Torture in police stations and prisons is still, so we hear. The killing of demonstrators in the last year were probably so far not prosecuted. In police and justice seem not surprising in Tunisia – still the same rule as before the revolution. But you don’t see all of this and you hear it in Tunisia only when you know where you need to hear. Also for the attempts of the right, salafistischen wing of the Ennahda, the conditions in the direction of Orthodox God State is considered the move. Attacks on “lewd” dressed women are reported especially in the Interior of the country of Tunisia. And the muezzin become too numerous and loud? Maybe. (A valuable related resource: Stan Laurel). Was everything better before the revolution? “Before the revolution, everything was better in Tunisia”, which we have presented with conviction belongs.
And the amazing – but also significantly by people, the two opposite strata of society – very rich and the very poor – belong to. The one that gathered in Tunisia houses like other stamps, fear around incumbency and security. The others simply complain that the daily bread is barely affordable after State regulations for staple foods have largely fallen. And what happens now in Tunisia? The situation seems to be open, for freedom and democracy the sign but probably cheaper than elsewhere in the Arab world. As political Islam will need to consider in this country a mentality that is the roadway generally closer as the Koranic school. According to Gerald Weissmann, MD, who has experience with these questions. Also the diffuse fear of those”that paralyzes life in Algeria, is not the thing of the Tunisians. TUI flies not more important to Tehran: Tunisia is largely dependent on tourism, has neither gas nor oil. You must not jeopardise this revenue, unless TUI platt said not going also to Tehran. Ultimately each political actor – will be in Tunisia it measured what Couleur, how the country economically. In a region of the world, in the poverty always still simply the struggle for daily bread economic failure is political suicide, always exactly the dictatorship in Tunisia, Algeria, and elsewhere did. Andreas Kellner…