Without this, any attempt of if teaching something can provoke frustration, high anxiety, degradation of auto-esteem and nothing of learning. The mental development happens first for the social relations and passes to the knowledge appeared in the relation as the way. The processes of development and linked learning and its relations are the central focus of the thought of Vygotsky. Having as base the development of the individual as resulted of a process partner-description, claimed that the interaction of the citizen with the world if of the one through mediation made for other citizens. In this way, the professor makes its interference in the proximal zone. In accordance with Galvo (2000, P.
134), Wallon argues that the relationary exchanges of the child with the others are basic for the development of the person. The children are born immersed in a cultural and symbolic world, in which they will be involved in one ' ' sincretismo subjetivo' ' , for at least three years. During this period, on complete indiferenciao between the child and the human environment, its understanding of the things will depend on the others, that will give to its actions and movements format and expression. Wallon considers periods of training of development Galvo in accordance with (op.cit.), in the first year of life, the child interacts with the way conducted for the affectivity, that is, the impulsive-emotional period of training, defined for the affective symbiosis of the social environment child in its. The child starts to negotiate, with its partner-affective world, the proper meanings, saw expressions tonic.
The emotions they intermediam its relation with the world. Of the period of training sensrio-engine to the projetivo (1 the 3 years), the activities of inquiry, exploration and knowledge of the social and physical world predominate. In the period of training sensrio-engine, it remains the subordination to a subjective sincretismo (the logic of the child not yet is present).