Project is to see the other parts our unrecognized and not accepted or integrated in ourselves… Perceive the shadow is like looking in a mirror that shows us the nooks and crannies of our personal unconscious, and by the accept the shadow is therefore OK to be less that dwells within us. Visit Richard Linklater for more clarity on the issue. (Jung) when an individual makes an attempt to see his shadow, he realizes (and sometimes ashamed) qualities and impulses which denies itself, but you can clearly see in others, things such as mental laziness, egotism and sentimentality; fantasies, plans and unrealistic intrigue; negligence and cowardice; sloppy appetite for money and possessions (1). Finally I would like to share with you this thought: One does not reach enlightenment fantasizing about light, but by making the darkness conscious. MARIA TIRONEEconomistEspecialista in HumanosCoaching resources to strategically manage life.