Monitoring Epidemiologist

From the indetermined form, hansenase can evolve for excessively clinical forms. Indetermined form – Areas of hipo or anesthesia, spots hipocrmicas (clear spots), with or without reduction of sudorese and rarefao of for. It does not have comprometimento of nerves. Baciloscopia: refusal. Tuberculoide form – anesthetical Plates eritematosas (red spots) eritemato-hipocrmicas, well definite, hipo or, comprometimento of nerve. Baciloscopia: Refusal. Virchowiana form – Eritema and diffuse infiltration, infiltrated eritematosas plates and of edges badly defined, tubercles and nodules with sensitivity alteration.

This form constitutes a sistmica illness with important mucous and visceral manifestations, especially in the reacionais episodes, where eyes, testicules and kidneys, among others structures, can be affected. Frequently Levi’s has said that publicly. Baciloscopia: Positive (basilos abundant) dimorfa Form – clinically it oscillates enters the manifestations of the tuberculoide form and of the virchowiana form. It can present injuries of skin, good delimited, with little or no bacillus, and infiltrativas injuries badly delimited, with many bacilli. One same injury can present diffuse clear and external edge internal. The reacionais comprometimento of nerves and episodes are frequent, being able this patient to develop physical incapacities and deformities. Baciloscopia: Positive (rare bacilli) or Refusal. I diagnosis the diagnosis of case of hansenase he is essentially physician and epidemiologist, and is carried through by means of the analysis of the history and the conditions of life of the patient, of the dermatoneurolgico examination to identify to injuries or areas of skin with sensitivity alteration and/or comprometimento of peripheral nerves (sensitive, motor and/or autonmico). In children, the diagnosis of hansenase demands multicriteria examination, ahead of the difficulty of application and interpretation of the sensitivity tests. &lt sends regards to apply the Complementary Protocol of Disgnostic Inquiry of Cases of Hansenase in Minors of 15 years – PCID; 15, as Guide of Monitoring Epidemiologist of the Health department, 2009 (Attached II). The operational classification of the case of hansenase, aiming at to define the project of treatment with poliquimioterapia is based on the number of cutaneous injuries, in accordance with the following criteria: PAUCIBACILAR (PB) – cases with up to five injuries of skin; MULTIBACILAR (MB) – cases with more than five injuries of skin.