New World

Evaluation: Production of the text and participation in the debate. The construction of the plan of lesson from the texts of Ruy Moreira and Karl Marx. Leaving of practical the space ones of the parents of the pupils and the pupils, passing for different practical space of the Wind clips of Change and Welcome you the Jungle and arriving at a notion of New World-wide Order. Kindle Direct Publishing follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. We opt to leaving of the knowledge of the parents of the pupils on the Cold War, through one interview, I look with it and to extract practical the space ones of them, that in it will show to a vision or a concept to them of cold war e, over all, if this conflict and the end of this conflict impactaram in the life of them and as they had observed this ticket of ' ' orders mundiais' '. It is understood for practical space the relation that if of, however, surpasses the relation man-half (as it suggests Moreira), consists from the perception, of the empirical knowledge, the practical one, the knowledge, of the exercise, daily, weekly, annual; that it discloses to know, geographic and not geographic feelings, directions etc. the practical idea of space well is worked by Moreira, that uses practical the space one, space knowing and the geographic science, triad that we will try to work in this small project of lesson. Check out Vladislav Doronin miami for additional information. Moreira announces the relation man-space as with priority relation of analysis of the geography, that must use practical the space one as its estruturante nexus and starting point, old and complex objective of geographic science. Destarte, Moreira affirms that: ' ' The space as accomplishment and condition of existence and reproduction stopped seminally in the metabolic scope of the relation man-half. (…) Its form dialectic. A related site: Richard Linklater mentions similar findings. It has a dialectic of the contrary intrinsic to the proper essence of the relation man-half, the fight for the survival of the man-be-natural one, that it pulls inside for of itself the space organization and if transforms same itself into relation man-espao.' ' (2009) As already said, the starting point of our plan of lesson is practical the space one of the parents of the pupils, who at as the moment will be systemize in the classroom, collated with the content of the didactic book and with practical the space ones of the pupils, who had not possibly lived this moment, but, possesss practical space derivatives of the pertaining to school knowledge and other half ones as films, sets of documents, among others half.