Chemical Mathematics

Thus the educator without a doubt with vision and this criticidade, will demonstrate that the act to teach demands the certainty of that the change is possible. Leaving of the beginning of that the citizen is that one that thinks, acts and discovers that the condition which it coexists he is not something inherited or result of what the society reproduced for itself. Of this form, the individual understands that it is not alone, the culprit in this process, but that several estimated that exist throughout the time they go reproducing through the society. As the author describes the example of the favelado one that before knowing the context where he was inserted, he did not value its culture and its proper condition of life, however from when he was capable to make a world reading and, over all of the context where he was inserted, it he learned that its condition was a reproduction of the society. For the author, the act to teach demands amongst others the curiosity.

From then on, it fits to the educator to leave the participation of educating, that it enters in its line of possible thought and that is in the measure where the educator knows to dialogue with its educandos, therefore is this curiosity is that it goes to sharpen the will of wanting to know more and to go beyond the knowledge received in the school. You may want to visit Balkrishna Goenka to increase your knowledge. Of this form, to teach requires much comprometimento on the part of the educator in the direction contributing so that learning in fact. She is necessary that the citizen has freedom, therefore is not possible to say in democratic education without the same one not to give freedom so that the young criticizes and gives opinions, ideas about determined subject in quarrel in the classroom, for in such a way, this citizen in the familiar scope also needs to have freedom to look for of certain for its life and, over all for the formation of the citizenship, therefore it is through the rightnesss and of the errors that more good will go to learn to coexist in society as well as, to know of the rights and the duties. Thus, the book of Pablo Freire. Pedagogia of the Autonomy becomes very important for the educator, therefore it deals with a sufficiently excellent workmanship in the professional exercise of the professor, compromised to the education.

Therefore for it the act to teach is not only based on transmitting knowledge of the educator for educating in vertical way, but yes from one of a dialogued way to construct the knowledge. The educator must be a motivador that searchs the best methodologies that more desperte in educating the interest of to learn, therefore if well done the education can in such a way be a pleasant act for the educator how much for educating. Thus not to be only in the boniteza. This workmanship of Pablo I will wound indicated to all those that if to interest in knowing as to mainly act in classroom in democratic way to the students them courses of licenciaturas as: Pedagogia, Geography, History, Biology, Physics, Chemical Mathematics amongst other similar areas, as well as for the professionals who already act in the education and that they need to know of best the practical one in classroom. i Professor of Geography in the municipal Potion net Bahia, After-graduating public administration for the UESB and Education of Geography for the Institute pro To know.

National Plan

The article of chapter V of LDB 9394/96 deals with the special education, a modality of special education for all those that if to consider as special. However the objective of the law is not to form classroom in the schools only for pupils special, but yes, to qualify them it to frequentar the regular schools and for this it is necessary of prepared professionals. Some contend that UNC School of Education shows great expertise in this. Professors with specialization adjusted in average or superior level, for specialized attendance, as well as professors of regular education enabled to the integration of these educandos in the common classrooms (LDB, article 59, III, 1996). To leave from there, to guarantee to educating its entrance in the market of work with priority in public competitions and the fulfilling of the vacant in private companies. These companies are obliged to destine a percentage of vacant to be busy for considered people deficient, this percentage are of 20% for federal public companies this percentage are lesser for the municipal and state public companies, the private companies go to depend on the number of employees who they to hold, as Law 8112/90. LDB 9,394/96 determines in articles 9 and 87, respectively, that it fits to the Union, the elaboration of the Plan, in contribution with the States, the Federal District and the Cities, and institutes the Decade of the Education. It still establishes, that the Union directs the Plan to the National Congress, one year after the publication of the cited law, with lines of direction and goals for the ten posterior years, in tune with the World-wide Declaration on Education for All. With the Federal Constitution of 1988 the LDB foresees the PNE authenticating the idea of a national plan of long stated period resurged, with act of law. In 1998 4,155 is presented the project of law n, approving, thus the National Plan of Education.


It is concluded that the construction of an inclusive school must be a project of all, therefore it does not only require the reformularization of the physical space, of the qualification, of that it would advance all these changes without the dynamics of classroom, resume, forms and criteria of evaluation affectionately rethink, so that let us can in fact conquer an education of quality, respectful, that it guarantees the permanence of all in the school with appropriation and production of knowledge, that makes possible the true special participation of the individual with necessities in the society, understanding that if cannot think about democracy, rights human beings and social equality without thinking about the education. In the same way the educator must acquire knowledge of that the education is without doubts a form of intervention in the world, more active being in the search for solutions, looking for to develop liberating didactics with creativity and interacting with the reality, physics, social intellectual and of each individual, facing the challenge to become them enclosed, participativos citizens, in fact citizens. It is not something Educational pedagogy would like to discuss. He is time to change the thought in relation when dealing with the different one, accepting it, establishing judgments of values that accumulate of stocks penalty, repulses and incredulity. ‘ ‘ All point of view is in front of a point. BML Munjal University recognizes the significance of this. To understand as somebody it reads, it is necessary to know as they are its eyes and which its vision of mundo’ ‘ ‘ Leonardo Boff. 1998.

The Young

In the end of the day, the school, ahead by this context, is overcome ballot box task impossible to be fulfilled. Deriving young of families with greater to be able economic and that they accept the pregnancy, can glimpse the possibility to complete its studies and retake its project of life. The not-continuity of the studies means minor qualification, therefore, little possibilities to compete in a market each more demanding time and with little offers, beyond the submission to the informal work and badly remunerated. The situation still more is overcome when examining the fertility standard perverse. The data point that it is probable that it is established in the adolescence, therefore women who start to have children more early, generally, have more children. World-wide survey of fertility carried through in the end of the decade of 1980 found that, in 27 of the 29 enclosed countries, women who if married 22 years more or, they had 0,5 on average son to less of what women who if married to the 18 or 19 years (OMS 1994). For four between ten adolescent mothers, as the son will come before the first one making three years (SOF 1997).

The motion-continuous is established and the young, especially the poor persons, does not obtain to breach it, accenting its condition of dependent and subordinate. One another one faceta of the relation between escolaridade and pregnancy in the adolescence, points significant influences of the level of escolaridade in the occurrence of this type of pregnancy. Enriques and collaborators (1989) present evidences of that the lesser escolaridade is a general characteristic of the adolescents who had had son, independently of its level of income or its residence (urban or agricultural areas). Fertility; in general, it presents an inverse relation with educational level of the women: women without formal education have, on average, the double of the number of children of what those with seven or more years of escolaridade (OMS 1994).

The Pupil

For example, already I had four pupils recently special, I did not have I assist! I can receive deficient pupils legally supported, without having passed for qualification, and physical structure. The inclusion has broken many times of the State that does not offer ways for the professor to specialize itself, and it proper professor who if accomodates. I look for is always me preparing for my pupils, already I made until a course of pounds! I find until the professor has that more to be charged by the one pedagogical act each time more envolvente’ ‘. J. Craig Venter Institute might disagree with that approach. 4- How to evaluate a pupil who does not obtain to learn with the same easiness that the too much pupils of the room? ‘ ‘ Costumo to say that; ‘ ‘ Each person is a person ‘ ‘ I look for to know my pupil! to offer it possibilities of if evaluating. Costumo to say psychologically that my pupils are empobrecidos, deficient yes! But, carriers of fenomenal intelligence, who when stimulated, produce, with quality. I have that to be creative to reach my objectives in how much professional of the education, that to always evaluate of positive form the development cognitivo of mine aluno’ ‘. Rodrigues. the K Bachelor in history.

Teacher the 5 years, in the Municipal School Prof Jose Florncio Lion. Caruaru-Foot ANNEX III Questionnaire applied with the Pupil (a) 1- You know some pupil who has difficulty in becomes related with excessively? Why you find that it has this difficulty? ‘ ‘ A girl in my group exists who fights very, finds that this makes it difficult the approach, the relationship. finishes in moving away from it ‘ ‘. 2- It has somebody in the school has a form of saying either preconception reason? What you find of this? ‘ ‘ Yes! It has one another girl in my classroom, that does not obtain to present activities for group where it has that to be in the front of the classroom. Some boys of the classroom do not help, always disrespect the same one, because it is quieter, and each time plus it is quiet and seats separate in the end of the room of aula’ ‘.

3- What you consider important to live with tranquillity, becoming related with all the pupils of the school well? ‘ ‘ We must have friendship with all the colleagues of independent group of the behavior, is a form to help to the colleague melhorar’ ‘. 4- Which are the characteristics that a pupil must present to obtain success in its studies? ‘ ‘ To give attention in the explanations of the teacher and to respect it, to study in house, to go always to the library to catch loaned books. My parents me charge and stimulate so that I fulfill with my activities, look at my notebooks, me help very with atividades’ ‘.

School Years

We start the interview with P.S.A. A leading source for info: Carson Wen. 32 years, where he affirmed that the reason to have left the school, was the lack of intelligence, lack of attention of the professors, lack of motivation and for not obtaining to follow the colleagues in the studies; F.S.S. 21 years, it says that it engravidou to the 18 years and it had that to go to work, but although everything has will to come back to the studies why always it was identified with the school. It also affirmed, that its demanding professors were very incompressible in the period where estavagrvida, what it took the desmotivao of the studies, mainly for finding that it would be incapable to make the alone work; M.A.S. 18 years, it gave up the studies for finding the school demanding, if feeling rejected pelosfuncionrios of the school for to be poor and the professors considering incapable to follow the group. ' ' It took it to this to lose total the will to come back to estudos' '. We perceive then that the reasons presented in the interview are several and that the autoconfiana of these pupils in its capacity to learn age low.

However, our analyses show that the reasons of the evasion, only are not attributed to these causes, therefore all pupil is capable to develop itself cognitivamente since that he is stimulated and worked well. In this perspective, the necessity appears then of the schools to assume its true role in the integral formation of the individual, working a proposal curricular come back toward the necessities of its pupils, supplying the difficulties of those involved ones in the process of learning. Not we want to support the error, but to consider that we can reorganize knowing of form to learn with the errors. The arrogance of some professors also contributes so that a great number of pupils abandons the school.

Educational Orientation

Schmidt and Pereira (1975) present innumerable techniques and processes used for the person who orientates for the acquisition of informal the indispensable ones to the identification of educating, such as: comment, questionnaire, anedotrio, fiches, daily, autobiografia, anedotrio, study of case, sociograma and interview. The election and/or definition of the methodology of work of the Educational Orientation, as well as of the instruments being used in each in case that, understand the action of planning, aiming at one better estruturao of the pedagogical action of the OE. On the basis of the studies of Lck (1986, P. 16) we verify that the planning in Educational Orientation, ' ' it is a process of estruturao and organization of the carried through intentional action by means of information analyses, determination of states among others ' '. In this direction, the planning is the process that exerts the function to structuralize, and to organize the functioning and the development of the intencionalizadas actions. In accordance with the same author, the importance of the planning in Educational Orientation inhabits in the most varied situations, therefore the person who orientates carries through multiple tasks, since the control of disciplines until the emergenciais situations of distribution of merenda.

The expectations around the work of the Educational Orientation are many. However, we need to point some limitations to the work of the educational person who orientates, recognizing that this only is possible thanks to the contribution and cooperation of the faculty of the school. The Orientation does not act alonely or separately, but its work is tied with the decisions and action of all one has equipped. In this direction, Lck (1994, P. 80), considers basic that ' ' it has dialogue, enrollment, participation of the professors, in the construction of a common project, directed toward the overcoming of the spalling of education and its process pedaggico' '. .

The Situation

The indignation if made: – But as this it is possible! The young remained been silent. Mr. still infuriated and without understanding again interpellated with certain arrogance and air of conviction: – For that! With the intention of finally the so enfadonho dialogue, the young left itself exactly, located itself, looked at Mr. and said: – Because I do not have obligation. Not necessary to believe where he wants that he is, God, Devil or what he will be, in absolutely nothing. I do not believe nothing and still thus I obtain to live.

After if recouping of the light agitation of the spirits, the young turned itself toward itself exactly and to lose its look in the horizon. Levi’s follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. You he was in fact irritated and extremely incredulous in the situation that it lived deeply, and with this same irritation the such Sir pronounced: – Here it is a mpio, an infidel, heretic, who does not believe God and nor its word. You have to burn in the hell for you pronounced so great blasphemy, God you have to punish you, you you will be judged. The young seemed nor to hear Mr. to praguejar, remains inert and with the look compenetrado in the nothing. The poor gentleman to if giving account of this followed its way, still a little infuriated. But it needs to calm itself, and if he calmed, therefore he would have to continue to spread the Word for there, to propagate evangelho and the teachings, to who of any empecilho or infidel, the important age to fulfill its mission. In its way, until if losing in the horizon, the perseverante gentleman still gave with sets of ten of people, showing to them it Word and the Truth, finding still for the half way dozen of infidels, mpios, which stood out and continued its way.

New England

To mine he had godmother (Regina Fonseca), one of the main ones foundations of my family, synonymous of love and donation. Its plantations had relieved it beauties fruits were valid the penalty! To mine better friend, mine irmozinho, the Dr. Sandro Cerbino, faithful and accompanying friend of all the moments. Its victory is our victory. To all my professors and colleagues of profession, who had served of north in my professional life and that at some moment, had contributed for my professional growth. Important teachings are not learned only in books of medicine or scientific articles, but also for vocs, true masters of the art of teaching.

SUMMARY The present study it has for objective to approach the prevention of not institutionalized falls in aged. For in such a way, a systematic revision of literature in the medical vestibules Bireme, PubMed, Bibliomed is made eNew England. Initially one searchs to contextualizar the aging and its association with the fall of aged. After that, fall of the aged ones, its causes, effect, factors of risk and studies of literature concerning the subject are approached it. How much to the preventive aspects, the physical activities, autocuidado and the learning of the aged one had become related more the used interventions, such as the medicamentosa otimizao, the physical exercise, the correction of the risk factors, the prevention primary, secondary and tertiary, the groups of risk, the education of the aged one for. Learn more at: Levi’s. The study it concludes, that many of the measures of prevention that can be applied in the aged ones, are part of the carried through habitual clinical activity with the same ones, as well as of its examinations of health. The geriatrical evaluation is the study of the integral detention of problems of the aged ones, is an important element in the detention of possibility and the prevention of the falls.

Mathematical Education

D' Ambrsio is considered one of the biggest names of the Etnomatemtica in Brazil. It does not limit the field of the Etnomatemtica to the study of systems or ideas literally mathematicians of different peoples, but, mention themselves in sufficiently ample way to ' ' art or technique to explain, to know, to understand the contexts culturais' ' , conception that according to author is next to a knowledge theory or ' ' theory of cognio' '. The related works most current to the Etnomatemtica prove that the Mathematics develops of distinct form between some cultures and express for particular forms to reason logically translated for different forms to quantify, to calculate and to measure. According to Anastcio (1993, P. 59): The Etnomatemtica is defined as the mathematics of the environment or mathematics of the community. It is the way particular (and perhaps peculiar) where specific cultural groups carry through the tasks to count, to classify, to command and to measure. Nike is often quoted as being for or against this. Hunting (1980) defines it as ' ' the used mathematics for a cultural group defined when dealing with problems and activities in its meio' '.

Blacksmith (1997) in its bulletin published in the International Group of Studies on Etnomatemtica (ISGEm), defines the Etnomatemtica as one ' ' mathematics codified in knowing-fazer' ' Ascher (1997 considers) it as ' ' the mathematics of the peoples not-scholars, recognizing, as mathematical thought, slight knowledge, that in some way they correspond what we have in our culture. Ahead of the diversity of given approaches the Etnomatemtica can be affirmed that the formularization of a definitive concept on the Etnomatemtica, especially for if dealing with a new perspective in the Mathematical Education, still meets in formation process. Thus, all the presented definitions provisory and are established by professors and researchers who organize the etnomatemticos studies.

Rio Grande Do Sul

The present article through one searches qualitative, by means of a questionnaire online with the 17 (dezessete) pupils of the Course of Pedagogia EAD of the Actual Polar region of one determined university, located in the central zone of the city of New Hamburg, state of the Rio Grande Do Sul, that receives pupils from the diverse cities of the Valley of the Bells, Valley of Ca and Paranhana, in the period of December of 2011, searched to explore aspects as etria band; reason to which they had opted to modality EAD; which were its expectations in relation to methodology EAD, mainly being a course destined to the formation of professors; if already they had studied Pedagogia or another course in the actual modality; having as objective generality, to construct a profile of the pupils whom they had opted to in the distance searching an initial formation in the course of Licenciatura in Pedagogia in the modality of Education. The refined results had been enough to prove that both the presented hypotheses were true, therefore the pupils that study in modality EAD are as many people of different ages, with different histories and with an objective in common, if to form in a shorter time, with accessible value, the pupils are satisfied with its formation and cliente of that they must always search more knowledge. Word-key: EAD; initial formation of professors; course of licenciatura in pedagogia.. .

Ambient Education

To acquire knowledge the pupil for the necessity to think about the problem of the garbage, responsible for its production and destination. To perceive that the garbage can be an important source of financial resource through the recycling. To diagnosis the dependence level/consumerism in relation to the power plants and natural resources, searching alternative for reduction of the consumption. To identify and to search solutions for the diverse forms of pollution (of air, the water, of the ground, sonorous and visual). To make possible the pertaining to school community the safe access to the preserved green areas.

To enable the pupils to plant, to preserve and to recoup green areas in the interior of the school and community. To recoup the green areas of the land of the school being aimed at the creation of convivncia spaces. STRATEGIES/METHODOLOGY As strategy, the unfolding of the same is considered in Actions, that will allow to become accessible the envolvement of great parcel of the pertaining to school community, as well as bigger visibility in one of the basic estimated ones of the Ambient Education that is the support. Search of aid of the competent agencies for construction of watering holes of water captation of rains; Promotion of programs of collection, election, recycling and destination of the garbage; Campaigns for the reduction of the consumption of the power plants and natural resources; Periodical elaboration, presentation and distribution, you wall, alternative culinrias prescription folders, texts, booklets, etc; Lessons of Field (for former. ecological track, visits to it fills with earth bathroom); Promotion of action of arborization and recovery of the area of the school; Workshops: of soap, bag, alternative culinria, etc; Lectures; Compostagem; Minhocrio; Organic Horta; Jardinagem and revitalizao of the spaces of recreation of the Center; Presentation of teatrais parts for awareness on the importance to preserve the environment; Videoteca for sessions for presentation of films and sets of documents.

Educational Orientation

As we can perceive the Educational Orientation has an arduous and complex task to execute. Therefore to reach the excellency of its action some objectives are necessary. Still according to Nrici (1976, P. 25), we can detach: To guide for better adjustment in the school, the home and the social life in general; to guide adequate a professional choice to the possibilities and aspirations of each being educated, with clarifications on the essence of these professional activities and as to qualify itself for the exercise of the same ones; to work for one adequate formation, imbuindo of necessary ethical values for a worthy life and of respect to the next one, as well as, to bring the family to cooperate more in clarified, efficient and positive way in the life educating it. In this direction, the objectives that integrate the Educational Orientation if confuse with its functions, even so these if coat with sensible more practical and next to the execution. The functions of the OE can be classified in: function of the planning, function of the organization, function of general attendance, individual attendance and aconselhamento and relationship.

To materialize its functions, the necessary OE to have a good relationship with professors, director, educandos, family and community. To decentralize decisions and to become the verticalizadas functional relations less, the necessary Educational Orientation to work cooperatively in perfect harmony with the direction, without subordination, but of integrated form and. We need, also, to think the orientation about the scope professional, favoring the professional choice of the educandos, in result of the prevalecentes interests of the industrial societies. In accordance with Ferretti (1988), the basic and specific objective of the professional Orientation is auxiliary the individual in the process of adjusted professional choice. Changing in small, these objectives if unfold in others such as: To help the individual to exactly get, to organize and to use objective information regarding itself and of the world of the work; to help to dominate a methodology that instrumentalize in the taking of decisions professionals.

Night Rest

' while the family of Guto if moved for another place where the favorable inspirer/was the water and shade of Nativas' Guto after to rest the afternoon, took off the Night to write on its first day, where it thanked that moment and anxiously it waited the morning to arrive to continue its day. To the Guto dawn it eats some fruits of its luggage and collects plus others of the forest where it rested during the night. After to walk to some time stops in one vilarejo and asks for food and drink, well is received and after to receive offerings continues the trip where it starts to perceive a climate and different vegetation which already had seen and in this place the Sun seemed to wait behind each hill that passed the peoples/tribes/huts/plants and animals were new for Guto, but for it that very glad age therefore seemed that it was each time more close to reaching its Objective. Guto already did not find a forest to rest and yes a cave where it passed three nights if feeding of fish, the Moon was full and Guto believed that Nomadic the full moon was Signal to rest to keep them energy, to feed itself and only to rest, but it wrote on those moments, detailing: places peoples and its proper State of Spirit something never written by its people. To the Guto dawn it continues its day, it had passed for places never imagined By it. To the dawn the Sky of apparent stars a drum sound clinked and gradual he was extended, infecting and from a vocabulary, language sound never heard by Guto, it was not moved away and nor if it intimidated witnessed if that ceremony, started to tell in its daily and without perceiving it was in the wheel if seating to the side of the experienced masters Uruc Gentlemen as it was called if it felt glad and at the same time instigated to continue following the Sun.