While the school is the most common and accepted option to provide education to children, some parents have considered other ways to meet the need to learn from our children. Below I quote my 7 reasons to educate my youngest son at home, ranging from the family organization to aspects of socialization: 1. when children are at home there’s more time for the whole family.-this time translates into shared activities, the possibility of travelling in school season (with corresponding saving money), and long time to know us between parents and children. If the problem with society today is that parents do not spend time with their children, family education can become part of the solution to this problem. 2. The Popes we benefit from their learning.-as long ago that we left school, but how much recall the lessons? To take the responsibility to educate our children we also assume the challenge of educating ourselves.
Parents and children can share a sincere not know and find out the answers together. Learn simple and complex things to young adulthood is a privilege of a few. For many has meant a reencounter with the taste for learning. 3. Children learn faster.-activities tend to concentrate on the interests of the children, and care is individualized.
This greatly speeds the process of assimilation, since we have children interested and focused at the same time. A point that the school can take 1 day or up to a week for repeat at home can take a couple of minutes. 4. Children socialize with people of various ages and social classes-home-schooled children have the opportunity to socialize with people of different ages and socioeconomic strata. Not the case with a child who attends the same school for 6 years and has the same companions, who also belong to families of the same socioeconomico-cultural level. Educate without school opens the door toward a socialization among people similar and different from us. 5. Children are inserted to the adult world in natural form.-when children educate without school usually accompany parents everywhere. Trips to the Bank, to the supermarket, to the municipality to complete a transaction, or visit a family member, allow children to closely observe the complex world of adults, for then to integrate him more naturally. 6. Safety of children-even though the overprotection is harmful, all have clear that isn’t healthy for any human being grow in an atmosphere of violence and teasing. Every day is more common to hear that robberies between teammates happen in schools, and bullying (bullying) is a problem that has reached much of schools. To educate in family children grow up in an atmosphere of love and respect, which can then express it with other people. 7 Children with less advertising-it is no secret that the advertising industry makes efforts for reaching children aware. Perhaps there are more psychologists studying child behaviour in favour of advertising than in! the familar unit please! When the children educate without school we have enough control on what is presented in the eyes of our children. Even when there is publicity, this has less effect on our families, since we are present to explain and refocus the efforts of the advertising firms. These are 7 of my reasons to educate my child without school, and perhaps all summarized in my desire to provide better training than that offered by the school system. Each family has their own, and all are valid, provided that we assume them with responsibility and love for our children. Original author and source of the article.