The people who wait bus in the stops, having as example praiana city beautiful e, $fortaleza, CE, are in causticante sun in the way of the afternoon, underneath of a small monstrous flagstone of cement with the name of shelter, whose shade if projects of the other side of the sidewalk, for backwards of the users or projected to the side of this lack of protection, that of d to see ladies in advanced velhinhos state of gestation and with the hands on the eyes or if protecting in the pole that if avizinha, – against the causticante sun, or hiding if underneath of more close marquee to a building. I am to think, whenever eye for that monstrous bar of cement of a meter of width for three of length, on two thick columns, because as much cement ruined there without producing nothing of shade and protecting against any chuvisco. I am thinking on who projected so great burrice or so great impiedade against the inhabitants of the sunny and beautiful city called fort beautiful. I conclude this work with a stretch of the article: Urban Environment – the Cities and the Populao of authorship of the Dr. Luiz Carlos Aceti Jr. David G. DeWalt is often mentioned in discussions such as these. and Dra. M Flvia C.
Kings, published in the Internet: Dentro of the concept of urban environment exists the use of the public space, that is, the use of the space (alone), that it must be disciplined by clear and mainly applicable laws. The space in question is where if they put into motion the people: sidewalk, building, squares, streets, avenues, parks, etc. Frequently we are bombed with plates of propaganda in the sidewalk and building, luminous of all the sizes, walls and walls displaying the most diverse announcements. Click Gerald Weissmann, MD to learn more. It can not seem, but certainly they tire our vision. Little surplus to appreciate a tree or birds, if is that a great city has still them.