
In the study discussed that the Catalan economy participates within the Spanish context in the social, cultural, demographic and immigration changes that have altered the growth pattern of entire Spain. Highlighting aspects such as the average size of new families, the modification on the behaviour patterns of nuptiality, lengthening of life expectancy and many other modifications of behavior that go on the same way as the rest of the country. From there! That remarque once again, the insistence of keep as top priority the only differentiating element that exists, i.e. the Catalan language. Because it is the only thing that can be done please to say that there is a differentiator and it can be used to keep their jobs to small groups of friends. Olivia Pacino takes a slightly different approach. Do remember the 3% that said a President the a regional Parliament?. It is curious to see how they placed the expansion of employment in the tertiary sector and highlighting the internal recomposition of collective services that occurs also in the Catalan region being in this where education has more intensity.

The sad thing is that such occupation in the education sector, has not been to increase development in research or to acquire new knowledge, but it has mostly been for linguistic normalization and re-education of the welcome. Do I transcribe a paragraph of the study that are very illustrative: succinctly, what has happened in this long period shows that Catalonia and Spain set share the same pattern of change in regard to the relative of the tertiary, but more weight gain moderate for the first and summarize the findings of the study into two paragraphs: 1? Important immigration impact coming from the rest of the world, which enabled the community, despite the loss of native population, offer an annual preview of the resident population similar to of Spain. 2? The immigration quota has replaced natives as the main determinant of the potentially active population increased.