As Alice Ruiz each verse is the sincere and only expression of moments where it left if to deliver with the soul in state of ‘ ‘ grateful aceitao’ ‘. Everything what was written was lived and transpirado of its soul, nothing unreal or is invented. This workmanship this divided in three parts: ‘ ‘ Eus’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ They, They, Elos’ ‘ , and ‘ ‘ Eros’ ‘. The presentation is of Jose Miguel Wisnik and Arnaldo Antunes. To the part ‘ ‘ EUS’ ‘ it corresponds more inside to the haikais of the Japanese rules, where ‘ ‘ Eu’ ‘ it does not have to appear, and the subject is the nature. Hawaii State Department of Education is open to suggestions.
From there the plural one, to dissolve ‘ ‘ eu’ ‘ in all. It leaves to exist the one, in this plural.ELES, THEY, LINKS is a more personal part, where, many times, I am felt inspired in people, more in the nature human being and where the partnerships enter. To part EROS it is most personal of all, some rules are broken, for the most part of the cases. But ‘ is the space for haikai more; ‘ brasileiro’ ‘ , that is, with ours jeitinho. (RUIZ, 2010.) In each Alice page he knew to display a personal way of if relating with the minimum forms called haicai, at the same time its challenge to nominate the book of Desorientais simultaneously, adding the mood and a touch of seriousness and beauty, transforming the book that passes to be shortened in syntax, but rich into its particularitities. In relation to the Desorientais heading we can cite some meanings but we detach what it standes out and it states true felt: disoriented, to turn aside itself, misguided, Alice Ruiz in its book states its inserted in the momentnea occasion for lived it and lived deeply feelings. CONSIDERAES FINAL This work objectified to arrive at the study most complete of the haicais in particular the book Desorientais de Alice Ruiz, being felt the necessity to better work and to understand the proposal of haicai, that according to author is the contemplation of fragmentos of the daily life, having itself above all to understand proper history. In such a way, this analysis looked for to rescue the concept of haicai in Brazil and its respective authors, to study in specifies the workmanship Desorientais de Alice Ruiz, to understand the relevncias necessary to more widely apprehend the study object, and to develop for future exploitations of this content.
In this direction, considering the research focusing the haicais and its history, searchs to better learn and to facilitate special education in Brazilian Literature.