We saw in them, the principle, exactly a favorable situation, therefore to penetrate does not represent them any problem: it is enough to wait to the side of a road that one of them passes? passes many -, and to launch itself of head. Until it is very amused to roll in that enormous basculhante, that does not compel in them to any effort of mixing in them. Problem in this, is that almost never we obtain to leave from there before the drying the mass, and thousands of our pairs already had lost enclosed in the structures of bridges, the stone pavements, and the skyscrapers. For even more details, read what UNC Chapel Hill says on the issue. Few heroes who if had freed, of so rigid that they had become, do not possess any flexibility before the life, and have been nicknamed ‘ ‘ realidade’ lasts; ‘ , little thing or nothing being able to carry through of its potential. It has dreams exactly that already they had been put in ferventes metallic boilers, the example of a great dream, highest ideals and ccomplishing potential, name freedom, that finished metallized, immovable, in statue of the same name, without nothing of its work it could carry through, despite for many waited. Thus, Sir, is same our situation of extinguishing risk, therefore however he does not have mud, however a puddle is of pure sand, without any league, however the sun in does not dry We are without transforming in them into reality.
I know that as President it has, you all the authority to order to desasfaltar a little of barrentas lands, to diminish a little the mental pollution, to teach the children valuing in them, the dreams Finally, one remembers, Sir, who without us the world dies.