visceral manifestations, especially in the reacionais episodes, where eyes, testicules and kidneys, among others structures, can be affected. Frequently Levi’s has said that publicly. Baciloscopia: Positive (basilos abundant) dimorfa Form – clinically it oscillates enters the manifestations of the tuberculoide form and of the virchowiana form. It can present injuries of skin, good delimited, with little or no bacillus, and infiltrativas injuries badly delimited, with many bacilli. One same injury can present diffuse clear and external edge internal. The reacionais comprometimento of nerves and episodes are frequent, being able this patient to develop physical incapacities and deformities. Baciloscopia: Positive (rare bacilli) or Refusal. I diagnosis the diagnosis of case of hansenase he is essentially physician and epidemiologist, and is carried through by means of the analysis of the history and the conditions of life of the patient, of the dermatoneurolgico examination to identify to injuries or areas of skin with sensitivity alteration and/or comprometimento of peripheral nerves (sensitive, motor and/or autonmico). In children, the diagnosis of hansenase demands multicriteria examination, ahead of the difficulty of application and interpretation of the sensitivity tests. &lt sends regards to apply the Complementary Protocol of Disgnostic Inquiry of Cases of Hansenase in Minors of 15 years – PCID; 15, as Guide of Monitoring Epidemiologist of the Health department, 2009 (Attached II). The operational classification of the case of hansenase, aiming at to define the project of treatment with poliquimioterapia is based on the number of cutaneous injuries, in accordance with the following criteria: PAUCIBACILAR (PB) – cases with up to five injuries of skin; MULTIBACILAR (MB) – cases with more than five injuries of skin.


Therefore it promised more than it disclosed in that one cuts off oval and the soft opening. The servant who beat in door after that to have if changed took it the table of sute. Conde for definiz it in a magnificent word. It was dress in a tender black was devilishly attractive with that dark spot in its face, of what it would be? One of the reasons was always curious moved that it for the journalist career. The hair was wet, the skin was smooth in that brown skin. Although to disdain the entrancing force felt it as all the women of that it exhaled for its poros_Sente Lais it invited, it while it moved away the chair.

Although scoundrel was a knight. I capitulate two hundred and vinteUma light nightgown almost transparent covered it the body. It never liked nightgowns thus, however was part of the enxoval that earned of conde. Now this age its husband. Husband this word sounded to it so strange of its ears.

It combed the hair to it with fury, would have to be happy soon it would have its revenge, unhappyly it was not. She was Mrs. Von Wolfemberg, the dream of all woman but it was not. For this cursed revenge madness it would erase the smile of the person whom more it loved in the world of Fria.Sentia older than its twenty and two years. It could not come back behind after everything until the place where it arrived, a black shade projected in the mirror. The brown face, the light flame, detached next apequena scar to the eyes gave a threatening touch to it. Of where it would come that scar? That it was only one small invisible fine line in the dark skin. Its black hair tumbled in madeixas so heavy for the voluminous one of the hair formed small dark clusters, kissed its neck in a soft caress and received its lips.

Agrarian Reformation

The analysis that we have of this family is positive for the following point; the responsible one, in the case the father has reading, is studying, already it participated of the pertaining to school advice, it works in the school, it participates of some agencies, the events that happen in the community and still is a cacao producer. In this direction the family intends to continue in this dynamics and to lead as example to the children who live and coexist together in the same property. A leading source for info: Campbell Soup Company. Beyond some functions that the family has, also she is worried about the ambient questions and the health. The fact to be in search of the learning, notices that this family not it intends to abandon its practical agriculturists and nor to participate of the movements of the community. 4.

Description of the allotment of knowing. The allotment of knowing in the school Regal Victory did not happen of direct form with the presence of the majority as it would be intended. For some reasons, and one of them case of health, it was not possible to promote an event participativo, in view of the difficulty of locomotion at the moment, still thus for other ways I obtained to also show to the results gotten in the academic times and in the times communities. To know the people who coexist and work in the community facilitates sufficiently in the accomplishment of a work. for this bond made possible to send in writing the productions carried through until the moment. He is valid to also tell that this community is of my knowledge, therefore, already I had the chance to work in the school regal Victory as coordinating place of the PRONERA (National Program of Education in the Agrarian Reformation), during two years could follow a project of escolarizao. This chance provided to know part of the families who live in the community.