In accordance with the PNUD (1998) all the productive action must be carried through of conscientious way, respecting the environment and preserving the resources; thus making possible the recovery of the ambient, economic and social balance. To adapt techniques and space to save natural resources, they are initiatives that save the environment. The protection of the nature independe of education, the ambient culture comes growing, and in such a way to adhere practical the ecologically correct ones, is a way of if detaching in the market, that is each bigger and more competitive time. The main objective of this article is to tell as a beauty hall can apply ecological techniques in order to be an ecologically correct establishment, through specific objectives as substitution of light bulbs, reaproveitamento of the water, exploitation of the natural light and ventilation, beyond the accomplishment of the separation of residues for recycling. Vlad doronin gathered all the information. According to Roaf (2006, p.245) normal taps spend about 6 the 12 liters per minute varying as the model and the pressure of the water. For the laudering of the hair in beauty halls are delayed of 5 the 10 minutes depending on its length and the type of treatment that is being made.
Adding the information, one concludes that for the service of hair hygiene it can be spent up to 120 liters of water for laudering. Estimates of the Organization of United Nations (ONU) foresee that, up to 2030, one in each three inhabitants of the planet will not have access to the water potvelDe agreement with Carlos consulting Oristnio of management and administration of beauty halls, with simple sufficient measures, the owner of the business, together with its employees, can preserve the environment and, indirectly, reduce some of its proper expenditures. To adhere practical ecological, opting to alternative sources of discarding of packings, reduction of residues means little expense and continuous improvement financial.