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Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance – a state characterized by a clash in the mind of the individual contradictory knowledge, beliefs, behaviors with respect to some object or phenomenon. The theory of cognitive dissonance – one of the "theories of compliance, based on assigning individual commitment to a connected and orderly perception of their relationship to the world. The concept of "cognitive dissonance" was first introduced by a student of Kurt Levin, Leon Festinger in 1956 to explain the changes, opinion as a way to resolve semantic conflicts. In the theory of cognitive dissonance is logically contradictory knowledge about the same subject ascribed status of motivation designed to ensure correct issues when confronted with contradictions discomfort due to changes in existing knowledge or attitudes. It is believed that there is a body of knowledge about objects and people, called the cognitive system, which may be varying degrees of complexity, consistency and coherence. The complexity of the cognitive system depends on the number and diversity included in her knowledge.

According to the classical definition of L. Festinger, cognitive dissonance – the discrepancy between the two cognitive elements (cognition) – thoughts, experiences, information, etc. – In which denial of one element follows from the existence of another, and the associated mismatch discomfort, in other words, a feeling of discomfort arises in a collision in the minds of logically contradictory knowledge one and the same phenomenon, event, object. The theory of cognitive dissonance describes how to resolve these contradictions, or smoothing, and describes how it makes people in typical cases.

Night Rest

' while the family of Guto if moved for another place where the favorable inspirer/was the water and shade of Nativas' Guto after to rest the afternoon, took off the Night to write on its first day, where it thanked that moment and anxiously it waited the morning to arrive to continue its day. To the Guto dawn it eats some fruits of its luggage and collects plus others of the forest where it rested during the night. After to walk to some time stops in one vilarejo and asks for food and drink, well is received and after to receive offerings continues the trip where it starts to perceive a climate and different vegetation which already had seen and in this place the Sun seemed to wait behind each hill that passed the peoples/tribes/huts/plants and animals were new for Guto, but for it that very glad age therefore seemed that it was each time more close to reaching its Objective. Guto already did not find a forest to rest and yes a cave where it passed three nights if feeding of fish, the Moon was full and Guto believed that Nomadic the full moon was Signal to rest to keep them energy, to feed itself and only to rest, but it wrote on those moments, detailing: places peoples and its proper State of Spirit something never written by its people. To the Guto dawn it continues its day, it had passed for places never imagined By it. To the dawn the Sky of apparent stars a drum sound clinked and gradual he was extended, infecting and from a vocabulary, language sound never heard by Guto, it was not moved away and nor if it intimidated witnessed if that ceremony, started to tell in its daily and without perceiving it was in the wheel if seating to the side of the experienced masters Uruc Gentlemen as it was called if it felt glad and at the same time instigated to continue following the Sun.

Biological Sciences

Name of science "anatomy" (humans, animals, plants) comes from the Greek word anatemno – cut, split, and its essence is to examine the structure of organisms and their organs by autopsy tissues. This refers to the science Biological Sciences, under the general term "morphology" (from the Greek. morpho – shape, logos – the doctrine). Morphology (term coined by the German poet and scientist Goethe in 1817) is not limited to ascertaining the details of the shape and structure of various body parts (normal, abnormal, ugly, etc.), obtained at different teaching levels (macroscopic, microscopic, cellular, molecular, etc.). It also clarifies the development of and the whole body under the influence of various factors (functional, climatic and geographical, etc.). It must be admitted that in the historic birth of many of the morphological sciences of anatomy was a priority, as a rule, significant.

In the late XIX – early XX century. separated morphology and developed a section of it – the evolutionary morphology, whose purpose is to study organisms and different organs in the ontogeny and phylogeny. Human anatomy as independent science for a long time (until the XIX century.) and remained mostly descriptive (hence, there was a descriptive anatomy), ie it was limited to the description, naming and classification of organs and systems. Long the duty of Anatomists was just learning a few man-averaged (excluding options) of the normal without pathological abnormalities of the human body (hence begins the normal anatomy.) In an era Renaissance and during all subsequent times to the present day world science has been enriched by the discoveries that explain not only certain things, but their origin and development.

Visema And Fonema In The Communication Of The Deaf Person

1 INTRODUCTION It is intended with this work, to study the main methods and used techniques of learning in the education of the carriers of auditory deficiency, as well as analyzing the options that educating makes use to make possible and to facilitate the learning of these deficient ones in Brazil. Had the certain degree of unfamiliarity it enters the professionals of the education with regard to this deficiency, was thought about carrying through a bibliographical study of form who if reach the excessively interested professionals who act in the education area and. The idea is the knowledge of methods and techniques, including the technologies favorable to this type of lack, so that they facilitate the learning of deficient the auditory ones, as well as knowing the types and levels of deafness of such deficient ones, and thus, detaching the alternatives that the professor makes use to work with them (carrying of auditory deficiency) ' ' The central question is to find a way of communication with the deaf person. The auditory canal it is insufficient or impracticable. It is necessary, therefore to meet ' ' paliativos' ' to this lack. This constitutes the first objective of the education of the deaf person. A choice of the ways is directly on to an underlying theoretical option, either this clearly express or no.' ' (Kozlowsky, 2000: p.2) The challenge is that an education directed toward the future is developed where the necessities of an interaction and inclusion with the different one are inserted in our realities, thus being, needs to develop abilities and to create ways so that the learning process also reaches these carriers of deficiency in such way that, the gaps are all filled of form to take care of to this public who is each almejante time of its rights. The fonolgica necessity if makes gift in the alfabetizao of these children so that they construct relations between visemas and its interaction with the way that is inserted either complete

Indiana University

Here I invite you to talk with God, but not in son’s complaint, get close to him as the father and friend. Tell him to show you what you have to do in your life. Remember Psalm 32: 8 I will make you understand and teach you straight 2. Guard your heart. The Bible teaches that life emanates from the heart. What’s in my heart? What you listen to most? What I see more? What is what most think? Thing that I hear, see or think is going to have much influence on my life and my attitude. A person who is exposed to bad news of insurance your mind, your emotions, his words and his body will be negatively affected. Beware of what you see or hear.

Especially beware of the complaint, we are very prone to complain and that comes from Adam who was the first who complained before God. When you complain you assume no responsibility and you become in the victim. And I tell you that no complaints like God, can not help people who assume responsibility for life. Caring for the heart is healthy for our life. Because of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Matthew 12: 34). If my heart is well I enjoy most in life! 3 Smile to life. When we become adults we become too serious for our own good, we laughed very little. It has said that children laugh about 400 times a day and adults only laugh 15 times a day.

Like children and laugh life need us. A study from Loma Linda University in California found that laughing changes blood chemistry, protects the body against disease and depression, as well as that stops the heart disease. On the other hand an Indiana University study revealed that laughter relaxes tense muscles, reduces the production of hormones that cause stress, lowers blood pressure, and helps to increase the absorption of oxygen in the blood. It also helps to burn calories because that we mobilise some 400 muscles of the body. The benefits of laughter are incredible. When was the last time you laughed? Perhaps you have time without laugh and today is a good day to return to laugh. And to laugh you must ask yourself what amuses me? What makes me laugh? What is it that puts a smile on my face? What me da pleasure? Once you identify it ask yourself that you need and then establishes the steps to achieve what you’re looking for. Likely to need the help of a coach to concentrate on the positive things in your life and regain the smile and the joy of living. The cheerful heart is good medicine, (Proverbs 17: 22) it’s time to laugh, and for this reason I invite you to go against the mirror and watching you for three minutes to laugh at yourself and look your best smile. At the end of laugh will find all persons to your around, your family and your work and are going to give your best smile, must be natural and spontaneous. The cheerful heart beautifies the face; (Proverbs 15: 13) through these 3 steps well simple you can recover the joy of your life and if you still need assistance let us contact us. Our purpose is that you can enjoy life to the Max, the life that Dios designed for you. If you are joy always be strong.

Latin Philosophers

It also had a poet of considerable merit called D. Great Ausnio. In the end of the century Emperor Teodsio strengtove itself to destroy the last remaining portions of the paganismo. But he had exception of two or three important names; now all the writers are Christian: Q. Aurlio Smaco and Amiano Marcelino. The grammarians had been: Serbian Mauro Honorato, T.

Claude Donato. The writers technician had been: Flvio Vegsimo Renato, P. Vegcio and Empirical Marcelo. In the end of the century, still among the heathen ones, Cludiano, Aviano, Martian Mineu Flix Capela and Macrbio Ambrsio Teodsio are distinguished. Among the Christian authors we detach: Ambrsio saint, Is Jernimo and the prominences of the time were: Turnio Rufino, Aurlio Clement Prudncio, Merpio Pncio Ancio Paolino and Severe Sulpcio. the great name was Aurlio Augustin. 4.5 LATIN LITERATURE AFTER the FALL OF ROME fifth perotaumdo of the Christian age it is characterized by the esfacelamento of the Empire of Ocidente. The provinces go falling in being able of the Barbarians.

Rome turns field invasion, until Odoacro, in 476 a.C assumes the government of Italy, the Latin language started to be said, spreading each time more, and the literature, cultivated until certain limit. Now the clergy privileged more the intellectual culture, giving total importance, therefore it served for its particular interests, assuming all the literary productions in theological character. Among the poets they are distinguished: Rutlio Numaciano, M. Claude Vitor, and Sedlio. Between the historians he was famous Pablo Orsio. Among theological and the moralistas ones we detach Prosperous of Aquitnia, and Pope Lion. Between the grammarians, Fbio Plancade Fulgncio, Ancio Mnlio Torquato Severino Bocio, Great Flix Endio, Prisciano, M. Aurlio Cassiodoro. The writers who had composed histories special had been: Gregorio de Tours, Venncio Fortunato, the Pope Gregorio and Isidoro of Seville. FINAL CONSIDERAES This article come in such a way to contribute for the educators and the people who if to make interested in the search of new knowledge so that let us can more good copreender the origin of Latin Literature, approaching the phases for which literature if desenvolvel, and its main poet of the time, ue trazian a differentiated literature on account of the new thinkers and theories, that belonged the definitive phase.


Wanting to impose on us is one of the main sources of tension, wanting to prevail our opinion, our approach, our way, our desires live flowing it is becoming every moment in what we do, is the authentic way of creating in which he spent a part of the result and the result of us. It is open a channel in our interior by which runs the subtle energy of inspiration and get to make our life a constant creative process. If something can begin to learn to live a relaxed, is cultivating the reflection. Superficiality, hurry, stress, instinctive reactions are part of everyday life, not however lead us to build solid internal Foundation. For relaxed living is fundamental? the instintivismo vitar and encourage contact with ourselves. Using the reflection we acquired a refinement, a psychological subtlety that will be reflected in the way we speak and behave and at the same time will give us a State of serenity that is indispensable to understand, OK, auto know us and ultimately leads to real change.

The person who is always tense and distraught creates in your psyche a restlessness, instability, anxiety. It becomes complicated, difficult, full of labyrinths and contradictory ideas because it is in a State of total disorganization psychological, has lost contact with itself and the self-regulating ability. The second aspect and a point crucial for relaxed living is to live with our mental calm Center. Most of the imbalances and tensions that are manifested in the physical body and emotional level come and feed on certain types of thoughts. No muscle tension without stress or anxiety, and without thoughts that feed the anguish no distressing situations. The same might say every one of negative emotions. We feel as we think and live what we feel. Education of our physical, and in particular movements, postures, words, gestures etc.