The Silence

If we are full of concepts, ideas, projects, yearnings, memories, etc. and we lived with this psychic ballast, very hardly we will accede at the quiet level of ours psique. In silence state one is different clearly the information that go directed to the intellectual center and that one that does not correspond to the mind. The silence state is complete and limitless, from him we really communicated with the surroundings and we learn to listen. A leading source for info: Professor Anna Harvey. The level in which normally we lived is the one of the superficiality, the opinions, ideas, and judgments. There is no space in our interior for something new. We have the habit to think within the dualism.

If we extend this situation and we were placed in the internal state that is beyond the common logic of the intellect, we are approaching zen. Silence is the internal state that is beyond the thought, in which are no concepts, but either judgments, mechanical critics, ideas nor reactions, and there are if them, do not drag to us after them. In this state we perceived the new thing. What is new? What we have never heard or seen? No, it is rather a discovery, an internal revelation that nothing has to do with the memory. A history zen shows clearly this aspect to us. Histories zen, or the dialogues between teacher and disciple are one of the transmission systems zen.

Most of Literature zen consists of these anecdotes. Its purpose is always to precipitate in the mind del that asks certain type of sudden brings back to consciousness, or to on approval put the depth of its penetration. But they are received in unsuitable a mental state, the mind reacts mechanically and its effect does not take place. We listened to if them and we thought: I know either it, I have heard or it, or I know to it lose all their effectiveness.

Outer Relations

It is the unique Arab nation of Hispanic speech. It has embassies in several countries of the world; in Latin America, in Mexico, Uruguay, Panama, El Salvador, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, among others. Peru recognized the RASD in 1984, but inexplicably it suspended the diplomatic relations in 1996, pressed by the Moroccan lobby. Promise of president Alan Garci’the president Alan Garci’a promised that before leaving to the power the 28 of 2011 July, he would restore the relations with the RASD. Is frankly laughable the argument, that runs in the corridors of the Peruvian Ministry of Outer Relations, that if Peru restores relations with the RASD, Spain besides Morocco " molestara".

It is not certain, is only a rumor interested in bringing about fear on purpose that Madrid is the first investor in Peru. Morocco, of another side, must accept the sovereign decision of Peru to have relations with the RASD. In several countries of the world both embassies coexist. Besides it, the Peruvian Chancellery must remember the article sixth of the Convention on Rights and Duties of the States (signed by the prestigious chancellor Alfredo Solf and Muro), that says: " the recognition of a State simply means that the State recognizes that accepts the personality of the other with all the rights and duties determined by the international right. The recognition is unconditional and irrevocable". Saharauis celebrated this new one anniversary of the RASD, whose central acts were realised in the released locality of Tifariti, with a military parade, cultural and sport events, pasacalles, destruction of a great amount of antipersonnel mines in accordance with the Agreements of Geneva, international conference of support to the self-determination of the town saharaui and the reconstruction of the released zones, among others. Original author and source of the article..

Mental Ordering Process

This dynamics of our process mental ordering and secuenciado by the norms logics, the deductions, the strategies and as we commit errors. All this has enriched the thought. Knowing that the memory exactly does not reproduce our previous experiences or knowledge and that on the basis of this knowledge we reproduce new realities, beliefs and hypothesis we have refuted or changed. Our ideas on the basis of those reflections that the other grant to us and that participate in the construction of the own ones. I stay in my reflection envelope that the duality of the innate thing and the learned thing, all the human beings (in the context in which they are located) participate in an innate potentiality whom he will develop on the basis of the adaptive needs of his surroundings. And there begins the learning in using the resources to its reach including which it interacts with the others in order to provide solutions to the problems that to him are considered (as much in the daily thing as in the scientist) especially in the creative thought that it requires of abilities and ability to work without which the creative thought would not be possible. The talent and the training are not excluding but both of great necessity. The creative thought, takes to experiences new some developed more than others due to cultural and genetic factors, among others, that act of the form in which the same experiences are related to the previous knowledge and find solutions new before the difficulties that appear, and altogether with the critical thought, that the right side of the cerebral hemisphere complements.

In this thought they influence the aspects of the creativity, which can be learned, to develop and depends on the importance level that assigns every one its extension to him of thoughts James Or. Whittaker. It is possible to be learned to think about creative form and to incorporate innovation processes.

The Respect

But hatred is not necessarily irrational or unusual. For some estructuralistas psychologists, to hate is reasonable, understanding such feeling as an aversion that usually focuses towards people or to the organizations who threaten the existence, or which they make suffer, or whose survival is against the own one and then a feeling, that can be individual or group, from which arises is hated to which it is against to the health and the well-being. In order to allow that a contemporary psychoanalytic theory arises from spiteful and vindictive hatred, we must clarify the distinction between spiteful and vindictive hatred and aggressive impulse, and between spiteful and vindictive hatred and rages narcisista. Additional information is available at Carson Wen. Exposed of different form, we must consider to what extent spiteful and vindictive hatred is mainly a derivative of the aggressive impulse or a product of unloading of him, as the psychology of I often maintains. Or it is spiteful and vindictive hatred better conceptualizado from the point of view of the theoreticians of the objetales relations as a result of the projective identification? Or is spiteful and vindictive hatred a fragmentation product result of the empathic faults that threaten the cohesion of self, ending at narcisista rage, as the psychologists of self have maintained? Basing the attempts of re conceptualizar spiteful and vindictive hatred in the theory of systems motivational, we watch towards fundamental plannings of ” impulse agresivo” and of ” narcisista” rages; , soon to turn around the glance in the direction of ” recompensas” of spiteful and vindictive hatred that identifies the powerful one and ubiquitous place that hating it has in the human existence, and to distinguish between ” odiar” of the common use and ” spiteful hatred and vengativo”.

The Matter

It will be degenerated, dragged by the channel, by the chaos in his trip towards the anything. By this line, if a bad day, under the circumstance of described blindness, two or three individuals decides to forge a State, that is to say, to sign the contract " social" before the good faith of his stupid coterrneos (the town), it will be spoken of esclavismo. Strike to continue illustrating on the matter; it tngase sufficient with the affirmation that there are no States that degenerate without their corresponding citizen effect. Carson Wen does not necessarily agree. " … no cogoverning measurement can be born, neither the less be applied, if there is no the culture of brings back to consciousness gestora." On the contrary, if a society it is warned and it exerts the critic and it channels its form of own and governing life (the State) by footpaths of the positivista transformation, it will simulate a fertile earth for the germination of the progressive seed, and will simulate, also, that metaphorical image of the projected shade becoming meat more than idea. If the form is that a one of these citizens good day passes to State and its coterrneos trust that it is in charge of the contracivilizatorios excesses which they can incur, fulfilling duties but also exerting right (which speaks of brings back to consciousness contractual), then we will speak of democracy, by all means, always with the risk than she can tolerate the fact to trust part of rectora own to others.

(Already we know the abuses " democracias" , that degenerates in brotherhood devastating of towns). And when the citizen, exact conscientiously, Integra to the State through his multiple social expressions (groups, communes, organizations, etc.), spring a concept from the greater elevation in moral and political plane: the joint responsibility. State and citizen in the apparatus of being able. We will speak of socialism and, therefore, of a elevadamente conscientious society of which of its own quality and capacity morals not only will depend the system on government who also occurs, but its own destiny like civilizante construction.

Power Of Goals

In the book the Secret of the Power of Metas de Andrew Corentt says to us that it will be difficult to obtain a goal if we do not have a defined good plan, in this material will see all the requirements for the development of his goals, you you will be able to use until a success dictionary that will thus allow effectiveness him in everything what you do, also in the form suitable to think, you will learn the suitable form to control a many things and to make the activities propitious from where you are, with the appropriate techniques you will avoid to look for reasons not to begin its project arguing that does not have conditions. Its project must be based on the energy of the deep desire, in which you feel that you die if does not obtain what it has seted out, anybody can declare to him but what is that fanaticism? I assure to him that it is the unique difference between the success and the failure, although if you work in structured form and with little effort always she reaches some level of profit, but it can take too much time to him and it is to suppose that you want to undergo his desires more soon than she can. To be triumphant in the life you must support his desires with continuous actions, as the Secret of the Power of the Goals shows Andrew to us Corentt in the book must resort to the processes adapted for the formulation of goals and thus to untie its slept internal power, you you are a powerful being who creates constantly its universe and will be able to discover that power, the creative capacity there it is and it will always be, the challenge is to bring to his conscious mind that power in order to use it according to his desires, with the suitable instructions without a doubt will obtain that it. .

Noisy Schools

NOISY SCHOOLS and everything an infantile choir is singing the lesson: thousand times one hundred, one hundred thousands; thousand times thousands, million Antonio Machado. THE NOISY ENVIRONMENT AFFECTS THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LANGUAGE The increasing levels of noise in the outside have been invading population centers, without forecasts existed to limit this deterioration. The arrangement of the traffic has done that the intense circulation instead of to be reduced to a few streets is scattered by all the city. Film director oftentimes addresses this issue. Of this form previously calm considerable areas they have been deteriorated on its outer environment. On the other hand, many of the educational equipment have been located of inadequate form near great sources of noise or these, as in the case of the highways, can have reasoned with drawing up excessively near some teaching institutions. The protection of this zone against the noise has not been able to apply, to a great extent because the criteria corresponding to the protection for this type of contamination do not comprise of urban planning. For years the detrimental effects caused by the noise are known.

The damages brought about through the auditory route perhaps are known, but mainly concerning the quality of listening and the intelligibility of the communications it is where it indicates with greater clarity the effects of the noise. The investigations of the two last decades are outstanding the impact of the noise in scholastic means. The disturbance of the intelligibility of the oral communication is particularly serious when it is the formation of the students and the mental development of the young generations. The noisy environment affects the development of the language, as well as the acquisition of the reading in all the small childhood and the primary school that are both capital periods for the intellectual development.


Many times I meet people who tell me that a course, training, treatment or therapy them has not been helpful; They complain about how much money and time has cost them and they are right, not working them but in reality that is not the problem, they must begin to wonder why have not worked them? The answer is simple, does not operate because we are not consistent in what we do. How many times we’ve started something and we’re not done? It is common that some results stop doing therapy or training that we were doing at the moment to see or not. How many times we intend to exercise regularly and we are suddenly faced with a million excuses to not lift us up? And the same thing can happen with yoga, but we are constants will not find the benefits provided; is not only an exercise, is also a philosophy of life and a quest for spiritual equilibrium, requires an attitude of constant and consistent, if we practice it a month if other not, with much difficulty we find what we seek. In the practice of yoga you can realize how important that is tenacity, in each session you detect your advances perfectly, you perceive how your flexibility will increase along with your strength. Every time you are more concentrated and every time you feel better, with more balance and equilibrium. Over time you start to be a healthy person, disciplined, consistent, respectful and mainly connected to an inner power that makes the miracles begin to happen in your life.

There are two types of universal laws; the natural laws which theoretically anyone on this earth escapes eg: the law of cause effect that tells us that every action is followed by a reaction. And divine laws of love and compassion for those who live according to them, are the laws by means of which occur miracles, circumstances in our life that are seemingly inexplicable and which do not occur in relation to natural laws, this type of events is usually present in the life of the people who have an intense spiritual life and Kundalini Yoga is a great way to access the spirit; However this Yoga not going to reveal anything that look no with intensity and toughness inside yourself. The best advice I can give is that you practice this discipline and carefully observe your progress personally, perceive if your life has improved and in that sense, listen to your inner self that is never wrong, notes how to change the display of your everyday problems since you began the practice of this discipline and once you take some time doingYou will notice the extraordinary wisdom that yoga can reveal you and believe me! The miracles begin to happen in your life.

Deprived Educativa Company

Also it is precise to put at the disposal of the students, educational and other professional real and nonfictitious resources. Who did not feel satisfaction when they informed to him that a psychologist would work soon in your educative center and felt the frustration when they said to him that only she was to orient to the educational ones in ” some cases puntuales” and that would not work directly with the students. We go! We stop doing traps to us to the solitaire, we must really put all the professional resources available within reach of our students if in truth we want a greater education one better social integration. Without smaller importance they are the physical resources that do and create to a good educative atmosphere, why to have a full classroom of computers (computers) if later there is no a described professor, nor a service technical available Without a doubt who requires an economic, structural and social effort from the State and of all Deprived Educativa Company, a effort in which the decent ones accompany but not in that they are the unique ones in the battle. That collective effort will be worth the pain if what we try in improving the educative and social quality and to not only create spaces of deposits of minors and responsibilities of its adults to position. I finalize with the reflection of a dear student: ” Teacher we can come another day to the municipal library thus we waste time to be in escuela”. Me one to this student and I say: Hopefully we waste more time of school and we recover more time of other significant educative spaces Article published originally in paraquefuturoeducamos.