They are permanent features of the person, 2. It highlights when running a task or performs work, 3. They are related to the successful execution of an activity, whether at work or otherwise. 4. They have a causal relationship with work performance, ie, are not only associated with success, but really it is assumed that cause it. 5.
Can be generalized to more than one activity. Therefore, a competition is what makes the person is, forgive the repetition, "competent" to perform work or activity and successful in it, which may mean a combination of knowledge, skills, dispositions and specific behaviors. If it fails any of these aspects, and the same is required to achieve something, is not "competent." The ILO reminds us that the analysis of competition is clear about what it represents: Identification of competencies: Is the method or process used to establish, from a work activity, the powers to mobilize perform this activity satisfactorily. The powers are usually identified on the basis of the reality of this means to facilitate participation of workers during analysis workshops. The coverage of the identification can go from the workplace to a larger and more convenient occupational area or field of work. There are different methodologies for identifying and varied skills. Among the most commonly used are: functional analysis, the method "development of a curriculum (DACUM, for its acronym in English) and its variants SCID and AMOD and methodologies characterized by a focus on identifying key competencies of behaviourist. Standardization of skills: Having identified the skills, their description can be useful to clarify transactions between employers, workers and educational institutions.