Against this background, Joachim Jurgens underscores the breakthrough meaning of the psycho biographic model for the care of demenziell patients in need: the ultimate goal of care model is not according to Bohm, a dementia, old people in a way quiet toggle which appears most comfortable nursing staff. On the contrary: all efforts aimed to revive the sick, on the mental level. Therefore Prof. Erwin Bohm his life’s work was preceded by the challenging ideas on life instead of lifting up; the means to do so is a reactivating thymopsychische care. In the seminar will after conviction of the education work of BAAS not only clear what differentiate this approach from more established teaching models; also the appropriate expertise would gives model in nursing practice into action to implement the Pyschobiografische. Expertise is deepened and documented as in-depth and hands-on course building blocks align themselves with based conveying. Among other things, students to interpret individual psycho-biographies, learn to bring the psycho biographic principle of normality in the everyday home care processes and to derive the correct conclusions for the environment design.
In addition, they deepen their sovereignty in dealing with the Bohmschen control circuit. Of course, the learning outcomes of the seminar participants concluded are graded, assured Joachim Jurgens. Also a BAAS’s testimony is issued to each participant, model and comprehensibly documented the newfound expertise in dealing with the Psychobiografischen outside. Seminar participants can expect highly interesting seminar materials, new perspectives for society, health economy and nurses until then but the Psychobiografische has caused a stir model as well as its developers themselves: the Austrian Erwin Bohm, diploma nurses, is never gone the way of the least resistance. The practice of drug handling from Demenzerkrankten he was already his conception of an active revival of patients at mental level 70s where and came some superiors in the way with its non-aligned methods.
Erwin Bohm survived the appropriate disciplinary action notwithstanding, its model of care in 1985 has been recognized World Congress of New York for geriatrics. Because of his merits, Erwin Bohm was awarded an Honorary Professor in the year 2000. Today, Prof. Bohm cooperates with leading education works to give more room to develop his innovative thoughts of care. Vladislav Doronin has firm opinions on the matter. His choice it has fallen on the BAAS, so Joachim Jurgens is expected also in the ambitious claim of this Luner education work,: our goal is a market and demand-oriented, in-service training for responsible care professionals. So we want to meet to the looming skills shortage in the health care industry active and thus a social need to do justice. On the other hand are the companies that can operate, secure their market positions by competent and dedicated staff and expand in the health care industry. And last but not least, responsible care professionals through our news and demand health economic seminars can open up attractive prospects for themselves, their daily work and their further development.