Pablo Freire

One of the tasks of the school for Pablo Freire (1996: 123) as center of systematic production of knowledge are to critically work the ineligibility of the things and the facts and its communicability. It is essential, therefore that the school constantly instigates the curiosity of educating instead of ' ' amaci-la' '. The professor who fights for a igualitria society, must have the school as place of quarrel and diffusion of this process, see its pupil as partner and citizen of right to the knowledge of the factors that they imply directly in its way of life and perceives itself subject of its proper history of life. The education is especificidade human being, as an act of intervention in the world, that inhales the radical changes in the society, in the field of the economy, the right of the work, the relations human beings, of the property, to the land, to the education, to the health. (FREIRE, 1996:109) the teaching work does not restrict the classroom, thus as the contents few serve if these will not be for deciding or understanding challenges of the daily one of the pupil. For Libneo (1991) the assimilation of knowledge and abilities and developments of the decurrent mental capacities of the education process do not have same values in itself, but they aim at to instrumentalizar the pupils as active and participant agents of the social life. The professor is an agent of transformation of the society, if thus to desire, therefore he has the advantage to be in a privileged place to the social quarrels, and to make possible its pupils a partnership in the construction of a less different society. Although not to cite the diverse existing difficulties in the day the day of the educator, as: indiscipline of the pupils, remuneration low, lack of social recognition, lack of physical structure, does not mean that we do not recognize them.