Carlos Mora Vanegas not have heard his silent steps? It comes, it comes, always comes. At all times and in all ages; all day and all night, it comes, it comes, comes, always comes. Many chants have intoned in very different States of mind, but all them notes have proclaimed: it comes, it comes, always comes is very significant in the achievement of personal growth, especially in the spiritual know cultivate truth, that which generates harmony, peace, happiness, i.e. which is not contaminated from the illusory, transient, not experienced; Unfortunately are few who have awakened in its real authenticity, in your inner Temple and does not give importance to it, on the contrary, prefer to remain prisoner of superficial stimuli, of those impeding surprise us to be authentic within the scenario that we participate in the mission which corresponds us play to manifest in this plane. (As opposed to Levi’s). He commented with insistence on other opportunities, which also means a life of total dedication to the truth a life in which the individual is willing to accept that they request your accounts.
Not us must wonder then, that many people doesn’t like projecting their reality, i.e. actions which committed – some inaccurate, harmful – and that in some way hindered its growth, because they were not aware, awake, were simply forged illusions and structured a truth that was contaminated large fault from its origin. Here, that not surprising that justified and try to make people believe that it is the truth that guided them to act and they bother when you make them see that they were wrong or the results were not as expected. Hence then, that we were not surprised when it is said, that a life of total dedication to the truth also means a life in which the individual is willing to accept that they request your accounts.