Project of presented Intervention as requirement for the note attainment in disciplines Curricular Period of training I, of the Course of Nursing, given for the College San Francisco de Barreiras- FASB, under orientation of the teacher Enf Dulce Rodrigues. BARRIERS? 1,0 BA 2011 PRESENTATION This intervention will approach the subject: Importance of the donation of blood to the colleges student of a particular college in Barrier, which according to World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS), the blood donation is of great importance for the health public and praises that 3 5% of the population are adjusted givers to take care of to the requested necessities of blood for hospital units (SPADA; et al., 2006). The above-mentioned authors also add, that the Health department regulates the blood use aiming at to the protection of the health, as much of the giver as of the receiver, and all manipulation must obey the biossegurana norms as laudering of the hands and equipment use of individual protection, therefore if it does not deal with an exempt procedure of risks, can yes cause sequelas irreversible and even though to take the death. One knows that the blood is one fabric also conjunctive, however, liquid its function is to carry substances in the interior from the organism through the hemcias that carry the respiratory gases and for the o plasma that are its basic substance beyond, to protect the strange organism against infectious agents and bodies that penetrate in our body.