Words? key: Mediation/Formation/Dialogue/Interpersonal Relations * Teacher of the municipal net of education of Maria/RS Saint, specialist in Pertaining to school Supervision, for the Federal University of Saint Maria – UFSM ABSTRACT EDUCATIONAL GUIDANCE TODAY: THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS FEATURE IN THE SCHOOL CONTEXT * Eunice Pear tree Azenha The Educational Guidance, early in its deployment, has been associated with the simple adjustment of students you the system and naively thought it might exclude the conflict in interpersonal relationships by focusing attention ' ' psychologist' ' without delving into the social you cause of conflict, setting the student the ideal behavior will be an ideal school. His practice was widely criticized in many schools and this service has ceased you exist, even appearing in to older LDBs specific legislation implementing the Educational, to their attributes and training. The extinction of the office of Educational Guidance is happening right now in many cities in several Brazilian states, is the marries in Saint Maria, Rio Grande Do Sul, in your to career plan only provides will be professorship. Counselor legal The aspect of training and your to career plan, the fact that at present we ploughs completing round of discussions with the Department of Education of Saint this Maria/RS will be the regulation of function, the fact that this City the position of Educational Advisor has been terminated, the need will be proof of training in this area you assumes this rolls within the school, well the requirement will be the practice based on well-founded theories and committed you ethics, the construction of citizenship and mediation dialogues among all sectors of the school community focused on student development in to order you ensure that this professional work space at school, became the object of this study. Is therefore the objective of this study point out the presence of Educational Guidance in the school in light of legislation and, lives specifically, reframe the practice of Educational Advisor, appropriate training will be it you become key to partner in improving teaching-learning process. .